Diseases Of The Pancreas
Diseases Of The Pancreas

Sports and pancreatitis

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Sporting exercises are indispensable. They allow you to keep the muscle tone, activate the cardiovascular system, support the spine and take part in the regulation of the gastrointestinal tract. Regardless of the disease and its severity, you can choose the optimal physical activity, including cases with bed patients. With pancreatitis it is also possible. The main thing is to choose the right exercises.

Sports and pancreatitis

The role of exercise in pancreatitis

The body can function normally only when regulating all systems. In this the role of physical exercises is enormous. In diseases of the pancreas, they are extremely necessary, because they allow:

  • Get a general toning effect;
  • Improve metabolic processes;
  • Strengthen blood circulation, including in organs related to the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Strengthen the nervous system, which will help to increase immunity, accelerate the healing process, extend the period of remission.

But many exercises can lead to damage or complications for the diseased organ. Therefore, there are a number of limitations and recommendations that must be followed when receiving physical exertion.

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Factors that are taken into account in case of

Disease Sports loads should be distributed according to the recommendations of a specialist. They are selected according to the principles that take into account the current state of each patient:

  • Features of the disease - its forms and phases. Exacerbation of the disease in chronic form or acute form is a contraindication against active loads.
  • Age.
  • Presence of other diseases that prevent sports.

Much depends on the patient's initial physical condition. It's about reducing the load, and when considering the selection of exercises for a professional athlete and office employee, the complexes will differ significantly in complexity and strength of the load. The fact that for the first light workout, for the second can become a significant overload of the body.

Guided by these principles, the individual loads are selected for physical therapy, standard training and sports activities. Without the recommendations of specialists, self-employment can lead to deterioration of the state.

Sports and pancreatitis

Features of lessons in the acute period

In considering whether it is possible to engage in sports with pancreatitis, it is necessary to consider what phase of the disease is involved. In the acute period, restrictions are imposed on all loads. Only breathing exercises are allowed, which can only be crossed after an hour and a half break between meals.

With the withdrawal of unpleasant symptoms, you can include light exercises for the abdominal muscles, provided that:

  • there are no sharp movements;
  • with inclines to beware of the maximum amplitude of slopes and deflections;
  • fast-paced exercise;
  • the duration of a daily lesson should not exceed 15 minutes;
  • after the load is mandatory rest for 10 minutes in a lying position;
  • only after that you can do water procedures - a bathroom with aromatic oils or a contrast shower.

Exercises will be recommended by a doctor, but if he forbids classes, take it seriously. In addition, the first time the exercises should be performed under the supervision of a specialist who fixes the results and coordinates the slow increase in the load.

Chronic pancreatitis and exercise

After the improvement of the condition, you can start slowly and thoughtfully increase the working capacity of the body. At the same time, sports are not only necessary, but also useful. They allow prolonging remission by improving blood circulation and stabilizing the nervous system.

For a long time, it's not worth thinking about records. Training should be regular, but moderate. After physical therapy( and even better together with her), you can start playing sports. It is advisable to choose Scandinavian or sportive walking, jogging, swimming. Excellent results are given by yoga.

The ban is imposed on power sports. These include sports running, all kinds of jumping, bodybuilding and aerobics. Despite the strengthening of the muscles of the abdominal cavity, strength exercises cause significant harm to the patient. All of them in connection with stress, increase intra-abdominal pressure and cause deterioration.

Sports and pancreatitis

In addition, they require an increased intake of protein, which goes to the muscle frame. Thus, the pancreas will have to face a lack of protein, which will lead to complications of the inflammatory process and impaired hormone production. Athletes who specialize in these sports should reduce the load to the level of amateurs. Beginning from scratch is not strongly recommended.

Sports nutrition

Unfortunately, the pancreas does not tolerate overloads in inflammatory processes. Therefore, sports nutrition, including protein cocktails and energy bars, will have to be removed from the diet. They inject unnaturally large amounts of nutrients into the body. The production of too much insulin leads to the exhaustion of the body and the potential propensity to inflammation.

When practicing sports, you need to consume a large amount of protein and slow carbohydrates. Eat small meals, often and strictly on schedule. All food is served on the table after heat treatment, mechanically ground. Temperature within the sparing.

These dishes will be cooked and cooked on the steam bath products, including vegetables, low-fat varieties of meat, cereals and low-fat dairy dishes. The right combination and proportions will prompt an experienced nutritionist.

In this case, playing sports will benefit, help a person with a pancreatic patient to lead a full-fledged lifestyle.

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