Noncommunicable Diseases

Disease of the pancreas: menu, diet, what you can eat

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1 Mechanism of Influencing the Inflammatory Process

In order to understand the role that a diet plays in a disease, it is necessary to consider why pancreatic pathologies occur.

Do you have gastritis?

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The functions of the body cause the normal life of the body: the digestive juices secreted by the pancreas, promote the splitting of food into basic components and their transformation into simple compounds. Then the compounds enter the bloodstream and are carried by other systems and organs.

Picture 1

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with

  • What to do if the pancreas aches
  • Symptoms of perforated gastric ulcer and duodenum
  • Effective treatment of chronic pancreatitis with medicines
  • Effective remedy for gastritis and stomach ulcer

Thus, it should be considered that the pathological process in the pancreas leads to quite seriousconsequences - violations of the circulation of substances, which can affect not only the digestive system, but the whole body as a whole.

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The diet for diseases of the pancreas is aimed at reducing the production of enzymatic substances, which, as a rule, accompanies all pathologies of the digestive system. Observance of a strict and sparing diet should first of all exclude the factors that provoked the inflammatory process.

These are: addiction to alcoholic beverages, abuse of fatty, coarse food and sweets, etc. Under the influence of harmful substances, the body does not have time to throw enzymes into the duodenum and instead of digesting food, they begin to digest the gland itself. There is acute inflammation, which claims a strong pain syndrome.

The use of a diet for pain in the pancreas can significantly improve the condition and exclude the possibility of repeated attacks. It is at this stage that the body needs to exclude products that require an increased amount of enzymes for cleavage and which can irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa.

The products used in the patient's diet should be as simple as possible. They are used in boiled or cooked steamed.

2 Menu in the acute period of the disease

A sick pancreas needs hunger. In case of seizures, only drinking is allowed: it can be any mineral water( Narzan, Borjomi, etc.) in the amount of about 5-6 glasses. The liquid slows the process of production and release of digestive enzymes into the lumen of the duodenum, as a result of which the pain syndrome decreases, and harmful toxins are eliminated from the body naturally.

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In the first 2 days after the attack, the patient also receives fasting. He can drink mineral water or a broth of a dogrose - no more than 5 glasses in day. On the third day food is allowed. Typically, it should be low-calorie foods, prepared without salt and sugar, ground or rubbed through a sieve.

Picture 2

Without fear you can eat:

  • boiled soups with any croup, except millet;
  • low-fat meat and poultry dishes( without skins);
  • low-fat fish dishes;
  • eggs cooked soft-boiled, or steamed omelettes( up to 2 eggs a day);
  • curd freshly brewed or steam casseroles and puddings;
  • vegetables, wiped through a sieve or blender;
  • baked apples( except antonovki);
  • wrapping drinks from fruits on sorbitol or xylitol, compotes.

Mineral water, broths of dogrose, not strong tea can be used.

With pancreatic pathologies during the relapse period, the use of

  • of strong broths( both meat and vegetable) should be completely ruled out;
  • of fatty varieties of poultry, meat and fish;
  • onion, cabbage, radishes, turnips, sorrel, spinach, green salad, rutabaga in raw form;
  • bread made from rye flour;
  • spirits;
  • chocolate and oil cream;
  • fruit with high glucose content;
  • mushrooms in any form;
  • baking;
  • soda;
  • spice. .
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It is necessary to completely exclude smoked products, canned food and pickles, fried and fried dishes. Eat often, at least 5 times a day, in small portions. It is advisable to observe the regime of the day and to eat every day at the same time.

3 Useful recommendations

The approximate menu of a person with acute pancreatic pathologies is as follows:

  • breakfast( 7.00-7.30): oatmeal in milk, boiled beef, not strong tea;
  • second breakfast( 9.00-9.30): baked apple, omelet, broth of hips;
  • lunch( 12.00-13.00): soup with vegetables on water or a weak vegetable broth, soufflé from low-fat beef, pasta, compote, jelly from sweet berries without sugar;
  • afternoon snack( 16.00-16.30): fresh home-made cottage cheese, tea;
  • dinner( 20.00-20.30): fish souffle, tea.

Picture 3

The nutritional intake of food consumed per day should be about 2,480 kcal. In this diet for pancreatic diseases daily should include:

  • 90 g of protein( of which 40% - of animal origin);
  • 80 g total fats( of which 50% - vegetable);
  • 300 g of carbohydrates( of which 1/5 part - easily digestible).


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Before going to bed to activate the digestive process it is recommended to use laxatives - curdled milk, kefir, etc.

Diet for pancreatic disease at the stage of relapse should be observed for at least 6 months. Usually, doctors recommend adhering to a diet for up to 1 year. If the pancreas hurts, even small errors in nutrition can immediately affect the health of a sick person.

4 Chronic course of the disease

Regular adherence to the diet for the pancreas in chronic course of pancreatitis and other pathologies is a full-fledged medical factor completely excluding the progression of the disease and the development of complications.

In chronic problems with the pancreas, therapeutic nutrition allows the use of a limited amount of fats, but from easily digestible carbohydrates( sugar, honey, etc.) must be completely abandoned.

What can I eat? The list of products recommended for use in acute pancreatitis should be supplemented:

  • with bread and bread products( dried or yesterday's baked goods);
  • unsweetened biscuits;
  • vegetable soups with the addition of a spoon of sour cream or vegetable oil;
  • with hard cheeses( Dutch, Russian);
  • with a small amount of unsalted butter or vegetable refined oil;
  • homemade noodles or pasta( only boiled on water);
  • with raw apples of sweet varieties;
  • with berry or fruit juices without adding sugar;
  • broths of black currant berries.


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Picture 4

It is strictly forbidden to use pork, lamb, sausage, caviar, strong tea or coffee for cooking. As it is sad for women, but you should completely abandon the use of chocolate, ice cream and other sweets.

For the competent compliance with the diet for the pancreas, it is not recommended to use legumes, sour fruits, vegetables and berries( cranberries, cowberries, etc.) in the diet, overly hot and cold dishes. It should be noted that such a diet will not be respected throughout life, the main thing is to achieve with it a full and speedy recovery( in fact, this is what the therapeutic diet is designed for).Then it will be possible to make some indulgences in the diet, having allowed yourself in reasonable quantities your favorite dishes.

Approximate characteristics of diet and diet.

In case of pancreatic pathologies in chronic form, doctors recommend to include in the diet not only foods with a high protein content, but also sources of fats necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Thus, the diet should include:

  • fatty foods in the form of oils;
  • complex carbohydrates contained in cereals;
  • minimum amount of sugar and salt.

Substances that irritate the mucous membranes of the digestive system( vinegar, alcohol, spices) must be completely excluded. In the menu you can include boiled, stewed, baked or cooked in a double boiler. In this case, the food can be either wiped or whole.

The daily regimen should include frequent meals( at least 4-6 times a day).It is required to watch that the food was warm: it is inadmissible to use too hot or cold dishes. The approximate food temperature should be equal to 60 ° C.

The daily diet should include:

  • 120 g protein( of which 1/3 part is of animal origin);
  • 90 g of fats( of which 30% are vegetable);
  • 350 g of carbohydrates( of which 1/6 part are easily digestible).

The total nutritional value is about 2690 kcal.

5 Dishes with pancreatitis

The menu of a person who has pancreatitis or has other pancreatic pathologies should include meals that will ideally match the recommendations for therapeutic nutrition.

Such a dish is, for example, kelly boiled fish. For their preparation, they will require:

  • 300 g of lean fish fillets( cod, pike perch, etc.);
  • 2 pieces of white bread;
  • 1/4 cup of milk;
  • 1 small onion;
  • 1 fresh egg;
  • ¼ tsp.salt.

Fish fillets and onions are ground in a meat grinder, then white bread soaked in milk is added to them. The mass is rubbed through a sieve, an egg is added to it.1 liter of water is poured into a saucepan and brought to a boil on fire. After boiling the water, kneads formed with two tablespoons are lowered into it( 1 spoon is minced and 2 spoons carefully remove its excess, forming a rounded shape).

Picture 5

The intensity of the fire is reduced and cooked for about 25 minutes. This dish can be served with vegetable soup, with a garnish of vegetables, pasta or cereals.

Also in the menu you can turn on useful pastries - dietary cookies with pumpkin. For the preparation of cookies, take:

  • 150 ml of natural yogurt;
  • ½ cup grated pumpkin( can be boiled in the microwave for 7-10 minutes);
  • 6 pcs.dried dried apricots;
  • 2 tbsp.l.pumpkin seed;
  • 2 tbsp.l.sesame;
  • 1 tsp.baking powder;
  • ½ cup of flour;
  • 1 cup oatmeal.

Yogurt is mixed with fructose and pumpkin, then the rest of the ingredients are added. The dough is kneaded to a homogeneous state. The baking sheet is smeared with vegetable oil, and pieces of dough, formed in the form of circles with a diameter of 5-6 cm, are laid on it. The pan is placed in an oven heated to 180 ° C and baked for 20 minutes.

You can also prepare a vegetarian soup, which includes:

  • 450 ml of vegetable decoction;
  • 140 g of potatoes;
  • 31 g of carrot;
  • 29 g of tomatoes;
  • 12 g of onions;
  • 7 g of parsley root;
  • 10 g of butter;
  • a pinch of salt.

Carrots, onion and parsley finely chop and boil in butter until softened, then pour broth, add the remaining vegetables and cook until ready for about 20 minutes. Finished dish sprinkled with dill or parsley. You can fill soup 1 tbsp.l.low-fat sour cream.

If you adhere to the basics of therapeutic nutrition, recommended for pancreatitis and other pancreatic diseases, the condition of the body will improve significantly, its functions will be restored. And this means that the disease will recede, and the pain syndrome will not manifest after every violation of the diet. The main thing here is to follow the doctor's recommendations and treat your own organism with love.

  • 1 Mechanism for the effects of the inflammatory process
  • 2 Menu in the acute period of the disease
  • 3 Useful recommendations
  • 4 Chronic course of the disease
  • 5 Dishes with pancreatitis

Improper diet can trigger an exacerbation of pancreatitis. If the pancreas is inflamed, the diet will be the main measure aimed at reducing symptoms and reducing the risks of the pathological process. In this case it is a necessary method, significantly speeding up not only the restoration of the body, but also the overall process of treatment.

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