Thyroid Disease

Hyperthyroidism in pregnant women

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Diagnosis of hyperthyroidism during pregnancy is a pretty unpleasant fact. Violation of the function of the endocrine system is equally dangerous for both the mother and the developing fetus.

Hyperthyroidism in pregnant women

This phenomenon, like hyperthyroidism, is caused by a malfunction in the thyroid gland, in which the production of hormones significantly increases. In turn, an overabundance of hormones adversely affects the metabolic processes of the pregnant woman's body. The increased secretion accompanying the disease is also dangerous, as well as its lack, therefore for normal development of the fetus, strict control over the hormonal background is necessary.

The risk of hyperthyroidism during pregnancy

The human endocrine system is a complex mechanism responsible for producing the necessary hormones. If the thyroid gland function is abnormal, both the decrease in production and a significant increase can occur. The second case of the disease was called hyperthyroidism. The increased production of hormones during pregnancy is extremely dangerous for the developing baby.

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Hyperthyroidism of the thyroid gland of the mother can lead to the defeat of the same organ in the child. Also, the disease is dangerous development in the fetus of pathological disorders of the nervous system and other organs. A high level of hormones in the blood of a pregnant woman immediately affects the condition of the baby due to the placental circulation.

Hyperthyroidism in pregnant women

The failure of the endocrine system can lead to the following consequences:

  • Pregnancy fading and the birth of a stillborn baby;
  • There is a risk of termination of pregnancy;
  • Premature delivery;
  • Placental abruption;
  • Postpartum hemorrhages;
  • Lack of the child in mental development.

Disruption of thyroid function negatively affects the work of all organs, as well as on the reproductive system of the female body. Until recently, physicians were not aware of the negative impact of hyperthyroidism on the mental development of the child, so the cases of the birth of children diagnosed with cretinism were massive. Due to the fact that such a phenomenon was observed most often within the same family, scientists concluded that the cause of such an ailment is the mother.

Currently, due to timely diagnosis, such cases have become extremely rare. Women who responsibly relate to the health of the child should undergo, before pregnancy, the necessary examination of the hormonal level. Especially important is this control in the presence of cases of hyperthyroidism in the family.

The cause of the disease

Hyperthyroidism during pregnancy can be of several types. Such a thing as transient hyperthyroidism is usually considered a temporary phenomenon that can be observed in women at the initial stages. Usually this condition passes after childbirth.

Hyperthyroidism in pregnant women

The cause of transient hyperthyroidism is an increase in the need for additional hormones. After 12 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus starts producing hormones independently, so after this period, the normalization of the hormonal background of the woman usually occurs. The change in endocrinological parameters is associated with the physiological structure of the reproductive system. During pregnancy, an additional circulatory cycle appears, which means that the blood volume increases, which requires a certain concentration of hormones. In other words, the woman's thyroid gland starts working at a double rate for her mother and child.

There is no need to treat transient hyperthyroidism of pregnant women, which can not be said about the acquired chronic form. The cause of this pathology can be various negative processes in the thyroid gland.

Diagnosis of diffuse goiter or Graves' disease can be a serious problem for a pregnant woman.

The most dangerous form of hyperthyroidism in pregnant women is diffuse goiter. The increased attention to this problem is caused by the following reasons:

  • the disease has an autoimmune nature of occurrence and is able to cause a malfunction in the work of the woman's immunity;
  • disease tends to develop constantly, requires immediate treatment and carries a direct danger to the baby.

Hyperthyroidism in pregnant women

Sometimes women experience artificial hyperthyroidism, which occurs because of improper hormone replacement therapy. Quite often, this phenomenon occurs when self-medication. Also, the increase in thyroid hormones can be caused by excessive consumption of seafood. As is known, such a category of products is famous for its high content of iodine, and in case of abuse, the concentration of such a microelement in the body can be provoked by artificial hyperthyroidism.

In order to rule out such a phenomenon, a pregnant woman should pay careful attention to her diet. Also, you can not combine seafood with iodized salt. Especially this recommendation is relevant for those who have a predisposition to the violation of the hormonal background.

Symptoms of the disease

Depending on the severity of the disease can be accompanied by various symptoms that can be divided into several degrees:

  • Symptoms of the first degree of severity are characterized by a slight weight gain caused by increased appetite. During pregnancy this symptom is rather difficult to identify as anxious. Also there is excessive sweating, rapid heartbeat to a hundred beats per minute, irrational irritability.
  • At the second stage of the development of the disease, weight change becomes more significant. In parallel, there is a pulse increase of up to 120 beats per minute, anxiety, insomnia, depressive states. In some cases, a slight tremor is observed when stretching the arms.

Hyperthyroidism in pregnant women

  • In the third stage, the nature of the symptoms may have the opposite color. The weight of a pregnant woman is sharply reduced. Against the background of a stable tachycardia, the heart rate increases to 140 beats per minute, cardiac insufficiency, high blood pressure appears.

Hyperthyroidism and pregnancy are a rather dangerous combination. Due to the fact that many symptoms of hormonal imbalance are very similar to the typical symptoms accompanying pregnancy, diagnosing the disease can be quite late. In this regard, the risk of adverse effects on the fetus is very large.

Tactics of treatment

Hyperthyroidism diagnosed during pregnancy requires urgent treatment. The complexity of the therapeutic procedures may be caused by the fact that the not fully formed placenta is not able to protect the fetus from drug exposure. As a result, the mother's treatment for the child can have negative consequences. Therefore, it is extremely important that the therapy is appointed by an experienced specialist who will correctly build the tactics of treatment and will select a safe dosage for the fetus.

Most often endocrinologists prescribe the drug Propylthiouracil, also often doctors use Thiamazole. Of the side effects of this drug can distinguish the risk of spontaneous miscarriage and the violation of the term of labor, so this hormone should be used in a very small dosage.

Hyperthyroidism in pregnant women

In the second trimester, hyperthyroidism may slightly decrease. This is due to the fact that the fetus is finishing to form its own thyroid gland. However, after the birth, the disease can return to the previous indices. The method of treatment with radioactive iodine during pregnancy is completely excluded. Sometimes a woman needs an operative intervention, which is carried out no earlier than the second trimester.

Prevention of hyperthyroidism

Preventive measures for hyperthyroidism mean maintaining the necessary level of iodine in the body. And it is important to monitor both the deficiency and the overabundance of this trace element. When selecting iodine-containing products and medicines, it is also necessary to take into account the patient's region of residence and the climate.

In some cases, specialists recommend the intake of various dietary supplements. But in the absence of a sharp need, it is better not to use such drugs during pregnancy, since their effect is not fully understood.

The most affordable and safe method of replenishing iodine is eating iodized salt. However, it is worth remembering that excessive use of such a product can lead to swelling.

Prevention of hyperthyroidism should be started six months before the onset of pregnancy. During this time, the body will adjust to the correct work and with increased stress on the thyroid gland the hormonal background will remain normal.

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