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Lumboschialgia treatment is the best effective course + prevention!

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Lumboscialgia is a pathological process localized in the lumbar spine and additionally affecting the sacrum, as well as adjacent ligaments and muscles. The characteristic signs of lumboschialgia are pronounced painful sensations and spasmodic conditions extending from the waist to the buttocks and lower limbs. To the feet and toes, the pain, as a rule, does not reach.



Expression of unpleasant sensations becomes higher during walking, changing poses, prolonged stays in standing or sitting position, as well as by coughing, sneezing, various sudden movements, etc.

Lumboschialgia - symptomatology

Lumbosciagia - symptomatology

Next, you are invited to get a general idea of ​​lumbosciagia, the causes of its appearance, the characteristic signs and available treatment options.

Lumboschialgia is a back pain that irradiates( gives) one or both legs

Lumboscialgia is a back pain that radiates to one or both legs

Content of the material

  • 1 Classification of the disease
  • 2 Causes of progression of the lumbosciagia
  • 3 Characteristic signs of the disease
  • insta story viewer
  • 4 Diagnostic procedure
  • 5 Lumboscealgia treatment options
  • 6 Prophylactic recommendations
    • 6.1 Video - Lumboscial treatment

Classification of the disease

There are several forms of the pathology studied. About them in the table.

Table. Types of lumbosciogia

Species of pathology Characteristic features of


Develops as a complication of various pathologies of the musculoskeletal system affecting the spine and legs.


Formed by pressure or compressive action on nerve trunks, the task of which is to ensure proper innervation of the leg area.


The cause of the appearance of such are various kinds of lesions of the blood vessels that provide nutrition to the legs and lower back. Based on the results of these disorders, there is an ischemia and an oxygen deficit develops in the treated areas.


Formed in the presence of several of the above-mentioned provoking factors, as a reaction to the damage of nerves / blood vessels / musculoskeletal system.

Causes of progression of lumbosciagia

As noted, a characteristic sign of lumboschialgia - severe pain - occurs when making incautious sudden movements, prolonged stays in the same and / or incorrect posture, lifting a variety of heavy objects.

Manifestation of symptoms with long stays in a static position

Symptom presentation with a long stay in the static position

Directly the pathology is formed when there are the following provoking factors and their combinations:

  • of osteoarthritis;
  • protrusion, intervertebral hernia;
    Hernias and protrusion of discs

    Hernias and protrusion of

  • discs of pathological changes in the structure and function of the vertebral trunk;
  • excess weight;
  • superfluous loads;
    Excess weight and excess load

    Excess weight and excessive load

  • of the existing pathologies of posture, curvature of the spine;
    Wrong posture and curvature of the spine

    Incorrect posture and curvature of the spine

  • injuries of the lumbar and other parts of the spinal column;
  • strong supercooling;

    Subcooling of

  • for a variety of infectious diseases;
  • arthritis and other inflammatory processes.

As a rule, the mechanism of lumbosciagia development is the following: under the influence of various provoking factors( degenerative processes, compression, trauma, inflammation, etc.), irritation of the nerve roots occurs, which leads to the appearance of painful sensations. The latter can be accompanied by muscle spasms and strains. It is not excluded the emergence of nodules in the muscles, palpation of which causes sharp sharp pain, often giving away to other parts of the body.

Lumboscialgia is a subacute or chronic back pain that irradiates into one or both lower extremities( irradiates, gives to the left leg or to the right leg, or both legs)

Lumboscialgia is a subacute or chronic low back pain that radiates to one or both lower extremities( irradiates, gives to the left leg or to the right leg, or both legs)

As the pathology progresses, a constant disruption of the normal state of the nerve roots contributes to a changesensitivity of the skin and legs as a whole, against which another characteristic symptom of the disease develops - a feeling of cold or heat in the affected areas, a change in the color of the skin, numbness or even paralysis of the lower limbsechnostey.

There may be numbness, redness, and other dangerous symptoms

There may be numbness, redness, and other dangerous symptoms

Characteristic signs of the disease

Pathological manifestations are noted in the lower back and legs.

  1. Painful sensations in the lumbar region that give one or both lower limbs to one or both.
    The pain gives in a leg

    Pain in the foot

  2. Sharp limited mobility of the lumbar region.
    Mobility limitation

    Motion limitation

  3. Increased intensity of painful sensations when changing the posture, making movements, loads.
  4. Forced acceptance of a pose, in which pain manifests itself least strongly.
  5. Specific spread of pain from the waist to the buttocks and further along the legs.
  6. Possible sensation of heat, cold, itching along the passage of the sciatic nerve.
  7. Change in color and local skin temperature of affected parts of the body.
    Redness and hyperthermia

    Redness and hyperthermia

  8. Sharp growing pains when trying to step normally on their feet, because of which there is a significant restriction of motor activity, gait changes, lame appears.
  9. Increased pain during hypothermia, the occurrence of various colds, during periods of exacerbation of chronic ailments, fatigue, etc.

During periods of exacerbation of lumboschialgia, the severity of symptoms characteristic of her becomes especially strong. If the disease goes into a chronic stage, the painful sensations will take a wavy course, for which the alternation of activation and decay periods is characteristic.

Particularly severe pain during periods of exacerbation of the disease

Severe pain during periods of exacerbation of the disease

Diagnostic procedure

After reviewing the patient's complaints, the doctor will send him to the necessary laboratory and instrumental diagnostic measures.

First, an x-ray examination of the waist and pelvic region is performed.

Protrusion and lumbar sciatica in the picture

Protrusion and lumbosciatica in the image

Secondly, to obtain the maximum amount of necessary information, CT or MRI of the mentioned body parts is performed.

Persistent Lumbosciagia on MRI

Diagnosis, as well as treatment, in most cases, therapists, neurologists, and orthopedists are engaged in a complex manner.

Options for the treatment of lumbosciogia

Methods of treatment of lumboschialgia

Methods for the treatment of lumbosciogia

During the acute period, resort to the following methods:

  • compliance with bed rest with the exclusion of motor activity;
  • reducing the volume of water and other liquids consumed - allows to reduce the intensity of edema;
  • to eliminate painful sensations and manifestations of inflammatory processes - drugs( for example, diclofenac and nurofen) are used for this, as well as means for local external use.
    Таблетки обезболивающие "Нурофен"

    Tablets painkillers "Nurofen"

In case of especially severe pain, blockade with novocaine or other suitable drugs is prescribed.

Novocain blockade

Novokainovaya blockade

If you find strong muscle spasms, resort to the use of drugs of muscle relaxants and antispasmodics.



After overcoming the acute period, the doctor will appoint the patient an individual complex of therapeutic exercises, and also recommend massage and refer to the necessary physiotherapy procedures. In many cases, it becomes necessary to use special corsets or proof-readers.

Corsets for back support

Corsets for back support

Forecasts, if timely start treatment and comply with medical prescriptions, favorable - the pathological process quickly enough stops.

The treatment started in time gives good results

A timely treatment results in good results

If the disease is started before the chronic stage, treatment will require much more significant efforts and the end result here will depend on the underlying causes of the onset of the disease and the intensity of its severity.

Prophylactic recommendations

To minimize the risk of exacerbation of the disease and the occurrence of various complications, follow a few simple recommendations.

  1. Avoid prolonged stay in the same and uncomfortable poses, sleep on an even hard bed.
    Choose the right mattress

    Choose the right mattress

  2. Wear comfortable shoes.
    Wear comfortable shoes

    Wear comfortable shoes

  3. If you specialize in "sedentary work," during the day, periodically take breaks and warm up. In the workplace, watch your posture.
    Correct landing in the workplace

    Correct fit in the workplace

  4. Get rid of excess weight.
    From excess weight you need to get rid of

    You need to get rid of excess weight

  5. Refuse bad habits.
    Eradication of bad habits

    Eradication of bad habits

  6. Timely treat any kind of disease, especially literate should be the fight against pathologies affecting the musculoskeletal system.

Contact your doctor if you get the first signs and be healthy!

Video - Lumboscial treatment

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