Symptoms And Syndromes
Symptoms And Syndromes

Bitterness in the mouth and sore right side

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1 Possible diseases

soreness in his right side is caused by disorders of the following organs:

  • gallbladder;
  • bile ducts;
  • liver;
  • of the kidney;
  • pancreas.

Do you have gastritis?

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Diseases of the spine can also provoke pain, giving to the right hypochondrium. We recommend you visit

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  • Causes of sweet taste in the mouth
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characteristic feature of dyskinesia of the bile duct is aching pain under the ribs on the right side. This disease is accompanied by a bitter taste in the mouth, a man loses his appetite, begins to feel a constant weakness, becomes lethargic and apathetic.

Stupid aching pain can indicate the presence of gallstones. Violation of diet, fatty foods, nicotine addiction - all this can cause bitterness in the oral cavity and pain under the ribs on the right side.

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Pregnancy can also cause bitter taste in the mouth. This is due to increased volumes of the uterus and fetal pressure on nearby organs. Treatment does not require such a condition, after the birth of the baby everything should be normalized.

Diseases accompanied by pain in the right upper quadrant are:

  1. Diseases of the liver. Bitter taste and pain in the right side signal about problems with the liver. Ignore this signal can not be. The liver is the body's filtration system, so it must be maintained. It will take not only drug treatment. It will be necessary to revise their life principles, to do the right menu. Refusal to smoke, alcohol can prolong the life of the patient. Hepatitis or cirrhosis of the liver can cause unpleasant symptoms. These diseases require compulsory treatment, so it is necessary to pass the diagnosis.
  2. Cholecystitis. If a person, except for pain in the right hypochondrium, feels bitterness in his mouth, then one can suspect cholecystitis. In this case, the signs of the disease can be increased body temperature, the appearance of a plaque on the tongue. A person suffers from a digestive disorder. There are problems with sleep. But the most important sign is vomiting of bile.
  3. Gallbladder. The constant taste of bitterness indicates problems with the gallbladder. They can be accompanied by a prolonged pain attack in the right hypochondrium. The problems with the gallbladder indicate additional symptoms: nausea, redness of the tongue, unusual fatty plaque on it, urine is bright yellow hue, often muddy, yellowing of the skin, feeling of pressure in the abdomen.
  • IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Gastritis? Ulcer? To have a stomach ulcer not turned into cancer, drink a glass. ..
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2 Which doctor will help?

Sometimes people postpone a visit to a specialist only for the reason that they do not know who should be contacted. Most often symptoms such as bitter taste in the mouth with pain radiating to the right upper quadrant, there are the fault of the digestive tract, so you should see a gastroenterologist.

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The specialist will prescribe laboratory and other examination methods to detect the disease. Endoscopic examination will help to identify stomach and pancreatic diseases, check the condition of the esophagus. If deviations in the work of these bodies will not be revealed, a person will be sent to ultrasound. In this case, an abdominal examination will be performed, during which the kidneys, liver, pancreas and spleen will be checked. Additionally, a specialist will prescribe blood and urine tests.

3 Existing methods of treatment

Everything will depend on what diagnosis will be delivered. The bitterness itself is not treated, it is only a condition concomitant with the disease. With the elimination of the disease, bitterness will cease to disturb the person, painful attacks in the right side will leave.

  • Gastroenterologist VAZHENOV: "I beg you, if you began to worry about abdominal pain, heartburn, nausea, do not in any way do gases. .."
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For example, stones in the gallbladder lead to problems with the work of this organ, the liver. If medication fails to produce results, surgical removal of the gallbladder can be prescribed.

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If the pancreas is aching, it is necessary to tune in for a long treatment. It is not always effective. In this case, they resort to partial removal of the organ, since with complete removal a person can not exist. The recovery period will be long.

If bitterness in the mouth is caused by stagnant bile, problems with the gall bladder, its ducts, then cholagogues will be prescribed, for example Allochol, Chlossas, Holenzim, Karsil.

If there is a digestive disorder, then you can try to drink a decoction of marigold flowers. Chamomile reduces inflammation, so its broth is drunk with diseases of the digestive tract, liver and gallbladder.

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You can clean the liver with a broth of rose hips. It is desirable to add sorbitol to it.

4 Principles of dietary nutrition

All of the above diseases require a change in diet. If a person feels bitter in the mouth, some foods cause a worsening of his condition. Therefore, it is worthwhile to understand what you can eat, and what is better to refuse.


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The list of the main products recommended for use is:

  1. Meat should only be boiled. It is best to cook poultry meat, you can include in the diet of small pieces of beef. You can treat yourself to baked meat dishes.
  2. If you include fish dishes in your diet, you should make them cooked or baked in the oven.
  3. Fruit is compulsory. But they must be sweet.
  4. Vegetables can be eaten both raw and baked. Vegetable ragout too will allow to diversify a dietary table.
  5. Oats and buckwheat are recommended from porridges. You can sometimes cook pasta dishes.
  6. Soups and borscht are recommended to cook without traditional roast. All vegetables in them should be boiled.
  7. Bread is best eaten yesterday, you can make it crackers.
  8. From drinks natural non-acid juices, compotes are recommended. You must include clean water in your menu.
  9. Hard cheeses in small amounts can be consumed daily. Avoid cheeses of sharp varieties.
  10. You can choose from dry confectionery products a dry biscuit biscuit. But this does not mean that you can eat it in unlimited quantities. It is necessary to adhere to reasonable standards.

Steam cooking has gained considerable popularity. Dishes at the same time are not only delicious, they do not lose their useful qualities. In diseases that are accompanied by bitterness in the mouth, it is recommended to cook meals in steamers.

It is advisable to exclude from the diet fatty, sharp, acidic, smoked dishes. It is not recommended to cook pork and lamb from meat. People who are used to strong tea or coffee, you need to remove them from the menu. Incomplete tea is sometimes allowed. Do not prepare fish boiling broth: they can cause a bitter taste in your mouth. Onions and garlic often become the culprits of stomach pain, so their use in fresh form is better restricted.

Painful symptoms require diagnosis and treatment of an identified disease.

To help the body cope with the problem, you can not only take medication, but also the right nutrition, adjusted by the regime of the day.

  • 1 Possible diseases
  • 2 Which doctor will help?
  • 3 Existing treatments for
  • 4 Principles of dietary nutrition

Bitterness in the mouth and sore right side are signs of a disease that can not be ignored. There are several reasons for the appearance of these symptoms, therefore it is necessary to consult a doctor to establish an accurate diagnosis. When this is done, treatment is prescribed. In some cases, enough therapy, and in others need surgery.

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