
Morning meal intake

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  • Mandatory food requirements
  • What vitamins should contain food
  • Foods needed in the morning
  • Drinks for morning meals
  • What products are harmful

A healthy breakfast for men should be satisfying and balanced. Eating in the morning should be matched with a number of conditions that are mandatory. The benefits of morning meals are undeniable. Many nutritionists believe that it is better to eat in the morning than to overeat at night. Breakfast will help start the gastrointestinal tract and prepare it for further food intake.

Family Breakfast

Mandatory food requirements

Breakfast plays an important role in the further digestion of food. The products for the morning meal intake are selected with the following conditions:

  • High nutritional status;
  • Easy digestion;
  • Vigorous.

The high nutritional value of breakfast is the key to the correct weight of a person. The more nutritious the product, the longer a person does not feel hungry. Such food should contain a large amount of "fast glucose".Glucose, when ingested in a person's bloodstream, causes a feeling of satiety. If the glucose level is maintained at a high level for a long time, then a person does not experience hunger for a long time.

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Easy digestion is another condition for breakfast. Food consumed in the morning hours should be easily split in the stomach and quickly absorbed into the intestines. If the food is fat and high-calorie, then the man will experience a heaviness in the stomach during the day. Some foods cause heartburn and swelling. These phenomena do not allow a man to lead a full-fledged way of life.

The energy of food is the amount of active heat that is produced in the body of a man when digesting food. The high energy level of the products is very important for muscular work. The muscles need to consume energy for the full performance of their functions. If it is not enough, then the muscle skeleton can not fully perform its work. A man feels tired, quickly tired, can not fully fulfill his duties.

What vitamins should contain food

Breakfast should have the right vitamin and mineral complex. This is very important for the health and sexual fitness of men. The products should contain such vitamins and minerals as:

  • Useful breakfast Calcium;
  • Group B vitamins;
  • Potassium and magnesium;
  • Hardware;
  • Tocopherol and retinol;
  • Vitamin C.

Calcium has undeniable benefits for the male bone marrow. If you consume enough calcium per day, the bones will last a long time. Calcium helps to restore small cracks in the bones and joints, protects from the destruction of joints and intervertebral discs.

Group B vitamins are necessary for the proper functioning of the muscular framework and the nervous system of men. Many doctors prescribe an additional intake of these vitamins for patients suffering from neurological diseases. The intake of food rich in B vitamins helps to stabilize the nervous overload during the whole working day.

Potassium and magnesium are needed by the body for the cardiovascular system. The muscle tissue of the heart can not always function normally. Various environmental irritants have a detrimental effect on her condition. Long stay in a sitting position disrupts blood circulation in the pelvic organs of a man. The intake of potassium and magnesium helps prevent such pathologies. To the hearts and patients suffering from diseases of the genitourinary system, it is especially recommended to take these substances.

Iron has an important function for the health of the hematopoiesis system. This microelement helps to produce red blood cells in the spinal cord. These cells are necessary for the body to deliver oxygen to organs and tissues. The erythrocyte has a shape in the form of a button. In the middle of the cell there is a small depression in which an oxygen molecule is captured. Oxygen is transferred to tissues with the help of erythrocyte, their trophic nutrition is normalized. This is important for the health of the genital area. The better the trophism of the pelvic organs, the higher the sexual activity.

Tocopherol and retinol are necessary for a man for childbearing ability. Retinol and tocopherol stimulate spermatogenesis and restore the elasticity of the walls of the vessels. In order for a man to conceive a healthy child, he must consume enough vitamin E.

Vitamin C helps to strengthen the human immune system, stimulates cerebral circulation. The brain activity of a man rises from 6 to 11 am. Further, this process is reduced. Vitamin C activates the brain and keeps it until evening time.

Foods that a person needs in the morning

Breakfast should consist of a small amount of nutritious foods. There are a number of products that are recommended by specialists for use in the morning:

  • A man is cooking a milksheyk Oat flakes;
  • Turkey meat;
  • Salads from vegetables and greens;
  • Foods rich in protein;
  • Sour milk products.

In England, every inhabitant considers it normal to eat oatmeal for breakfast. The porridge contains fiber and fibers. Fiber helps to clean the walls of the intestine, improves its absorption capacity. Peristalsis of a person is normalized. Fibers lining the walls of the intestine. Further eating does not lead to stagnant phenomena. Emptying the bowels is timely.

Turkey meat does not have a high calorie content, it is rich in magnesium and potassium, it is easily digested. The turkey for breakfast should not be fried, but boiled. This method of preparation allows you to preserve its useful properties, improves its absorption in the body.

For breakfast, many nutritionists recommend eating vegetable salads with herbs and olive oil. Here all the ingredients are good. Vegetables contain a large number of vitamins and trace elements, green herbs have great health benefits for men, olive oil facilitates digestion.

For preparing salads for breakfast suitable for various vegetables. An exception is potatoes. Salad can be prepared from cucumbers, tomatoes, green onions, parsley. Some men add marinated cabbage, green peas and olives. This method is also effective. Cucumbers contain a large amount of water and are easily digested. Tomato contains flesh, which causes a man to have a long feeling of satiety and contains vitamin K. Parsley is in the lead among useful green for a healthy potency. It should be consumed not only for breakfast, but throughout the day. Marinated cabbage contains vitamin C. By the content of this trace element, it overtakes various citrus fruits. Green peas help to activate the process of digestion, relieve the body of heartburn and swelling.

Foods rich in protein help for a long time not to feel hungry. Many protein dishes contain "fast" glucose. This leads to saturation of the body for a long time. The most famous protein breakfast is an omelet. When cooking, avoid frying with vegetable or butter. This method of cooking increases the calorie content of the dish and does not allow the stomach to digest it well.

omelet For cooking, you need one tablespoon of olive oil, two chicken eggs, half a glass of cow's milk. Milk should have a fat content of not more than 3.2%.Eggs should be broken and thoroughly beaten with a mixer. Milk is added to the resulting mixture and mixed again. A raw omelet pours out onto a hot pan, cooked for five minutes. If you cook an omelette on a cold frying pan, it will burn and lose all the useful qualities.

Sour milk products are suitable for breakfast the most. Nutritionists recommend eating in the morning before eating one glass of kefir or bifidoc. These drinks contain sour-milk bacteria. These microorganisms when entering the intestine, activate its work and help improve the assimilation of food.

Drinks for morning meals

Modern nutritionists have come to the conclusion that breakfast should start with water. The water must be boiled and chilled. A man should use a glass of liquid on an empty stomach half an hour before a meal. This use of water helps to save a person from excessive overeating and activates the work of the stomach. After that, a man can eat an ordinary breakfast.

Many men start the morning with a coffee. This drink helps to activate the work of the brain. But this phenomenon is short-lived. Nutritionists recommend using green tea with honey. A green drink contains a large amount of caffeine. Tea helps a man to wake up quickly and restore his efficiency.

Honey, unlike sugar, has great health benefits for men. It contains various vitamins and microelements. People who use for breakfast one tablespoon of honey, can save on the purchase of additional vitamin-mineral complexes.

In the 80 years doctors recommended eating for breakfast a variety of freshly squeezed juices. But this theory was not confirmed. Scientists of the XXI century have proved that pure undiluted juice can cause various hepatoses of the liver. Before use, natural juice is recommended to dilute with water. This will reduce its concentricity, will help to avoid side effects from the gastrointestinal tract.

What products are harmful

Junk food Many men are in a hurry to collect for work and warm up food left over from yesterday's dinner. This is the main mistake. After work, people eat fried and fatty foods that are harmful to human health. Doctors allocate a number of dishes that are forbidden to be used for breakfast:

  1. Fried meat and potatoes;
  2. Smoked products;
  3. Sandwiches and fast food;
  4. Mayonnaise.

Fried meat or potatoes are favorites among men's dishes. Many of them prefer pork or bacon. These foods are very poorly digested in the stomach and can cause a feeling of heaviness. A prolonged stay of food in the gastrointestinal tract causes nausea, heartburn, or vomiting. If you use these dishes for breakfast, then a man can develop gastritis or an ulcer, there are constipation.

Smoked products contain a large number of carcinogens. Substances, when ingested into a person's bloodstream, cause poisoning of the body. The use of smoked foods leads to increased irritability and fatigue.

Doctors have identified a relationship between the reception of smoked products and cancer. Oncology is most often detected in lovers of this type of food.

Sandwiches, various fast food cause various dyspeptic disorders of the body of a man. Such food should be completely excluded from the diet of a person.

Proper nutrition in the morning helps a man to activate the work of the stomach and brain. A person can independently maintain the health of his body with a healthy breakfast.

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