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Peruvian poppy for men - application reviews and price in pharmacies

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Peruvian poppy

Page Contents

  • 1 What is the Peruvian Poppy?
  • 2 Composition
  • 3 Causes of sexual dysfunction
  • 4 Indications
  • 5 Contraindications
  • 6 Instructions for use
  • 7 Price in a pharmacy and where is it better to buy a Peruvian poppy?
  • 8 Feedback on the application of

Peruvian poppy for men is designed to solve problems of a sexual nature that every man in his life has encountered. Functional violations in the sexual sphere have recently become frequent even in young men, whose age does not exceed thirty years. What leads to these violations, and what effect does the poppy have?

What is the Peruvian poppy?

Peruvian poppy

Poppy - a highland plant of the genus Klopovnik, a family of cabbage, grows on the plateau of Peru, Bolivia, in Argentina, at an altitude above 3,500 meters above sea level. The tubers of this plant are added to the food in cooked, dried and raw form. Dried tubers can be stored for many years.

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Unusual plant properties were noticed by peasants. Animals, which grazed the peasants, ate poppies. At the same time they were much stronger and healthier than their relatives. Properties of plants were rightly estimated by people, in folk medicine it began to be used since the Incas. Men used the root of the plant to gain favor from the weaker sex. In the people, the Peruvian poppy is also called "gold of the Incas", which confirms its high value for the people.

Modern experts believe that the root of Peruvian poppies is the strongest adaptogen and aphrodisiac, restoring the libido, giving strength and endurance. Mountain air, humid climate, fertile soils affect the properties of the plant and its composition.

European and American scientists are interested in the properties of plants and conducted numerous studies of this aphrodisiac. In 2015, the plant was recognized as the best herbal remedy for impotence. What is remarkable about the composition of Peruvian poppies?

Composition of

Peruvian poppy

Peruvian poppy contains:

  1. Alkaloids , which provide analgesic, hemostatic effect. They have a stimulating effect on the work of the heart, nervous system, increase efficiency and endurance, normalize the work of the genitourinary system.
  2. Glucosinolates - are natural filters that detain carcinogens that enter the body with food, medicines. It is an excellent antibacterial, antifungal and anti-cancer agent.
  3. Mineral substances :
  • calcium takes part in muscle contractility, excitability of nerve tissues, has anti-allergic effect, helps fight inflammation, affects blood clotting and blood clots. Also, calcium is able to prevent the development of acidosis, activates some hormones, is one of the constituent nuclei and cell membranes;
  • copper affects the metabolism, growth processes, participates in oxidative processes, supplies the body with energy, takes part in the formation of connective tissue, and also participates in the process of hematopoiesis;
  • iodine affects the function of the thyroid gland, supplies hormones and organic compounds to the bloodstream, enhances the growth of healthy cells of the nervous system, participates in protein synthesis, assists in the fight against obesity, strengthens the protective properties of the body;
  • magnesium is found mainly in bone tissue, without it the processes of cell division, metabolism, production of protein are impossible;
  • zinc improves mood, stabilizes the nervous system, improves taste, eyesight, is an excellent antioxidant, participates in hematopoiesis. Also zinc participates in the production of sex hormones, improves the quality of sperm;
  • selenium increases the protective properties of the body, participates in the production of red blood cells, has an effect on sexual activity;
  • potassium improves the supply of the brain with oxygen, regulates the content of salts, acids and alkalis, ensures the normal functioning of muscles, vessels, capillaries and endocrine glands.
  1. Amino acids - strengthen the immune system, supply the body with energy, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system, take part in metabolic processes, increase endurance.
  1. Vitamins :
  • vitamin B2 - improves metabolism, oxygen supply to cells, improves skin condition;
  • vitamin B6 - increases efficiency, endurance, helps to cope with stress;
  • vitamin PP - improves the condition of the vessels, supports the energy processes in the body, neutralizes the action of poisons and toxins, expands the walls of blood vessels;
  • vitamin C - takes part in the formation of cell walls, improves the condition of blood vessels, skin, ligaments, has antioxidant and antiviral properties, improves immunity, ensures normal work of the adrenal glands.
  1. Makamidy - are unsaturated fatty acids, which help increase the potency and sexual desire.
  1. Fatty acids - improve blood circulation in the genital organs and increase the production of testosterone.
  1. Maltose - supplies the body with energy, improves metabolism.
  1. Crystal cellulose - strengthens the immune system and cleanses the body of toxins and toxins.

Real reviews of the Peruvian poppy are mostly positive only occasionally in the forums there are negative, where the men clearly overestimated expectations.

Causes of sexual dysfunction


Of course, any man feels like a hero when he is in bed all at the highest level. This suggests that the man has no cause for concern, his body is in perfect order. However, the emerging problems make a man insecure, his strengths and capabilities. Even rare troubles are a serious reason to think about your health, if the problems with erection have become a natural phenomenon, then the issue can not be postponed in any case.

By the way, even the famous psychotherapist Sigmund Freud said that impotence is the most frequent failure in the life of a man. At the same time, at that time the doctor was fully confident that impotence starts from the head and the fault is all the wrong psychological attitude. However, now it became known that the mechanism of erection is triggered with the participation of very many body systems, if not almost all.

Earlier, the diagnosis of "impotence" was put to all men who have problems with erection. But later it turned out that many of them have an erection, but it is not enough to conduct a normal sexual intercourse. Moreover, the doctors found out that men with erectile dysfunction are much more numerous than with her absence. Therefore, the term "impotence" was replaced by a diagnosis of "erectile dysfunction", and impotence is an extreme degree of pathology.

There is a claim that the erection wanes with age. But this is not so. If there is no reason for the appearance of erectile dysfunction, then a qualitative erection can be in 60 years, and at an older age. In this case, doctors say that in 90% of cases it is possible to restore sexual function.

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The main causes of sexual dysfunction
  1. Hormonal .If the function of hormonal glands is violated, the body of the man produces an insufficient amount of the male hormone testosterone. This can occur as a result of past traumas, cancer, or as a result of genetic pathologies. Such violations are treated very simply, with the help of hormonal drugs.
  2. Medicated , caused by taking medications that affect the production of hormones. In this case, the potency is restored when these drugs are withdrawn.
  3. Neurological causes of arise from injuries to the perineum and pelvic organs, peripheral nervous system diseases, and brain diseases.
  4. The psychological causes of lead to problems of a sexual nature due to stress, depression, accumulated fatigue, all sorts of fears.
  5. Problems with vessels .In this case, due to a violation of blood flow to the penis, the erection is either too weak or too slow. This is one of the most frequent causes of erectile dysfunction.

Treatment for sexual dysfunction depends on the cause that caused the problem. If the cause of the problem is the inadequate production of hormones by the body, the doctor will be prescribed hormone replacement therapy. If the disorders are associated with the pathology of the vascular system of the genital organ, the treatment will be directed to the restoration of the vessels. Psychological reasons will require consultation of a doctor-psychotherapist. In any case, do not despair.

The action of the Peruvian poppy

persistent erection

Thanks to its unique natural composition Peruvian poppy for men affects not only the sexual function, but also the entire human body. It has a sedative effect on the nervous system, relieves nervous tension, normalizes the endocrine system, increases the body's protective properties, performance and endurance. The main properties are:

  • increasing sexual attraction;
  • improved erection;
  • improved sperm quality;
  • improvement of the heart;
  • normalization of the nervous system;
  • improvement of vascular status;
  • body cleansing;
  • increased testosterone production;
  • normalization of the genitourinary system;
  • improved metabolism;
  • increase of working capacity and endurance. Divorce or truth?

    To understand Peruvian poppy for men - divorce or not, it should be remembered that the product has passed all the necessary laboratory tests, is certified, has a Declaration of Conformity, and also has a lot of positive feedback from both doctors and patients.

    The doctors' comments on the Peruvian poppy are based on the evaluation of the composition of the drug and the results of treatment of patients. Physicians are unanimous in their assessment and believe that the drug is absolutely harmless, and its effectiveness becomes noticeable almost from the first days of application of the drug.

    Reviews on the forum about the Peruvian poppy also confirm the effectiveness of the poppy. Participants of the forum share their impressions of the drug and note that the remedy is natural, it is not addictive, the mood is excellent, the sexual function is restored.

    All of the above allows us to conclude that the Peruvian poppy is really effective.


    Accept the drug in such cases:

    • with a weak potency;
    • with early ejaculation;
    • decreased sexual desire;
    • to improve the acuity of sensations;
    • under stressful situations;
    • in the treatment of prostate diseases;
    • for the prevention of heart disease;
    • for improved performance;
    • for strengthening immunity;
    • as an adaptogen for high mental and physical loads, with changing environments and time zones.


    Contraindications for the use of Peruvian poppies are minimal:

    • allergic reactions possible with individual intolerance of any component of the drug;
    • in some cases, people may experience heart palpitations, so if you have heart problems, you should refrain from taking the drug;
    • with an overdose can cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, increased blood pressure.

    In other cases, the poppy can be safely applied.

    Instructions for use

    how to increase the potency in natural ways

    How to take Peruvian poppy - depends on the goals that you pursue:

    • to increase the potency of the drug is applied an hour before sexual intercourse, the full course is initially taken to achieve a lasting result;
    • for the use of the drug as an adaptogen should be taken up to two months;
    • for the prevention of cancer, heart disease drug is used periodically.

    A tablespoon of the drug is dissolved in any liquid. The resulting drink has a pleasant taste, resembling a milkshake, take the drug twice a day.

    Price in a pharmacy and where is it better to buy a Peruvian poppy?

    The product interested falsifiers and resellers, the price of the product in which, as well as in pharmacies, is unjustifiably overstated. The official representative of the manufacturer of the drug decided to distribute the products only on the Internet, so the Peruvian poppy in pharmacies and conventional stores is almost not sold.

    Buying a product on the official website, you will insure yourself from a feeling of deep disappointment from the falsified drug and unreasonable overpayments.

    Price powder Peruvian poppies in the pharmacy, if you still can find a remedy, will be much higher. As a rule, the drug will cost 1500 rubles and more.

    The price of Peruvian poppies for men on the official website is 990 rubles per package containing 100 g of product. To receive the goods you need to go to the official representative's website, place an order, wait for the call of the consultant of the company, who will agree on the method of delivery. Payment is made after receiving the parcel, so you do not risk anything. Acquire the product and live life to the fullest.

    Buy Peruvian poppy for men on the official website

    Feedback on the application of

    Testimonial №1

    I have coincided all at once: stresses at work with subsequent dismissal, family dissension at first on nerves, and then sexual problems were added. I thought that it would be necessary to get divorced. I even wanted to go to the country house so that my wife could not see. But on the Internet on the forums, good people told us about the powder of the Peruvian poppies.

    I thought, the price like more or less, you can try. As a result, I moved back home, reconciled with my wife, and my wife says that I was not that young. So I'm very pleased.

    Alexander, 38 years - Moscow

    Review №2

    Actually, I'm kind of too young to have problems with erection. But, after last year's flu, there were complications, it took a long time to heal, I lay in the hospital for more than a month, and then noticed that my friend was not as drawn as before.

    Even began to complex, I thought, problems will remain forever. I came across advertising Peruvian poppies, I decided to try. I can say that the joy of life has returned to me, I'm sorry that I did not get this tool myself before.

    Sergey, 29 years - Kharkov, Ukraine

    Review №3

    I can say that the poppy is cool, but the last money for it should not be given. Although the price is quite acceptable, but the drug works on everyone in different ways. My friend, for example, bought a powder and to him in terms of sex did not help. Although stamina and performance are really better than steel.

    And he began to sleep better, but bought the product for sex, but this did not help. And I first wanted to order on the American site, but I felt that it would cost a lot and bought on the domestic site. It helped me.

    Борис, 44 года - Спб

    Review №4

    About Peruvian poppy heard for a long time, more than a year ago, but then did not dare to buy it. I hoped that our family problem would be solved in another way. My husband is older than me for almost 20 years. Previously, it somehow did not feel, but then the problems began.

    And even problems with the prostate in her husband found. I, honestly, thought that with a sexual life I would have to quietly say goodbye and wean, I love my husband, I do not want to change him. Later still decided to buy a poppy, thought, suddenly help, the composition is so good. Really helped.

    At first the husband's energy appeared, the mood became better. Then it came to bed. By the way, treatment for prostatitis is also much more effective. Medications and poppies together provided an excellent effect. So I'm very happy, and my husband is also happy.

    Alina, 33 years - Novosibirsk

    Review No.5

    I order the Peruvian poppy for the first time. The first time I bought it in order to strengthen my immunity, increase my ability to work, I have a nervous job and take a lot of effort, I also wanted to prolong the sexual act.

    Now I'm glad that I did not lose. I feel energetic, began to walk to training, pulled up the figure, increased my muscles, sexual energy from me, too, beats the key now. To be ill, by the way, I became much less likely. So, I recommend to all men.

    Vladislav, 50 years - Ekaterinburg

    Buy Peruvian poppy for men on the official website of

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