
How can you cure chronic pancreatitis completely and forever?

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1 General Information

Normally the pancreas is located behind the stomach. It excretes digestive enzymes in the duodenum, participates in the regulation of hormonal metabolism and maintains blood sugar levels. Eating in large amounts of fatty, fried, spicy, and especially alcohol, causes a decline in the work of the vital gland and leads to its dissonance.

Do you have pancreatitis?

Natalia Ronin: "How did I manage to beat pancreatitis at home for 1 week, paying 30 minutes a day? !" Read more & gt; & gt;

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  • Effective drugs for the treatment of pancreatitis
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Symptoms giving an occasion to consult a doctor with suspicion of pancreatic disease:

  • acute abdominal pains arisingafter taking acute, fatty, fried foods, as well as after drinking;
  • pains are shinning;
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  • bloating and rumbling in the abdomen;
  • unformulated mushy stool;
  • nausea and indomitable vomiting;
  • general weakness and dizziness.

This disease is deadly, and only a specialist can decide whether a patient can cure pancreatitis.

Modern medicine now allows you to cure pancreatitis completely. First of all, if there are sharp, persistent pain in the abdominal area, immediately call an ambulance. During waiting, it is necessary to apply the "golden triad" of surgery: cold, hunger and peace.

2 Diagnosis and treatment methods

Upon arrival at the hospital, the patient will be examined by a surgeon. Take a blood test, urine and feces, make a radiograph of the abdominal organs. Detection of an increased content of pancreatic enzymes, amylase and diastase, confirms the diagnosis of pancreatitis. After the ultrasound, laprocentesis and computed tomography will be prescribed if necessary.

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Modern diagnostic methods can accurately identify the disease and start treatment in time, which includes the following effective methods:

  • use of secretolitics - drugs that reduce the acidity of gastric juice;
  • use of enzyme preparations to "turn off" the pancreas from actively aggressive work and ensure its relaxation;
  • use of drugs that relieve spasm from the ducts and the mouth of the gland and relieve pain - antispasmodics;
  • removal of severe intoxication by intravenous injection of saline;
  • use of antibacterial drugs to prevent the inflammation of dead tissue;
  • balneotherapy - treatment with mineral waters of alkaline composition such as "Borjomi" and "Essentuki".

Competent doctors prefer to treat pancreatitis non-surgically: they block enzymes, not allowing them to devour all the organs and tissues lying in the immediate environment. They save patients and allow you to cure pancreatitis forever.

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In addition to basic therapy, epidural analgesia and broad-spectrum antibiotics( cephalosporins and fluoroquinolones 3 to 4 generations + metronidazole) are used in some cases.

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3 Applied drugs

Spasmolytic drugs( Drotaverin and Baralgin) in acute inflammatory process give a positive effect almost instantly. Drotaverine is most effective for intravenous injections and has virtually no side effects, except for extremely rare cases of nausea, dizziness, and tachycardia.

Baralgin has a contraindication to the use, many side effects, is released only in tablets, does not interact with many drugs, and therefore less effective.

As an antisecretory agent, a modern drug, omeprazole, is most often used. Getting inside, he is involved in the regulation of gastric juice production.

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Forms of the preparation - tablets, capsules and bottles with powder for intravenous injection.

This newest medicine has almost no contraindications, except intolerance of substances that make up its composition, and age - is prescribed for patients older than 5 years. But in children, the presence of pancreatitis is extremely rare, only because of anatomical features or trauma.

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No adverse events were detected. And if there is nausea and headaches, it is due to improper intake of the drug.

Omeprazole can not be taken alone: ​​only a doctor can prescribe it and dosage.

Another, no less effective, means is Counterkal( Gordoks).It can be used for children and pregnant women with careful medical supervision.

Slow intravenous administration should begin as early as possible during the first bouts of the disease. Therapy is performed prior to a significant improvement in the patient's condition with pancreatitis for all indicators.

Basic enzyme preparations for the treatment of pancreatitis - Digestal, Pancreatin, Enzistal, Festal, Creon, Mezim forte. They are available in the form of dragees or tablets, covered with soluble shells. The appointment of the medicines and their dosage is determined by the attending physician.

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4 Necessary diet

In order to cure chronic pancreatitis, first of all, it is necessary to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition: the fractional daily ration for 5-6 small portions and the inadmissibility of overeating.

Preference is given to the wiped products, since they do not irritate the gastric mucosa. Daily food should contain the maximum amount of proteins( 160 g) and minimum fat( not more than 80 g).


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It is necessary to exclude products that cause the sokon effect: various strong broths( meat, fish, vegetable, mushroom), hot snacks and pickles, ice cream, alcoholic beverages.

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At attacks of an exacerbation of illness very useful will be medical starvation, that is a complete refusal of food for 2 days.

The menu must contain products rich in carbohydrates: potatoes( puree or boiled), honey, sweet fruits, flour and cereals.

For fats, you can use insignificant amounts of butter. Admissible protein products are fish and meat of low-fat varieties, preferably in boiled or baked form.

The diet for pancreatitis includes the following dishes:

  • stale wheat bread;
  • weak chicken broths and lean soups;
  • steamed burgers, soufflé, meatballs made of lean meat;
  • lean fish: marine and river;
  • omelets;
  • dairy products with low fat content;
  • unsalted butter only as an additive to meals;
  • mashed fresh vegetables;
  • baked apples and pears without skin;
  • cereals and pasta;
  • fruit, berry and milk jelly and kissels;
  • compotes of fresh and dried fruits and berries;
  • not strong tea or broth from a dogrose, cowberries, bran.


For prophylaxis and treatment of Digestive Gastrointestinal Diseases our readers advise Monastic tea. This unique remedy consists of 9 medicinal herbs useful for digestion, which not only supplement, but also strengthen each other's actions. Monastic tea will not only eliminate all symptoms of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive system, but will also permanently eliminate the cause of its occurrence.

The opinion of doctors. .. "

An approximate dietary menu for chronic pancreatitis can be composed as follows. For the first breakfast, eat mashed potatoes with a slice of yesterday's wheat bread and drink a cup of weak tea. After a while breakfast for the second time: chicken steam cutlet or omelette and a glass of milk are permissible.

For lunch, use a salad of courgettes, a weak chicken broth with boiled fish, a slice of bread and a handful of raisins. Snack can consist of jelly and jelly. For dinner, a carrot puree with a beef chop, a small portion of oatmeal and a glass of tea with milk are served.

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There are certain standards that can not be exceeded. So, it is unacceptable to eat more than 200 g of bread, 20 g of butter and 30 g of sugar daily.

In addition to the above prohibited products, it should be completely excluded:

  • fatty meat;
  • cabbage, radish, radish, turnips, spinach;
  • rye bread and baking;
  • smoked meat, sausages, canned food.

This diet can significantly reduce secretion, thereby normalizing the stable operation of the pancreas and cure chronic pancreatitis.

5 Assisting Alternative Medicine

In the inflammatory nature of the disease, three herbs can be used as a supporting agent in small doses: licorice naked, dill and coriander seed, or coriander. Essential oils of these plants cause the pancreas to produce more digestive enzymes.

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10 g of licorice and 3 grams of dill and coriander seeds pour a glass of boiling water and drink the infusion obtained during the day. Two weeks after the intake of licorice can be removed, and the rest of the herbs continue to insist, halving the dosage. This folk remedy will help the digestive processes.

Freshly squeezed juice from 2-3 potatoes and 1 carrot drunk 30 minutes before meals helps restore the activity of the pancreas. The course of such treatment is a week. Next is a short break. And again the repetition.

The medical collection from equal parts of celandine, anise fruits, corn stigmas, avian mountain herb, dandelion root, tri-colored violets and St. John's wort is used as a choleretic agent.2 tablespoons of this herbage pour 600 g of water and insist for a day. Drink a glass 3 times a day for two weeks.

Herbal treatment can only be a supplement to the main course of treatment and is prescribed by a doctor.

Some charlatans who call themselves healers do not always understand how to cure chronic pancreatitis. Znahar medicines, such as broths of chanterelles mushrooms, alcohol tinctures of milk thistle, baths and saunas, should be completely excluded, as harmful to health.

Removing the destroyed tissue of the pancreas is a difficult operation, often leading to irreversible processes and death of the patient. Therefore, full compliance with all the prescriptions of doctors, the steady diet, the rejection of addictions, the provision of prevention guarantees the salvation of life and healing from ailment.

  • 1 General Information
  • 2 Diagnosis and Treatment Methods
  • 3 Medications Used
  • 4 Necessary Diet
  • 5 Alternative Medicine Aid

Therapists, surgeons and supporters of alternative medicine know how to cure pancreatitis. Now you will be aware of this.

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