Diseases Of The Reproductive System

Treatment of fibrotic mastopathy of mammary glands

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Mastopathy of the mammary glands of the fibrous type is called a pathology, in which the connective tissue proliferates in the form of nodules( seals) of various shapes. External symptoms are accompanied by aching or sharp pain.

The disease requires urgent treatment of medical institutions and timely treatment. The later a woman turns to a doctor, the more difficult will be the way to healing.

Before proceeding to the treatment of mammary glands, one should see and realize the problem in your body. Only knowledge about it can help in this.

Types and causes of fibrotic mastopathy


There are only 2 types of fibrous mastopathy:

  • diffuse type, when the seal is small in size;
  • is of nodal type, it is characterized by a lot of large seals, it is possible even with the untreated condition of the above type.

Age of the breast disease is the time of puberty 12-16 years or more than 35 years.

The causes are:

  • hormonal / age-related changes in the body;
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  • no period of feeding( short period);
  • pregnancy, multiple feeding;
  • environmental issues;
  • disorders in the endocrine system of a woman;
  • violation of the regime: lack of sleep, heavy work schedule.

Symptoms of fibrotic mastopathy

Most often, the pathology is localized in the upper outer quadrant of the mammary glands. To notice it at an early stage is problematic for , especially if a woman is not used to paying attention to pain syndromes. You should always listen to your body and consult your doctor in a timely manner. Especially with the following symptoms:

  • pain;
  • unreasonable nervousness.
  • pain, more often localized;
  • deformation of the subcutaneous tissue, which is felt even with independent palpation.
  • redness, bloating of the skin.

To understand yourself whether you have such a disease, you must have an ultrasound machine at home. But to guess the problems of the mammary glands that require treatment, you can stand in front of a mirror.

  • undressing to the waist, should be fingered by the breast for the presence of nodules or a response in the form of pain;
  • to examine the skin.

Treatment of


Women often ask themselves how to help themselves in fibrotic mastitis of the mammary glands.

First of all, it should be said that treating such a disease without the knowledge of the doctor can lead to an irreparable result. You can start the disease with pseudo-treatment very quickly. Later degrees of mastopathy can lead to oncological problems.

In order to timely implement the treatment, you must always listen to your body and respond to any of its signals. Perhaps, pain at rest will be minimal, but if they are strong when walking and running, you should contact the clinic.

Do not ask yourself how to treat yourself fibrotic mastopathy. Independent steps can lead to a point of no return.

You should also know that any impact on the body should be complex. Independent measures can not be self-sufficient because of the lack of accurate diagnosis and medical literacy. Medications are important and necessary in the process of healing from fibrous mastopathy of the mammary glands. All the rest will be only concomitant therapy.

Treatment of the disease, appointed by the doctor, is usually aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease. Sometimes mastopathy has a neurotic nature, and is treated only by sessions of psychotherapy, but this is a rarity. More often than not, doctors seek help for homeopathy, prescribe vitamins, dietary supplements and lifestyle changes. In difficult cases, hormone therapy is used.

At home, it is permissible to drink vitamins specifically for women, again recommended by doctors. Also, phytotherapy is used as a treatment for a problem such as mastopathy of a fibrous nature.

  • Tea containing oregano from is considered to be female tea. Abuse of oregano is dangerous to health, can lead to a violation of the hormonal background or uterine bleeding. Admission should be strictly according to the recommendations of a medical professional. Independently, you can brew light tea and drink it once a night, not more than three days. Dosage 1 filter sachet per 350 grams, of which only 200 grams are recommended. Rest on the compress.
  • Treatment with cabbage leaves and burdock. Compresses in general will always be an auxiliary tool for the treatment of fibrous mastopathy. For this you will need the leaves of cabbage and burdock. Finely wipe them with a knife, along with the juice, put on gauze. Wrap your breast neatly for half an hour. Cover the top with a plastic bag, avoiding temperature changes. If this happens, it is best to change the bandage by cutting other leaves.
  • Compress of pumpkin flesh. Pumpkin finely chop with a knife, along with the juice to shift to a gauze or fabric bandage. Wrap your breast for 30 minutes.
  • Honey compresses, compresses with propolis. 3 spoons of honey or propolis mixed with a spoon of calendula, put on a cloth bandage and envelop the chest. Hold for 10-15 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  • Calendula Compresses. Season calendula and apply to the breast for 15 minutes soaked in a warm towel solution. The same principle is followed by a saline solution.
  • The use of flaxseed oil or powder of this seed is very useful as an additional treatment. Must eat on an empty stomach, preferably in the morning and at night.
  • It is also useful to rub the oil into the skin of the mammary glands.
  • Anti-stress therapy. Add sedatives to the course of treatment. It can be valerian or motherwort. In addition, in the vitamins that the woman takes, magnesium and zinc must be present. They have a positive effect on the nervous system, the dosage should be specified by the doctors.
  • Multivitamins , women's vitamins called "Aevit" are both preventive and curative. Use "Aevit" no more than once a day and no more than three weeks. For exact information, contact your doctor. Abuse of vitamins leads to their disastrous consequences.
  • Proper nutrition. First, in the menu two - three times a week there should be products containing the component - omega 3. Secondly, to consume as much fiber as possible. Thirdly, there should be daily on your table - oats, oatmeal or oatmeal. It is also desirable to give up coffee and black tea, replacing everything with herbal or green varieties.

Prevention of


All preventive measures can be useful as a treatment for the early stage of fibrotic mastopathy.

The female body is primarily created for procreation. If this function is not involved, problems with the mammary glands may start. And you should give birth at least 3 times. In cases of identifying problems with genital organs, a woman at a young age should be treated.

Accordingly, breastfeeding is the next mandatory function of the fairer sex. Interruption can lead not only to stagnant milk in the mammary glands, but also to hormonal failure of the body. 10 -12 months of feeding is enough for the health of the mother and child. Do not forget about hygiene: the breast should always be clean and without microcracks, leading to infection.

At the same time, night vigils, fatigue, lack of rest can lead a young mother to changes with a hormonal background, which lead to fibrotic mastopathy. Therefore, rest must be a priority for the woman in childbirth .This is especially important in the case when the disease has already overtaken a young mother.

Monitoring of the endocrine system will be an important preventive method. For a normal hormonal background, a woman at any age should not only rest, get enough sleep and, if possible, avoid environmentally negative effects on her body. Continuous observation at the doctor, the delivery of tests for the hormonal background important moments in the life of the fairer sex.

Every woman should try to avoid stressful situations , lead a measured lifestyle, take vitamins in a timely manner. Especially it concerns the transition stages. During menopause it is necessary to be observed at the doctor-mammologist. Schoolchildren or romantic experiences are imposed on girls on puberty problems. Parents should be very attentive to their daughter in the period from 13 to 16 years, to help the girl in stressful situations. To then not treat fibrotic mastopathy, you should follow preventive measures. During this period it is possible to give children glycine, according to the age instruction and no more.

From the age of 20 and at any subsequent age, a stable sex life and a minimum number of partners are important. And also supervision at doctors - the gynecologist, mammologa;carrying out of ultrasonic research.


Any treatment should be performed by a physician. Self-medication of such a serious disease as fibrotic mastopathy can lead to breast cancer. Also, untimely admission to the clinic is fraught with bad consequences. It is possible to act independently only in accordance with the doctor. The use of vitamins, phytotherapy or folk remedies, even as preventive methods, should be carried out with the permission of the doctor. At home, you can only apply a compress of cabbage leaf, salt or calendula that are harmless, relieve inflammation, heat and ease the situation at the physiological level. Preventative measures in the form of a healthy lifestyle require medical advice only when it concerns dietary nutrition. In some cases, with fibrotic mastopathy, the diet is useful, in some it is harmful, it should be clarified with a specialist.

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