
The need for progesterone for the male body

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  • Functions of the hormone
  • If the level of progesterone is too low
  • Exceeded amount of the hormone
  • How to determine the level of the hormone
  • How to normalize the content of progesterone

There are such hormones that are more characteristic of the female body, like the pregnancy hormone, but it turns out that progesterone also occurs inmale body. Moreover, progesterone in men plays far from the last role in the activity of the whole organism. Any deviation from the norm of this hormone immediately affects the man's well-being.

Progesterone is an important hormone for the health of men

Functions of the hormone

The synthesis of this hormone is carried out in the adrenal cortex and a little in the seminal vesicles. Progesterone is involved in the synthesis of many important hormones, being their predecessor. It is the building base for many hormones. It produces testosterone, neurosteroids, cortisol and many others. In addition, he actively participates in the nervous system.

By the age of 50, most of the male population has an increased estrogen content, which is manifested by breast enlargement and feminization of the figure, resulting in a decrease in sexual function and obesity. Progesterone in this situation inhibits the production of estrogen, preventing their excessive content.

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Men from testosterone can develop such hormonal forms that provoke the development of prostatic hyperplasia, when the tissues of the prostate gland expands, up to the tumor process. It is progesterone that acts as a suppressor of the processes of formation of such hormones, thereby preventing hyperplasia and prostate cancer.

In addition, progesterone in men produces other positive effects:

  1. Lowers the intensity of the transition of testosterone to the dihydrotestosterone form;
  2. Has a firming effect on bone tissue;
  3. Prevents excess estrogen;
  4. Responsible for the regulation of liquid exchange;
  5. Prevents cancerous processes in the tissues of the prostate, and often progesterone-based drugs are included in the therapeutic anticancer complex;
  6. Controls the sugar content;
  7. Prevents cardiovascular diseases;
  8. Improves sleep;
  9. Supports normal libido;
  10. Establishes thyroid functions;
  11. Protects brain activity;
  12. Improves the skin.

The anatomical norm of the progesterone content is of the order of 0.3-0.6 nmol / l. The male health reflects only changes that exceed or understate the norm by half or more. There are no specific pathologies that affect the level of this hormone, but factors such as certain diseases, climatic conditions, lifestyle, daily rations, etc., can influence its rate.

If the level of progesterone is too low

The progesterone level that is lower can be provoked:

  • Brain tumors, thyroid hyperfunction, diabetes;
  • Erectile dysfunction of various origin;
  • Long-term abuse of bile and intestinal cleansing, diets with a lot of fiber, but insufficient fat and meat;
  • Inflammations in the reproductive system like prostatitis, epididymitis, orchitis, etc.;
  • Abuse of laxatives and dietary supplements of a similar effect;
  • Inadequate renal function of chronic form;
  • Operative intervention associated with the removal of pituitary benign;
  • X-ray examinations of tumorous malignant tumors;
  • Prostate or testicular cancer, torsion of the testicles that caused tissue necrosis, or removal of testicles;
  • Insufficient functionality of the adrenal cortex;
  • Prolonged use of anticonvulsants or penicillin antibiotics;
  • Taking drugs like Cyproterone or Danazol.

deficit progesterona

Overall, the progesterone deficit is accompanied by fatigue and lack of appetite, weight fluctuations, sexual problems, mood swings and increased irritability. A man in this state differs in an explosive mood, often breaks down, freaks out, falls into a state of profound unreasonable depression.

The reduced content of progesterone causes a significant decrease in androgenic hormones, which is fraught with a violation of sexual functions and sexual desire. Strongly lowered progesterone can completely lead to male sexual insolvency, so it is extremely important to monitor the hormonal background.

Excessive amount of the hormone

The increased content of progesterone can lead to atrophy of testicles, infertility due to malfunctions in spermatogenesis, and disturbances in metabolic processes.

This is interesting. Often, causeless weakness and depressive condition are associated with an elevated level of progesterone, which suppressed the hormone of serotonin. Therefore, such men lack joy and love of life, and they often try to compensate for such a shortage of smoking or alcoholic beverages.

In general, a high concentration of progesterone is caused most often:

  1. Insufficient functioning of the liver or kidney;
  2. Formations of the adrenal cortex or testes producing hormones;
  3. Adrenal hyperplasia of a congenital nature;
  4. Insufficiency of the thyroid gland;
  5. Traumatism of high severity;
  6. Tumor formation of the hypothalamus or pituitary gland;
  7. Bulk operations;
  8. Diseases such as herpes zoster, etc.;
  9. Long-term treatment with Clomiphene, antifungal preparations( ketoconazole), neuroleptic effect, phenothiazines, some medicines with progestive activity.

The main signs of increased progesterone concentration are drowsiness and constant fatigue, frequent dizziness, depression, nervous breakdowns, headaches, sudden mood changes, irritability and a tendency to fatigue. In addition, progesterone redundancy can manifest manifestations such as visual disorders, skin rashes( acne or acne), low blood pressure.

High level of progesterone, as well as too low, has a depressing effect on sexual desire. In the recent past, drugs that have a stimulating effect on the production of progesterone have been applied to criminals for the purpose of chemical castration, resulting in their sexual desire wasted.

How to determine the level of the hormone

The progesterone level is determined by a blood test taken from a vein. It is prescribed for the diagnosis of various pathologies of the testicles, adrenal glands or thyroid gland. Before the analysis it is necessary to observe some requirements:

  • Biomaterial is taken in the morning, on an empty stomach, not earlier than 10 hours after the last meal, but drinking water is allowed;
  • If the assay is to be submitted at another time of the day, no less than 6 hours must pass from the time of ingestion to the collection of blood, and the food should not contain fatty components;
  • Do not perform massage or physiotherapy sessions before the analysis.

Before the test, the specialist should be informed about the medications taken, as some medications are able to distort the results.

How to normalize the content of progesterone

To bring the progesterone level back to normal, it is mostly hormonal therapy. To reduce the concentration of a hormone, there are many drugs that a specialist should prescribe. In general, the decrease in the production of this hormone is facilitated by the use of Ampicillin, Cyproterone, Epostane, Goserelin, Epostane, Leupromide, etc.

Progesterone concentration is increased due to the use of drugs like synthetic analogs of this hormone, Clomifene, Tamoxifen, Mifepristone, Corticotropin, etc.

Hormone therapy is often unsafe, causing a lot of complications, so many people are looking for folk ways to restore the hormonal background. As practice shows, a red brush normalizes progesterone well. This herb has a lot of useful properties for men. In addition to reducing the progesterone hormone, it relieves inflammation and prostate adenoma, which often cause deviations in the content of certain hormones. But before starting such treatment it is necessary to get an endocrinological consultation.

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