
Hygroma of the finger is not a sentence - effective methods of treatment and photo pathology

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Swelling of the finger The hygroma or tendon ganglion is the neoplasm of the benign nature of , in the form of a bulge that is formed from the articular membranes. This pathology can appear in any joint where there are connective tissues.

Often it occurs on the finger. The area of ​​the localization of the hygroma is the articular bag and the tendon vagina.

Article Contents

  • Causes
  • Symptoms and Diagnosis of the disease
  • Conservative treatment
    • Puncture subcutaneous capsule - puncture
    • capsule Crushing
  • Surgery
  • laser evaporation
  • Traditional methods
  • Preventive measures
  • Video: What is the hygroma on hand


reasons thatcontribute to the development of hygroma to this day are not exactly identified. Doctors-traumatologists assure that there are many reasons:

  • heredity - this factor is 50% of the probability of hygroma on the finger;
  • single injury - can cause the formation in 30%;
  • repeated injuries and the constant stress of the injured area is almost an undeniable fact of the appearance of pathology.
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The paradox of this education is that it is much easier to get it in youth( 20-30 years) than in old age. And men are prone to this pathology in, three times less than women.

Symptoms and Diagnosis of the Disease

The main symptom of the disease is the appearance of a tumor-like formation in the area of ​​the joint position on the finger. Sometimes the pathology can appear suddenly and within a couple of days, reach a diameter of 1.5-2 cm.

In other cases, it grows slowly and does not cause any concern. However, basically the hygroma on the finger is quite painful( when pressing) and looks ugly, which causes discomfort to its owner.

If this formation was seen on the finger, should consult a doctor to exclude a malignant tumor, which only a specialist can do after examination and diagnostic examination.

The physician evaluates the dimensions of the finger hygroma and the signs that distinguish it from the other

multiple hygroma

in the examination process. The photo shows the hygroma of the fingers of the hand

of the types of tumorous tumors. In some cases, puncture may be required( analysis of the contents of the formation by puncturing and taking its contents for examination), and also:

  • ultrasound of hygroma and surrounding soft tissues;
  • X-ray examination.

Externally, the pathology is very similar to atheroma and lipoma, it can only be distinguished by a doctor.

Conservative treatment

Treatment of pathology is carried out with the help of medications and physiotherapy procedures. At an early stage of development, hygromas are prescribed:

  • mud and paraffin applications;
  • electrophoresis;
  • phonophoresis with Hydrocortisone;
  • ultraviolet irradiation.

The following procedures also apply to the conservative method of treatment.

Puncture of the hypodermic capsule - puncture

Its goal is to pump out the fluid that is contained in the gigroma and inject medications into it, for example, "Diprospan" is an anti-inflammatory drug. If an infection gets into the formation, then antibiotics are introduced( Amicil, Neomycin).

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After this, a compressive bandage and orthosis is applied, the injured finger is prescribed not to be loaded or subjected to mechanical action. Thanks to these measures, the production of synovial fluid is reduced.

hygroma on the foot What stands out hygroma of the foot among other species of gigrom and what methods of treatment are used read in our article.

We will help you to choose the best remedies for the heel spur. Details you can find in our material.

Crushing the capsule

This method of treating the hygroma on the finger is the easiest - to grip tightly with your fingers and crush or do it with a plastic object. The liquid will flow into the surrounding tissue as a result.

Do not be afraid of infection or inflammation, because it is absolutely sterile.

In this case, a pressure bandage with orthosis is also applied for 15 days - this promotes healing and stitching of the wound.

If the pathology has reached a large size or it is not one on the finger, but several gigromous capsules have appeared, surgical treatment is shown, as a result of which the pathology is excised.

Surgical treatment

Surgery is the most effective method of removing the hygroma on the finger. This operation incision is called "bursectomy" , also the method of removal by laser intervention is no less effective.

Indications for operation:

  • severe pain in the finger when moving;
  • limitation of mobility;
  • rapid capsule growth;
  • cosmetic inconvenience.

The operation takes about 30 minutes under local anesthesia. The surgeon removes the capsule filled with liquid and separates the hygromous from the place of its foundation, then sutures are applied for 7-10 days.

Laser evaporation of

The procedure proceeds under local anesthesia. Usually used carbon dioxide laser, which has a coagulating and disinfecting property.

A high-energy ray, the surgeon dissects the skin and removes the capsule, then the cavity is processed and internal seams are made, and then sutured from the outside. The procedure ends with the establishment of a sterile bandage.

After removal, the finger is fixed with an orthosis using gypsum or brace, which provide freedom of movement and comfort in wearing.

Folk methods

Folk treatment is a good alternative for the treatment of finger hygroma. Consider some effective and popular recipes:

  1. Copper plate. Small copper plate( coin), calcine on fire and immerse in salt solution. This copper is fixed to the finger with bandages for 3 days, then the coin is rinsed and the procedure is repeated again.
  2. Medusa. Pieces of jelly-like jellyfish to fix to the affected area of ​​the finger for 3 hours. The procedure can be repeated on a daily basis.
  3. Cabbage juice. Fresh white cabbage to twist through a meat grinder. Squeeze the mass with gauze. The resulting juice is taken orally daily for a glass a day for a month.
  4. Tea mushroom. It is used, as in the case with jellyfish.

Preventive measures

Prophylaxis measures are limited to the restriction of mechanical monotonous loads on the fingers. With a genetic predisposition - you need to protect joints, avoiding trauma. Physical loads must be distributed evenly on each arm.

Especially worth paying attention to the timely treatment of chronic tendovaginitis and bursitis.

And you need to remember that self-medication can not be done - it is better to entrust the graduates.

Video: How the hygroma on the hand looks like

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