Diseases Of The Pancreas
Diseases Of The Pancreas

Diarrhea in pancreatitis

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Pancreatitis is a rather insidious and serious disease. In many cases, it manifests itself as a violation of the gastrointestinal tract. It must be remembered that the human digestive system ideally works in a harmonious way and itself is rather harmoniously arranged. Any problems indicate that it is necessary to take urgent measures and eliminate the factors that caused the specific violation.

Diarrhea in pancreatitis

Pancreatitis promotes the development in the pancreas of processes that cause serious disruption in the entire gastrointestinal tract. As a result, constipation and loose stools often occur. How to stop diarrhea in pancreatitis? This question worries many who suffer from this ailment. It is important to take timely measures to stop diarrhea and ease your physical condition.

Reasons for

Why can diarrhea occur? In someone who has pancreatitis, the pancreas works in a special way. The body itself is subject to changes, as a result of which there are failures in its activities. To understand the causes of the problems that have arisen is as important as knowing what the patient needs to do.

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  • Indigestion

In pancreatitis, insufficient digestion of food due to improper operation of the pancreas is often formed. Indigestion can occur regularly and be a frequent visitor. The fault is the lack of produced enzymes. Do not be afraid of such a symptom. You just need to know what caused it and, of course, do not delay the treatment of the underlying disease. Remember that diarrhea as such is a symptom of an ailment and indicates only obvious trouble inside the body itself.

  • Viral infections

Sometimes it happens that in addition to the actual pancreatitis itself, there are other problems in the body. If you have recently suffered any viral infection, you need to strictly control your diet during this period and carefully monitor your well-being. Viral infections can significantly weaken the internal protection system, which often makes the patient's general health worse.

Diarrhea in pancreatitis

Sometimes the banal flu or sore throat can be dangerous not by themselves, but by their destructive consequences. Viruses inflict great damage on immunity, several times lower the level of resistance of the body. In such conditions, the manifestations of chronic pancreatitis may increase.

  • Pancreas injuries

This situation, like the experienced trauma of the pancreas can serve a person a bad service. Suddenly, diarrhea that arises can occur for this very reason. A person rarely connects such phenomena as pancreatic problems and accidentally received stroke.

It should be remembered that in chronic pancreatitis, you should take care of yourself, avoid falling and striking the abdominal area. Any strong mechanical impact in the abdomen can lead to completely unpredictable consequences.

  • Diseases of the gallbladder

If to all the rest you have a place to be a disease of the gallbladder, then precautions increase several times. Such a patient needs to take care of his own health even more carefully and pay attention to what seems to be quite harmless little things. It is worthwhile to carefully think over your diet in advance and not allow any deviations from the diet. Diarrhea that has arisen against a background of gall bladder disease is not a rare occurrence.

  • Allergy to

medications. As it may not seem strange, diarrhea is often the result of severe allergies. Against the background of taking certain medications, there is a strong supersaturation of the body with certain substances, the balance of the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract is disturbed. There is a kind of poisoning, which is akin to food imbalance, when categorically incompatible products are taken together.

Diarrhea in pancreatitis

Sometimes there are pains in the abdomen, diarrhea opens. In some cases, an intestinal disorder occurs without any other symptoms. Allergy to tablets is a fairly common phenomenon. Before taking any medications, consult a specialist. Never prescribe medication yourself, this is fraught with serious consequences. It is better to be reinsured once again than to suffer pain and frequent trips to the toilet.

Treatment of

Whatever causes diarrhea, it is important to start treating it as soon as possible. The sooner the appropriate measures are taken, the faster will manage to cope with diarrhea. Of course, diarrhea itself is not life-threatening. However for an organism any failures are the big stress. Then you need to wait time, go through the recovery period. In the treatment of diarrhea, which has arisen against a background of chronic pancreatitis, it is necessary to try to observe certain rules.

  • Nutrition

Typically, a diet for pancreatitis appoints a doctor. With diarrhea, you should give up fatty and salty foods. Avoid eating fried, sweet, sour-milk products. Do not add any spices to your food, even if you are accustomed to them. Various condiments can also significantly harm.

Diarrhea in pancreatitis

There are necessary small portions several times a day. Do not overeat, do not load the stomach with extra calories. Products are preferably pre-ground, for example, in a blender. If there is no appetite, do not force yourself to eat by force. Allow your body to fully recover. You'll see, soon you will be much better.

  • Cold compress

A cold compress should be applied to the area of ​​the pancreas. For this purpose, you can pre-wet the towel with cold water and hold it on your stomach for a while. This measure is necessary in order to reduce edema of the pancreas mucosa. As a result, the pain will be significantly reduced, and maybe even completely gone.

  • Observe rest

When diarrhea is distressing, it is best to be at rest. Avoid fuss, strangers in the house. Better to wait for the guests. Let there be only close people close to whom you can fully trust. It's no secret that prolonged diarrhea deprives a person of physical strength. You can feel tired, depressed, detached from all that is happening. Remember, all this is a temporary condition that will soon pass.

Therefore, it is important to know how to stop diarrhea in pancreatitis. All of the above is mandatory, which must be done on time. If there are violations in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, you need to take effective measures to restore your health.

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