Diseases Of The Reproductive System

Consequences of varicocele

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Varicocele is a pathological enlargement of the scrotum, with enlarged groinlike veins that appear through the skin. According to statistics, the disease is observed in more than 15% of the male half of the world population. Approximately 1/3 of all cases occur in the reproductive age. Primarily pathological processes develop on the left side - in 98% of all cases. Rarely, the disease is bilateral. If you ignore the varicocele, the consequences can draw undesirable phenomena.

Consequences of varicocele

Varicose veins on the testicles are safe for life. In the initial stages can occur without obvious symptoms. For this reason, men can live with such a diagnosis for many years. The threat is possible complications, if not treat the disease.

Symptoms of

Varicocele in men is often determined randomly during the examination by a specialist. Sometimes the disease can cause serious discomfort:

  • Drawing pain in the area of ​​the scrotum;
  • Gradually increasing sagging of the place where blood stagnates;
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  • Asymmetry of the left and right scrotal area;
  • Swelling of veins visible through the skin.

Pain, as a symptom of varicocele, is worse with an uncomfortable posture during sitting, as well as when wearing narrow underwear.

Accurate diagnosis of the disease is performed using:

  • Ultrasound examination;
  • Doppler ultrasound.

In the absence of treatment, male disease provokes pinching of the spermatic cord. Also part of the blood is thrown back, because it can not flow freely through the vein. As a result of the complication of varicocele, a man may develop infertility. It is known that the manifestation of male potency pathology has no effect. In the absence of pain, problems can arise only with the desire to conceive a child.

Consequences of varicocele

The degree of swelling of the veins can be determined by palpation of the scrotum. At the slightest suspicion of the presence of pathology, it is appropriate to consult a doctor. At an early stage, this will avoid the effects of varicocele, as well as surgical intervention.


Specialists distinguish 4 varicocele:

  • I - the pathology is determined exclusively by the method of Doppler ultrasound or ultrasound;
  • II - enlarged veins can be palpated in standing position;
  • III - enlarged veins are easily detected in any position. Often there is a dull aching pain, comparable to dental pain;
  • IV - pathological processes are noticeable during visual inspection.

Disease occurs during adolescence during puberty. When a certain degree is reached, the clinical condition of the pathology does not deteriorate.

Treatment of

Complex therapy is determined by careful examination. In this case, the diagnosis carried out in the prone position, then duplicated standing. Such measures allow achieving more objective results.

Consequences of varicocele

If pathological processes are accompanied by a pain syndrome in the scrotum, as well as infertility, then surgical intervention is required immediately. If no symptoms cause a man discomfort, then you can do without an operation.

Three main methods of treatment are used in the treatment of varicocele:

  • The traditional method is surgical intervention according to Ivanissevich. A dressing, crossing or removal of the dilated vein is performed. To perform this method, 3-5 centimeters are made;
  • Endoscopy. In this case, 3 small punctures are performed in the abdomen of the patient. Then the specialists enter the endoscope and bandage the affected vein of the testicle. The time required for the operation is approximately 15-20 minutes;
  • Cessation of blood flow through the vessel by sclerosing the veins of the spermatic cord. A vein is punctured, a catheter is inserted. The device penetrates first into the lower vein, then into the renal vein and the mouth of the dilated vein. After this, it is filled with a special substance that blocks the blood flow.

When the operation

is shown

Diagnosis and administration of the procedure should be performed only by a specialist urologist or andrologist. In this case, the doctor takes into account the degree of pathology, the age of the patient. Today microsurgical method of varicocelectomy is often used.

The number of indications for surgical procedures includes:

  • Pain, discomfort in the groin. The presence of even mild pains indicates inflammation and microthrombi;
  • Inability to conceive with impaired spermatogenesis. Varicose veins of the spermatic cord are present;
  • Prevention of infertility. Experts disagree on this issue;
  • Cosmetic defect. Stimulates the complexion of the sick person.

The operation can also be prescribed for a varicocele of grade 2.The reason for such an event is infertility and severe pain syndrome.

Consequences of varicocele

It is noted that the use of corrective linen, regulation of physical activity, medication can not be completely cured of pathology. Deterioration of spermogram results in the absence of other symptoms of the disease requires regular visits to the doctor for prevention.

Complications of

  • After the operation of Ivanissevich, development of dropsy is possible. The cause may be a violation of the movement of the lymphatic fluid. As a result, the scrotum is filled with this liquid. To solve a similar problem, doctors prescribe a puncture or repeated operation.
  • The second cause of relapse of the disease can also be the presence of open access and the continuation of the blood flow, contributing to the filling of the internal seed vein. This pathology is corrected with the help of sclerotherapy.
  • Among other things, after an operation a man can develop testicular atrophy. This effect is rare, but carries a serious threat. Due to atrophy, the size of the testicle decreases and infertility develops.
  • After laparoscopy, the testicles may overflow with blood. It is also likely the development of such pathologies:
    1. Allergy to a contrast agent administered during embolization;
    2. Thrombophlebitis of the veins of the spermatic cord.

Postoperative period

Consequences of varicocele

During the recovery period after the operation, other symptoms may develop:

  • Redness, swelling of the postoperative wound;
  • Small bruises;
  • Transparent, slightly reddish discharge from the wound.

Similar phenomena do not pose a threat to the life of the patient. They occur quite often.

The presence of more dangerous signs requires medical intervention. Can be observed:

  • Temperature rise;
  • Severe pain and redness in the joint zone;
  • Large hematomas;
  • Discharge of brown or yellow liquid, unpleasant odor.

The Marmara method is considered the safest method of surgical intervention for varicocele. Local anesthesia is used for the operation.

Preventative measures

Doctors recommend that men of any age group undergo disease prevention. Since the development of pathological processes is observed mainly in adolescence, it is advisable at this age to periodically visit a specialist. If the disease has not manifested itself before the age of 20, then there is reason to believe that in the future it will not arise.

In this case, an important role is played by adequate nutrition, a healthy lifestyle, intake of vitamins in sufficient quantities, as well as timely healthy rest.

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