Nervous System Infections

The first signs and symptoms of rabies in humans - the video of an infected person

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signs of rabies in humans Rabies is nothing more than an infectious-viral disease , affecting, above all, the nervous system and the spinal cord. Inevitably leads to death.

The disease is transmitted along with saliva through the bite of rabies infected dogs, cats, foxes, wolves, small rodents and through cattle and so on.

In our time, the risk of getting a rabies infection is very small, because vaccination and the introduction of sera are used.

The manifestation of the clinical picture of the disease depends on the type of rabies, therefore each case is examined and diagnosed separately, and individual treatment is selected.


  • Causes of rabies infection
  • Signs and symptoms of rabies in a person
    • Initial stage
    • Stage of excitation
    • Last stage
  • Vaccination
  • Video: Symptoms of rabies on a real case

Causes of infection by rabies

The most common cause of the disease is the bite of a person infected with an .

But rabies can be transmitted by several

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ways: in case of wounds, through the meal, from the pregnant mother to the fetus. The transmission of rabies from dead animals is not excluded. There are cases when, when cutting carcasses, infection occurs.

According to statistics, children are most often infected with rabies, as they often contact cats and dogs.

To successfully develop in the body, the virus attacks the nervous system. First of all, it interacts with nerve fibers, through which the head and spinal cord advances in the bite of an infected animal.

Studies showed the no rabies virus in the blood. Reaching the big brain, the virus multiplies and penetrates into the salivary and lacrimal glands. The period of the incubation period depends on the location of the moult or bite. On average, it is from two weeks to 2-3 years.

Symptoms and symptoms of rabies in a person

Among the extensive symptoms, we distinguish the first signs and symptoms of rabies in a person's : weakness in the whole body, prolonged headaches, the temperature may rise, but insignificantly, the manifestations of sore throat and runny nose can also indicate infection.

After the incubation period ends, a true disease occurs, in which the is isolated in several stages.

The initial stage of

The first stage is the initial and lasts about 1-3 days. In the area of ​​a bite, the first signs of a rabies infection in humans appear.

Although the wound may last, but there is a drawing pain, itching, the skin around the wound is particularly sensitive.

Body temperature slightly increased, approximately 37.2.There is a headache, sometimes vomiting reflexes. When bites in the face there are hallucinations, the psyche can break and the person becomes irritable. Healthy sleep is broken, there is no appetite.

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Stage of excitation

Stage of excitation( 2-3 days) is characterized by increased sensitivity of the nervous system , which affects absolutely the entire body.

is marked with hydrophobia. This is manifested when the patient wants to quench his thirst and with sips of water there are spasms of the swallowing muscles and respiratory system, which causes vomiting. Breath intermittent, rather convulsive.

psychosis - symptoms of rabies Seizure attacks a person experiences at the slightest stimuli - loud sound, bright lighting and so on. Pupils greatly expand, and the pulse becomes more frequent, there is a strong sweating and a copious secretion of saliva.

Symptoms of rabies infection in humans also appear on the psyche.

The psychic of a person is also degrading and it can cause harm not only to himself but to others. There are cases when patients rush at passers-by and even tear their hair, fight against the surface.

Everything that happens is accompanied by auditory and visual hallucinations. When the second stage reaches the peak of the seizures, the breath or heart can stop. Observations showed that between seizures a person is quite adequate and does not show any aggression.

Last stage of

The last stage is the stage of paralysis( 12 to 24 hours). Symptoms of human rabies in this stage are particularly pronounced.

is paralyzed, primarily the nerve pathways that pass to all muscle groups and organ systems. Sensitive and motor functions stop working normally, convulsions fade.

body temperature rises up to 42 .The palpitation becomes more frequent and pressure decreases.

Lethal occurs as paralyzes the heart and respiratory center of .

Unfortunately, the rabies virus is not treated. There is only a therapy that helps not so painfully suffer. The patient in large doses of opioid analgesics are introduced, which can support therapy.

Vaccination of

It is advisable to carry out the vaccine against rabies, even now it is rarely infected with this virus. rabies vaccination

Currently, there are two types of vaccines in . The difference is that an antirabic vaccine creates active immunity for 1 year, and an antirabic immunoglobulin forms passive immunity, which is formed immediately, since a person is injected with ready antibodies.

This or that inoculation is chosen depending on the location of the bite and its size.

Vaccine prophylaxis is also advisable, even before contact with sick animals. It is especially important to conduct this for those people who live in specific conditions.

Video: Symptoms of rabies on the real case

The real case of the disease is by rabies. Autopsy after the death of the patient.

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