Noncommunicable Diseases

Diseases and pains of the esophagus: symptoms, treatment problems

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1 Dysphagia

First of all I would like to draw attention to those esophagus symptoms that can accompany many diseases. Very often people can face dysphagia - there is a violation of the swallowing process. There is a similar phenomenon due to the fact that there are functional disorders or an organic obstacle in the esophagus, which does not allow food to move to the stomach.

Picture 1

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The problem can be characterized by the fact that a person has a feeling that food is stuck directly at the time of swallowingor when it is on the way to the stomach. This violation is very important to be able to distinguish from aphagia, which is a symptom of complete obstruction of the body, and then a person needs immediate medical attention.

2 Heartburn as a symptom of

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A very unpleasant symptom of an esophagus is heartburn, during which a person begins to feel a burning sensation in the neck, sometimes even in the upper limbs. In most cases, heartburn occurs due to the fact that gastric juice enters the human esophagus, while you can feel that a warm wave is rolling to your throat.

Increased heartburn occurs when the sick person begins to bend forward or assumes a horizontal position of the body, exercises physical stress. The intensity of heartburn can be reduced in a simple way. It is enough to swallow saliva or drink some water. In addition, it is possible to take antacid preparations that will neutralize the effect of hydrochloric acid on the human esophagus.

Picture 2

If heartburn disturbs too often, and it is very strong, then it is a symptom that serious problems have arisen in the functioning of the esophagus and heartburn with painful sensations are the first signs of some deviations from the norm.

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3 Odynophagia is a symptom of

disease. Odonophagy is a pain that occurs during swallowing and is felt behind the sternum. In most cases, they are caused by an inflammatory process that affects the mucosa of the esophagus. It is very important to be able to distinguish this problem from the spasmodic pain that accompanies the pushing of a hard clump of food. Odynophagia refers to the number of nonspecific symptoms, and therefore does not allow us to determine which disease a person is worried about.

Picture 3

4 Atypical chest pain

This type of pain is quite different from heartburn or solitary. It can occur when a person's esophageal motility is disrupted, esophagospasm develops. It can manifest atypical pain not only during meals, but also completely spontaneously at any time of the day.

If the pain is very intense, eventually it does not cease to torment the sick person, then it can speak about the presence of an ulcer or even an oncological disease of the esophagus. As the numerous practice shows, in different people atypical pain can have different manifestations, and quite often patients can not even normally describe their feelings. It is interesting that esophageal diseases, in which atypical pain is present, are also accompanied by psychosomatic disorders, a person is nervous and worried, he may develop depression and so on.

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Picture 4

5 What does regurgitation mean?

This very unpleasant symptom often occurs with heartburn. A similar phenomenon occurs without attacks of nausea and severe contractions of the diaphragm, it can be a sign of many diseases of both the esophagus and the stomach. When the contents of the stomach are thrown into the esophagus or even into the mouth, this may indicate the presence of a disease of the esophagus, such as diverticulum or stricture. If a person suffers from gastro-food reflux, then there is an additional taste of bitterness in the mouth or a sour taste. This indicates problems with esophageal sphincters, in which there are obvious violations.

This symptom is dangerous because the contents of the stomach can easily get into the respiratory system. This can provoke not only a very strong attack of coughing, but also choking. Specialists are aware of cases when regurgitation became the cause of aspiration pneumonia.


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Picture 5

6 Achalasia

A common problem with the esophagus is a disease such as achalasia. The main symptoms of the disease are pain and heaviness in the sternum. Over time, a very bad smell from the mouth and eructation, reflux, can be very difficult to swallow, it causes frequent nausea and heartburn. All this is provoked by the fact that food remains in the esophagus, and it begins to rot.

Achalasia can also be called cardiopathy, it is classified as a neuromuscular pathology. Accompanying the disease is a violation of the functions of the sphincter, which is located in the lower part of the human esophagus. Symptoms arise in connection with the fact that the food enters the stomach not completely or does not fall at all.

The causes that cause the development of achalasia are unknown. In some people, the disease can manifest itself suddenly, while in others it develops over a long period of time. Appearances of achalasia can be made minimal if you often drink water and perform special exercises. But in this way you can remove only the symptoms, the cause of the disease will not go anywhere.

Treatment of a problem consists in an operative intervention when the sphincter and its muscles are expanded. This can be done by balloon expansion. In this situation, drug treatment has an additional character, but the solution of the problem itself has virtually no effect.

7 Esophagospasm - symptomatology

Most organ diseases in adults and children can develop even when the sphincter is functioning properly. At the same time, in this body, a person can have quite a strong spasm, which is a manifestation of some specific disease or a violation of nerve endings.

If the esophagus hurts because of esophagospasm, the sick person will experience pain of varying degrees of intensity when food passes through the esophagus.

There are some problems and directly with swallowing. An interesting fact is that exactly the same symptom can disturb and between meals, and then a person can confuse the problem with the esophagus with angina.

Figure 6

When a specialist will examine the patient, then if he has esophagus, he will find a deformation that has arisen as a result of muscle spasm. Treatment of the disease must necessarily be done, and in most cases it is conservative. The patient is prescribed a special diet of sparing nature and antispasmodics. In some situations, treatment also includes the use of sedatives or nitrofuran drugs. If the violations in the body are too serious, then you can not do without surgical intervention or without balloon dilatation.

8 Reflux esophagitis

Reflux esophagitis is a specific disease of the esophagus, the main characteristic of which will be the throwing into the esophagus of contents from the stomach, especially gastric juice. The reason in this case is the insufficiency of the lower sphincter of the organ. Due to the fact that bile and gastric juice are aggressive substances, they quickly damage the mucous membrane and provoke the development of the inflammatory process. Then the wounds in the esophagus begin to scar, and this leads to a significant narrowing of this organ.

Such a serious problem develops over time and in most cases can disturb infants. The main symptoms in this case are heartburn, burning behind the sternum, which can be amplified from time to time, if the patient is lying down or tilts. The same happens when smoking or drinking alcoholic beverages. Picture 7

There may be complications such as bleeding. Basically it's hidden. Sometimes scarring changes in the esophagus or aspiration pneumonia. Treatment in such a serious situation is directed directly at eliminating the cause of the disease.

In addition, you need to take medicine that would lower the level of acidity in the stomach and remove the corrosive effect of hydrochloric acid. A special diet is prescribed, and nutrition must necessarily be fractional. Otherwise, the treatment will not be effective enough.

9 Diaphragmatic hernia and Barrett's disease

Sometimes it is possible to find situations when due to certain pathologies of a congenital nature in the diaphragm, all organs from the abdominal cavity fall into the thoracic. A similar problem is called diaphragmatic hernia. In most cases, it develops due to a hole in the diaphragm. Symptom of the disease is reflux-esophagitis. There may be more serious signs - bleeding latent character and the state of anemia in a sick person.

Treatment in this case can be prescribed only after diagnosing the disease with the help of radiological and endoscopic studies. Basically, they choose conservative treatment, which is aimed at reducing reflux. If, however, there is also a narrowing of the esophagus or bleeding, then one can not do without surgical intervention.

When a person feels severe pains directly in the throat and behind the breastbone, the contents of the stomach get into the mouth, there is heartburn, and the mouth feels very sour and unpleasant aftertaste, then we can talk about the presence of Barrett's disease. Metaplasia Barreta has other symptoms - chronic cough and constant hoarseness of the voice.

To date, specialists have not been able to pinpoint the cause of the disease, but they say that it occurs against the background of gastro-reflux esophagitis - GREB.An interesting fact is that the problem is incredibly serious, and if timely treatment is not provided, it can develop into a cancerous tumor.

Figure 8

At the same time, the cells of the mucous membrane of the surface will gradually degenerate. Over time, they change in their type into those that are present in the human intestine. This condition is called pre-cancer doctors, regardless of the fact that esophageal cancer is very rare.

10 Abnormal development of the esophagus

Sometimes problems with the esophagus can occur due to abnormalities in its development. In this case, the esophagus may have a smaller size or diameter, an irregular shape or position, or be simply underdeveloped.

In most cases, such anomalies in development cause constriction of the organ, esophageal tracheal fistula of an innate type may be present. Congenital pathologies can cause a hungry and painful death of a newborn child, and therefore the treatment consists in immediate surgical intervention.

Pay attention to all the symptoms, because the esophagus is very serious, and you need to start treatment on time.

  • 1 Dysphagia
  • 2 Heartburn as a symptom of
  • 3 Odonophagia is a sign of the disease
  • 4 Atypical chest pain
  • 5 What does regurgitation mean?
  • 6 Achalasia
  • 7 Esophagospasm - symptomatology
  • 8 Reflux esophagitis
  • 9 Herniated and diarrhea disease Barreta
  • 10 Abnormal development of the esophagus

Many people are interested in the esophagus, diseases and symptoms, because practically every person has problems with the digestive system. In some, they may be minor, others have serious enough diseases that need urgent treatment.

Every person is familiar with what functions the esophagus performs. It is worth noting that the diseases of this body are incredibly complex and diverse, because the esophagus very easily can become inflamed or it is extremely painful to react to inaccuracies in human nutrition. As the numerous practice shows, almost always people refer problems with the esophagus to stomach diseases. Sometimes it can be assumed that it hurts the heart or the spine. Therefore, in the presence of unpleasant symptoms it is advisable to consult a specialist, because the diseases of this body are extremely serious health problems and they must be solved without fail.

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