Diseases Of The Pancreas

Pancreas exacerbation: signs and treatment

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1 Characteristic signs of

pathology Pancreatic exacerbation can cause many different symptoms. To the basic it is necessary to carry sharp painful sensations in the field of a stomach. Anesthetics and spasmolytic drugs do not have a particular effect, and the pain becomes even worse if the person lies on his back.

There are also various dyspeptic phenomena in the form of vomiting and polyphecal( emptying the bowels with abundant bowel movements, liquid in consistency).Quite often there is nausea, dry mouth, dizziness, flatulence and belching. There is pain after a meal, especially when consuming fried, sharp or fatty foods, alcoholic beverages. Due to complete absence or significant decrease in appetite, weight loss is observed. In some cases, during an ultrasound examination, a cyst is found in the patient.

In severe inflammation, a person's pain can go to the area of ​​the back and left shoulder blade and have a girdling character. The discomfort can be strengthened by pressing on the left vertebral-rib corner.

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2 Therapy of the disease

Treatment of exacerbation of the pancreas is desirable to be carried out in a hospital, and before starting therapy at home, it is necessary to consult a doctor, as an independent uncontrolled use of these or other medicines can not only not have the effect, but also aggravate the patient's condition.

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Picture 1

Recommended reading

  • Characteristic symptoms of exacerbation of pancreatitis
  • Symptoms of pancreatic disease
  • Symptoms of pancreas problems
  • Effective remedy for gastritis and stomach ulcer

With exacerbation of pancreatitis, it is necessary to combine pharmaceuticals, traditional medicine and a special diet and, if possible, adhere to bed rest. For inpatient treatment in the first 3 days, you must completely stop eating food, drink plenty of fluids and apply a hot-water bottle to the pancreas area. To get rid of painful sensations it is necessary to take analgesic preparations of different types.

In the treatment of exacerbation of the disease at home, the scheme is practically no different from stationary. First of all for a couple of days you need to completely abandon the meal and go on a special diet. It is necessary to exclude the use of alcoholic beverages and to quit smoking. The patient needs to lie in bed as much as possible and gradually increase physical activity in the future. Painful sensations are stopped with the help of spasmolytic drugs of non-narcotic group.

3 Traditional medicine

Will help to supplement the medicinal treatment of traditional medicine. One of the most common is a recipe for medicinal broth based on herbal collection of dill seeds, peppermint, immortelle, hawthorn and chamomile medicinal. It is necessary to take 3 parts of dill and mint leaves, 2 parts of flowers of the immortelle and hawthorn fruits and 1 part of chamomile flowers. Collection should be filled with water in such quantities that it covers the raw materials, and put in a water bath for a period of about 7 minutes. After the broth, pour into a jar and tightly close the lid, put it in a dark place for a couple of hours. You need to use the finished product half a glass 3-4 times a day for half an hour before the start of the meal.

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Picture 2

You can treat an exacerbation of pancreatitis with a simple recipe from herbs. For its preparation you will need to take corn stigmas, anise, celandine, dandelion root and violet. It is prepared in the same way as the previous broth, and is taken half an hour before the start of the meal.

No less effective is the oats jelly. Brew it is simple enough. Oats should be poured with steep boiling water in a ratio of 1: 3, and then cleaned for 72 hours in a dark place, covering the product with multi-layer gauze, so that the mixture will ferment. Every day, it should be gently opened and slightly stirred. Once the agent is infused, it must be filtered, and the flakes boil on low heat with water in a proportion of 1: 3.Keep on fire until the mixture thickens. Ready jelly must be diluted immediately before consumption of boiled warm milk and drink a glass twice a day.


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Potato juice is an effective remedy for acute pancreatitis. It is necessary to take it after a lapse of 3 hungry days in half a cup half an hour before the start of the meal.

For preparation of medicinal infusions, jelly and juices, blueberry berries will perfectly suit. But the funds on their basis can not be consumed in large quantities, since there may be problems with the emptying of the intestine. For preparation of berries of a forest plant tincture it is necessary to take 1 tbsp.l.blueberries and brew it with a glass of steep boiling water. After the container with liquid must be put on a slow fire and keep for about 5 minutes. A strained remedy is required to consume 500 ml per day.

Not only berries, but also from the leaves of blueberries, you can prepare an effective decoction. It is necessary to take 1 tsp.dry raw materials and pour them 250 ml of steep boiling water, and then put in a dark place for 40 minutes. Ready-made infusion should be consumed at 500 ml per day, stretching for 3 doses.

Picture 3

You can also prepare a decoction of wild strawberry. It is necessary to take 1 tbsp.l.powdered root and brew it with a glass of hot water. The broth should be infused for a quarter of an hour, and after it you can consume 250 ml immediately after awakening and before going to bed. If desired, you can add a little honey( not more than 50 g).

Instead of strong black tea, it is desirable to eat strawberry tea and brew leaves of the plant in a kettle. From fresh and frozen strawberries, you can prepare compote or jam. Those patients who have an allergic reaction to this berry, can not use such broths.

4 Special diet

With exacerbation of the pancreas for the first few days enteral nutrition should be excluded or maximally limited. Then you can eat sparing food and include in the daily diet such dishes as:

  • sour-milk and dairy products with a low percentage of fat content;
  • puddings for steamed or casserole;
  • bread from first-class flour and croutons from it;
  • soups on lean broth with mashed vegetables;
  • porridge with milled cereals;
  • protein omelettes for steaming;
  • puree from vegetables;
  • sweet fruit;
  • decoctions and compotes of natural berries;
  • natural jelly;
  • decoction of rose hips( instead of strong black tea).

Then the diet can be expanded, but eating smoked, salted, spicy, fatty( meat and fish) is strictly prohibited.

Thus, the treatment of exacerbation of the pancreas must be complex and include dietary nutrition, drug treatment and traditional medicine therapy. Surgical intervention, as a rule, is not required for the patient, and it is performed only in exceptional cases when serious complications arise. The main thing in the treatment of pancreatitis in chronic form is compliance with the correct diet and all prescriptions of the doctor, and then the threat of exacerbation will be minimized.

  • 1 Characteristic signs of pathology
  • 2 Therapy of the disease
  • 3 Traditional medicine
  • 4 Special diet

When there is an exacerbation of the pancreas, treatment of such a condition at home is quite an actual problem, as many people suffer from this disease. This body is considered one of the most important in the human body and is located behind the stomach. It produces enzymes, which, getting into the duodenum, participate in the digestion of food. Pancreas weighs about 60 g and, despite its small size, performs a number of extremely important functions. In addition to enzymes, it produces insulin and glucagon, regulating the metabolism of carbohydrates in the body.

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The most common pathology of the pancreas is its inflammation. Enzymes, which must fall into the duodenum, remain in the pancreas, as a result of which a malfunctioning of the organ occurs. It begins to gradually collapse. If toxic derivatives of this process enter the bloodstream, a person can have serious problems with the nervous system, liver or heart.

Inflammation occurring in the pancreas is called pancreatitis, and it manifests itself in chronic and acute forms.

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