
Causes and features of the course of vesicles of prostatitis

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  • Features of the development of pathology
  • Clinical picture of the disease
  • Diagnostic features
  • Treatment measures
  • Prevention of pathology

Men today are prone to a variety of genitourinary pathologies, a significant part of which falls on processes of inflammatory nature. A special place is given to inflammatory processes in the prostate gland. Similar pathology is found mainly in mature men, but it is also often found in young patients. Chronic prostatic form leads to the emergence of inflammation of seminal vesicles. Then the vesicle is diagnosed prostatitis. The combination of such pathological conditions is fraught with serious consequences for the reproductive system of men, and when neglected the disease threatens irreversible infertility.

Prostate location

Features of the development of the pathology of

The development of vesicles of prostatitis is facilitated by the process of scarring, and then clogging the ducts through which the seminal fluid is ejected. As an independent pathology, inflammation of the seminal vesicles develops extremely rarely. Usually this disease is formed due to other pathological processes occurring in the genitourinary structures.

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Seminal vesicles perform the most important functions in the male body, because they are the storehouse of the male half-cell structures. Since the vesicle-prostatic pathology is formed due to chronic prostatic inflammation, the etiological features of these diseases are closely related to the origin of prostatitis.

  • The leading role in the development of prostatevisculus is assigned to infectious agents such as staphylococci, gonococcus, E. coli, protea, various viruses, etc. Infection into the seminal vesicle occurs in several ways: ascending through the urethra or hematogenous through the blood.
  • Prostatezikulitis can provoke stagnant low-tidal processes, blood flow disorders that arise due to lack of mobility, sedentary occupational activity, hypodynamia.
  • Important role is given to irregular sexual contacts, which provoke stagnation of the prostatic secret. Excessively violent sexual activity can also affect the development of prostatevisculitis.
  • Unhealthy habits like tobacco smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction contribute to the emergence of pathological processes in seminal vesicles.
  • Weakened immune status, metabolic disorders, the presence of chronic infectious lesions, frequent constipation and hypothermia are also able to make a significant contribution to the etiology of prostatevisculitis.
  • A similar disease can even occur as a result of infection from a very remote infectious focus, for example, inflammatory processes in the mouth, pneumonia or sore throat.

With a serious attitude towards risk factors and the maximum possible exclusion of them, a man is fully capable of independently protecting himself from the occurrence of such a pathology.

Clinical picture of the disease

Pain with urination The clinical picture of prostatevisculitis is almost identical to prostatic inflammation. The main manifestation of pathology is the pain syndrome. It focuses in the area just above the pubic area, is given in the groin, the perineal zone, the genitalia of the male. Often soreness radiates into the area of ​​the bladder. Pain symptomatology often becomes more pronounced after the urination process.

Sometimes the pathological process is accompanied by secretions from the penis, which have a mucous consistence. This mucus is the secret of seminal vesicles and sometimes contains bloody impurities. This phenomenon is explained by the squeezing of the blisters with the rectum, which makes the secret stand out. Often, prostateziculitis is accompanied by difficulties in the field of sexual relations. Such problems are often manifested by painful ejection of sperm, impurities of blood in the semen, as well as painful symptoms during sexual intercourse. Often, against the background of developing inflammatory processes, a man is worried about a fever that is accompanied by headaches, a feeling of chills, etc.

Diagnostics features

Delivery of tests Diagnostic procedures begin with a urological examination and a laboratory examination of urine and blood. The laboratory tests of the prostatic and seminal blister secretion are of great diagnostic importance. When such a biomaterial is produced under specialized conditions, a bacterial culture is carried out in order to identify the type of pathogen and to determine the nutrient medium.

The modern diagnostic technique is a PCR-study, which has the maximum possible informativeness. However, the use of polymerase chain reaction is very expensive and therefore not widely used. But ultrasound diagnostics belongs to the category of generally available techniques, in addition, it has sufficient informativeness. Rectal examination is also very informative.

Medical measures

Inflammatory processes in the prostate and testes require a sufficiently professional and long therapeutic approach, even in cases when the pathology is at the first stage of development. In general, the treatment approach includes several conditions:

  1. At a reception with a specialist Antibiotic therapy is mandatory, however, only a specialist will be able to select a specific drug when taking into account the type of causative agent of prostatevisculitis. In general, cephalosporin, fluoroquinolone, penicillin or macrolide antibiotics are used;
  2. If there is hyperthermia, then antipyretics and bed rest are used;
  3. With such a disease, defecation is quite painful, so patients are prescribed drugs of laxative action;
  4. Strongly expressed pain symptoms require non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  5. With a normal temperature background, the use of physiotherapy techniques, warming up the perineum warmer, microclyster or warm baths is indicated;
  6. If pathology is complicated by purulent processes, then they resort to autopsy of the testes and their further drainage.

Patients with prostateviculitis are also advised to follow a dietary intake, exclude sexual contact, rest and a copious drinking regimen. Prostateziculitis must be cured to the end, otherwise the inflammatory processes will be chronized, which will lead to many undesirable consequences.

Prevention of pathology

Preventive measures of prostatevisculitis are based on the hygiene of sexual relations, i.e., exclusion of sexual relations with potentially dangerous sexual partners. In addition, you need to treat prostate inflammations in a timely manner, avoid hypothermia and constipation, move more and observe the regularity of sexual activity. To improve the immune status, one must observe a balance in nutrition, then the body will be more resistant to pathogens.
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