Mental And Psychological Disorders

Brad Fregoli is a mixture of extreme forms of persecution mania and Kapgra's syndrome

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Brad Fregoly Mania or delirium of persecution - a special psychiatric disorder, in which the patient is confident that he is being followed and constantly persecuted.

Fregoli syndrome is a kind of mania in which a person has the conviction that the pursuers are so cunning and resourceful that they are constantly changing, turning into people with different looks or even in various subjects.

This rare syndrome in psychiatric practice is a kind of delirium Kapgra, named after the famous comic transformer who lived and worked in the years 1890-1930.

Brad Fregoli is most commonly found in patients with paranoid schizophrenia, as well as in persons with epilepsy, dementia, and craniocerebral trauma.

General characteristic of

Syndrome Fregoli syndrome, also called delusional double, is a psychopathology that develops in people with acute persecution delusion and which is closely related to schizophrenia. Such people believe that their persecutors have the ability to reincarnate beyond recognition. comic transformer

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So, according to the patients, the pursuer alternately becomes a young man, then an old man, and can even turn into an inanimate object-one, a plant.

A characteristic feature of this condition is that the patient, when meeting with completely different people, perceives them as one and the same person, and he is his pursuer. Along with this, the patient realizes that outwardly they are not alike, but he is confident that they are psychologically identical.

The patient believes that he has the ability to determine who is this or that person in reality, no matter how he disguises himself.

The real picture of the behavior of

To understand how the patient behaves with delirium Fregoli, it is necessary to give an example from life. One of the patients, who observed a similar deviation, said that every time he went out to buy bread in a shop, he was pursued by the same person. The latter took the image of a passer-by, then a child, then a bird flying in the sky.

In the first half of the 20th century, a young woman with Fregoli's syndrome claimed that she was being stalked by two actors from the theater she had visited earlier. In doing so, they take the forms of absolutely different people.

One patient believed that in the hospital he was visited not by his mother, but by other women, modeled under her. At the same time every time, in his opinion, different people come. The patient did not take food from her, because he believed that she wanted to poison him.

Symptoms of deviation

Masks on the face In addition to the deviation characteristics described above, Fregoly's delusion is characterized by the fact that the patient constantly speaks about his omnipotence, vision. He can consider himself king, president, administrator of the whole universe. Arguing his arguments, he does not try to prove their reliability, because he is completely convinced of his own rightness.

With mania of persecution, a person notices that it is surrounded not only by enemies, but also by friends who come to the rescue in a difficult moment. So, as soon as the pursuers approach the patient too closely, friends force them to retreat. In the conversation, the patient traces the idea of ​​fantastic delirium - the patient claims that he mentally communicates with aliens, can read minds.

In a person with positive twin syndrome there is a deterioration in memory, mood swings.

Diagnosis and treatment

The specialist when making a diagnosis marks what form of delirium prevails in the patient, whether fantastic ideas, persecution or greatness mania prevail.

The chronic pathology form is diagnosed if the patient has a stable nonsense, the person carefully disappears from the pursuers, constantly checks the room in which he lives, being sure that the ill-wishers have penetrated there. Delusional Disorder

In the treatment of this deviation an important role is played by the psychological situation created in the family. During a period of exacerbation, the patient is in no way recommended to prove that his suspicions are wrong. He will work with a specialist in the field of psychotherapy.

On treatment of delirium Fregoli can go away for many years. The prognosis of the disease depends on many factors, in particular on the duration of the syndrome, as well as the presence of concomitant mental abnormalities.

Unfortunately, the nonsense of a positive double belongs to the category of poorly studied pathologies, so specialists have yet to carry out large amounts of work in order to comprehensively assess the ways of its treatment and possible consequences.

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