Diseases Of The Reproductive System

Torsion of the legs of the ovary

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Among the causes of the "acute abdomen", characteristic of gynecological diseases, twisting of the ovary's foot occurs in 20% of cases. This pathology occurs in the presence of tumors. Torsion is their complication caused by blood flow disorders.

Causes of

All neoplasms in the body are attached to the organs by a connective tissue called a "leg".It consists of a variety of lymphatic and nerve trunks, blood vessels, etc. It is not surprising that its torsion causes an instant reaction and multiple violations.

Specific causes of complication development are not established. However, it is known that excessive physical exertion, abrupt changes in body position( for example, when jumping with a parachute or on a trampoline), swollen bowel syndrome, and pregnancy put pressure on the tumor and can cause torsion. Sharp weight loss, as well as excessive body weight, provoke disorders that can lead to torsion or the appearance of cysts and tumors.

The turn of the legs is subdivided into a full one, when the tumor is 360-degree rotated, and not full. The speed of this phenomenon also varies, depending on many factors and conditions, including individual characteristics. Distinguish a gradual torsion that lasts for a certain time, and acute, occurred almost instantaneously.

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In any case, you need to see a doctor, because if you do not operate the woman on time, the tumor can burst due to malnutrition, which will lead to internal hemorrhage. And this is an even more serious complication.

Symptoms of

When torsion of the ovarian tumor is twisted, pronounced symptoms are observed, but their level depends on the rate of torsion, the degree and pressure that it creates. Full torsion causes a sensation of "acute abdomen" - the patient experiences severe pain, accompanied by fever, vomiting, intestinal distress, tachycardia, etc. Pain can be both paroxysmal and accruing, given in the limbs and in the lower back. Possible spotting from the vagina.

A woman experiencing such feelings can not even straighten up, as this brings her unbearable pain. After 3-4 hours, tumor necrosis is observed - this is a natural process caused by the cessation of blood supply. The patient may feel relief, however, this is a deceptive recovery. In time without seeking medical help, a woman subjects herself to peretonitis, an extremely serious illness.

With incomplete twisting of the leg of the ovarian tumor, weak pain and tingling sensations can be observed. The pain then intensifies, then it subside - the lubricated symptomatology complicates the diagnosis, so the doctor can prescribe ultrasound and other studies. Definitely worth paying attention to the pain of any nature and to find out their cause.


Torsion occurs in patients with already diagnosed tumor formation. However, it is not uncommon for a woman not to know that she has had new growths. The presence of a tumor and cysts suggest regular monitoring of their condition. On examination, the physician evaluates with the help of palpation the tension of the abdominal wall, the soreness on the side of the ovary, on which there is a tumor.

In parallel with the examination, an overall blood test is performed, indicating the level of leukocytes and ESR - these indicators reflect the changes that occur in the body and the inflammatory processes.

Gynecologic examination involves carrying out laparoscopy, a procedure by which an endoscope is introduced, allowing you to study the size of the tumor, its position, to see the leg itself and to evaluate its condition. To exclude other diseases, such as ectopic pregnancy, appendicitis, kidney pathologies, accompanied by similar symptoms, their research is conducted.

Treatment of

The only method of treatment for this disease is surgical intervention. Neither hormonal preparations, nor any other therapy is able to save the patient from torsion. Moreover, procrastination entails more serious consequences up to a lethal outcome. The nature of the operation is determined depending on the situation - sometimes it is urgently needed, in other cases you can wait, thoroughly prepared for it.

Until recently, surgical intervention was carried out by cutting off the leg, and often it was not possible to keep the organ itself. Modern medicine offers a more gentle method - laparoscopy. When it is used, it is possible to untwist the legs. Next, observe the state of the ovary and appendages - if they come back to normal, that is, a cyanotic shade turns into pink, possibly further removal of the cyst or tumor. At the same time, the organ remains, and the removed tissues are sent for histological examination.

Complications of

With the timely application of the patient for medical care, it is possible for her to quickly recover and maintain the normal functioning of the gynecological organs. However, temporary withdrawal and suppression of pain with lubricant drugs without recourse to doctors can lead to a number of serious consequences:

  • cyst rupture or tumor;
  • internal hemorrhage;
  • destruction of the neoplasm and genitalia;
  • occurrence of adhesions in the internal part of the abdominal cavity;
  • sharp deterioration in general condition;
  • infertility.

To avoid this kind of trouble, doctors strongly recommend visiting a gynecologist, performing ultrasound examinations once a year, observing existing tumors, and cases of pain, temperature, and vomiting immediately call an ambulance.

Torsion during pregnancy

Tumor itself is a complication for the onset of pregnancy, although in most cases it interferes with conception. Operative intervention during pregnancy is considered individually, if there was a need to remove a cyst or a tumor, manipulation is performed at the 12-16th week of pregnancy, but operations at any time are possible. The fruit at the same time try to keep, and after the woman recommended a long treatment. Often, she remains in the hospital under the supervision of doctors - this is the only sure way to endure a healthy baby.

Women who underwent surgery to remove a tumor with preservation of the ovaries, in the future can become mums. However, immediately after removal, conception is best not planned, since complications during gestation are possible. Doctors recommend to withstand the period of 2-3 years - during this period, the functions of the ovary will be restored, and the seams and adhesions will completely dissolve.

Thus, the torsion of the ovarian tumor is a complex and dangerous disease. As you know, prevent much easier than to treat and get rid of the consequences, so it's better to visit the gynecologist on time and monitor your health. If a tumor or cystic formation is diagnosed on the ovaries, do not panic - with the possibilities of modern medicine and monitoring the body's condition, it is quite realistic to conceive, bear fruit, give birth and live a long happy life.

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