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What are the symptoms of iron deficiency in the human body?

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lack of iron

Contents of the page

  • 1 Why does the body need iron?
  • 2 How much iron should be in the body?
  • 3 Causes of iron deficiency
  • 4 What is the danger of a lack of iron in the body?
  • 5 What should I do?

The lack of iron in the body of women and men immediately affects the general condition and well-being, because this microelement plays an important role, being present in blood cells, liver, muscle tissue, bone marrow, spleen, participating in the formation of hormones by the thyroid and other biological processes.

It is useful to know
According to medical statistics, about a quarter of the world's population suffers from iron deficiency anemia, most of those who are affected by this ailment are women and children. Lack of this element inevitably leads to hypoxia, that is, oxygen starvation of organs and tissues and disruption of the functions of vital body systems.

Why does the body need iron?

lack of iron

Iron( Fe ) is one of the basic microelements necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Iron molecules are part of hemoglobin, a special protein of blood, responsible for delivering oxygen to organs and tissues and removing carbon dioxide from them. Without this element, the erythrocytes can not function, so the body tissues will suffer from hypoxia( oxygen starvation).This immediately has a very negative impact on overall health, and most of all from lack of oxygen, the most important organs - the brain and heart - will suffer.

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It is iron that is responsible for ensuring systemic and cellular metabolism and tissue saturation with oxygen. Fe molecules are part of the red blood cells( erythrocytes), present in the cells of the liver, bone marrow, and muscle tissue and are directly involved in many internal processes. An important microelement is involved in the metabolism, the destruction of harmful products of peroxidation, without it the normal functioning of the liver and immune system is impossible.

Iron( Ferrum) supports the hormonal balance in the body, binds and removes free radicals that accelerate aging, contributes to the formation of neural connections in the nervous system and the unobstructed carrying out of impulses from the brain.

Normal level Fe supports the skin and muscles in good condition, provides endurance at physical exertion, allows to resist daily stresses and depressive conditions.

The role of iron in the body can not be overestimated, which is why its shortage immediately affects the general state of health and causes the development of iron deficiency anemia and other pathologies.

How much iron should be in the body?

lack of iron

The rate of iron depends on the age and sex of the person. On average, its content should be as follows:

  • for children from birth to 2 years - from 7.5 to 18.5 μmol / l;
  • for children from 2 years to 14 years - from 10 to 22.5 μmol / l;
  • for adult women - from 12 to 32.5 μmol / l;
  • for adult men - from 10.5 to 30.5 μmol / l.

Every day in the human body, on average, from 15 to 20 mg of iron. This is very important, since iron in the human body is an expendable material. For example, the life span of erythrocyte - from 3.5 to 4 months, after which the cell dies. The process of death and, accordingly, the regeneration of cells in tissues and organs is constantly, and it requires iron.

Unfortunately, our body can not independently synthesize Ferrum, but receives it only from the external environment, with food. Therefore it is very important to adhere to a balanced diet that allows you to get the necessary rate of an essential trace element.

Causes of iron deficiency

The causes of iron deficiency most often lie in unbalanced nutrition, adherence to rigid diets, hormonal failures. To provoke a similar condition diseases of the digestive system( gastritis, peptic ulcer disease), pathologies of internal organs( pancreatitis, enterocolitis, dysbacteriosis) or a lack of vitamins C and B12, which help assimilation of ferrum.

Sometimes the cause of iron deficiency in the body is extensive blood loss due to trauma, internal bleeding, profuse menstruation in women or too frequent a procedure of donation. In some cases, worm infestations or oncological diseases become a provoking factor.

Signs of lack of iron

lack of iron

In addition to the blood test, which accurately diagnoses the amount of iron in the human body, there are certain signs that allow you to suspect a micronutrient deficiency without a medical examination.

Symptoms of iron deficiency in the human body are as follows:

  • pallor of the skin;
  • sensation of constant shortage of air, in some cases - attacks of suffocation, without objective reasons for this;
  • frequent increase in heart rate, the feeling that "the heart is about to jump out of the chest";
  • migraine and dizziness;
  • rapid onset of fatigue, fatigue and irritability;
  • sleep disorders - both difficulties in falling asleep, and the inability to get up in the morning, the feeling of a constant lack of sleep;
  • serious violations of appetite and taste preferences - a constant desire for acute and heavy food, pickles, marinades, acetic brines, sometimes - chalk or clay;
  • dry mouth, cracks in the corners of the lips, the inability to eat dry food without drinking liquids;
  • delamination and brittle nails, peeling of the skin, hair loss;
  • increased excitability, depressive states;
  • decreased immunity, frequent infectious diseases.

As a rule, pregnant women, professional sportsmen, experiencing high physical exertion, as well as children and adolescents in the period of intensive growth of the organism, are at a risk of developing iron deficiency anemia. It is these categories of the population that need laboratory monitoring of the level of hemoglobin in the blood and when confirming its decrease, in obtaining timely treatment.

Signs of excess iron

Although the role of iron is extremely important for human health, its overabundance is not less harmful than the defect. Here is how the overestimated trace element level appears in the body:

  • skin and mucous membranes acquire icteric tint;The
  • person feels constant itching;
  • shows an increase in liver size and a violation of its detoxification functions;
  • there is a loss of total weight, a person quickly loses weight;
  • the inflow of forces changes suddenly by a fit of weakness and vice versa;
  • has cardiac rhythm disturbances;
  • there are pigmented spots on the palms, under the armpits.

Similar symptoms occur infrequently and accompany certain diseases associated with impaired iron metabolism or are noted in people with chronic alcoholism. Excess Fe is dangerous, as it can be accompanied by impaired brain function and damage to liver and kidney tissues.

What is the danger of a lack of iron in the body?


What causes the lack of iron in the body of everything is clear, but if timely measures are not taken to replenish the level of this trace element in the blood, serious diseases develop, including:

  • iron deficiency anemia;
  • heart failure;
  • arrhythmia;
  • impaired brain activity, until the death of its cells;
  • recurrence of infectious diseases, due to decreased immunity;
  • memory attenuation;
  • premature skin aging;
  • depression.

This is not all the consequences, which lead to iron deficiency in the body, but these conditions with iron deficiency develop most often.

What should I do?

Before deciding how to make up the iron in the body, you first need to find out how significant its shortage is. In some cases, it is enough just to change the diet to eliminate imbalances, in other, more complex situations, vitamin complexes and medication are required. This can be, as an injection of special drugs or their reception in the form of tablets.


When confirming the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe medications that restore the required level of iron in the blood. These can be:

  • Actyferrin;
  • Sorbifer durules;
  • Ferrum Lek;
  • Totem:
  • Ferroplex;
  • Gemostimulin.

Because these medications have certain contraindications to taking and can cause unwanted side reactions, they should be taken at the doctor's prescription and under his supervision. In the process of therapy, the patient is required to prescribe the intake of ascorbic acid and digestive enzymes( pancreatin), which will promote better assimilation of iron and help protect the digestive tract from the irritating effect of chemical components. The duration of treatment with drugs containing Fe is at least 2 months.

Vitamin preparations

How to take vitamins correctly

In most cases, to supplement iron, it is enough to take vitamin complexes containing this trace element. The most popular and common ones are:

  • Multi-Tabs - contains 14 mg of Fe ;
  • Alpha-Classic - 14 mg of iron;
  • Complivit Iron - 15 mg;
  • Vitrum-18 mg;
  • Centrum from A to Zn is also 18 mg;
  • Teravit - contains 27 mg, it is recommended with a significant daily loss of iron and its complete absence in the products of the daily diet;
  • ElevitPnatal - contains 60mg Fe , recommended for severe iron deficiency and during pregnancy;
  • Vitacap - 50mg Fe , recommended for pregnant women and with heavy menstruation.

The use of vitamin complexes is very convenient, primarily because their composition is balanced so that the iron is fully absorbed. Secondly, the use of such drugs allows you not to care about the selection of food products with a high content of this trace element, which is extremely important, for example, for residents of the Far North.

Before buying vitamins, you should first consult with your doctor to find the best match for your individual needs.

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Minor lack of iron, or its lack in a child, can be completely eliminated by a competent diet. Of all foods, the liver contains the richest iron content. The most easily assimilated iron is found in the pig liver, then the digestibility of the liver is chicken, veal, beef, and so on.

In addition to the liver, the following products with iron content( per 100 grams) should be present in the diet:

  • tongue( beef, pork) - up to 5 mg;
  • lamb - up to 3 mg;
  • eggs - up to 2.5-3 mg;
  • meat, like pork, and any other - from 1.6 to 3 mg;
  • chicken - up to 1.5 mg;
  • curd - from 0.4 to 1 mg;
  • apples - from 2 to 3 mg;
  • strawberries - from 0,2 to 2,6 mg;
  • black currant from 1 to 2.3 mg;
  • gooseberry - from 1.2 to 2 mg;
  • rose hips;
  • beet - from 1.5 to 2.3 mg;
  • beans - from 10.1 to 23 mg;
  • lentils - 6 to 8 mg;
  • pumpkin - from 11 to 16 mg.

These are the main suppliers of iron in the body, from which this trace element is most easily and fully absorbed. Of course, the list of products is much broader, but it is the main suppliers of the element necessary for health in the body. However, despite the fact that the iron content in 100 grams of products is impressive, with the heat treatment( for example, when cooking meat), this figure will decrease. In addition, the assimilation of iron from food fluctuates at the level of 60-80 percent of its general content. Accordingly, the products carrying this element in their composition, should be in the diet as much as possible.

A lot of iron is found in dry hips, garnets, blueberries, green vegetables, apples, pears. But it is worth considering that the ferrum from the products of plant origin is digested worse. To raise the percentage of iron digestibility, it is necessary to combine the products of animal and vegetable origin. Most quickly this process occurs when enriching the food with vitamins B12, C, succinic acid.

Do not underestimate the role of iron in human health, it is one of the most important elements that ensure a normal life, therefore, with the slightest suspicion of its lack, it makes sense to pass special tests and, if necessary, to balance nutrition or, to start taking vitamins.

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