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How to bring down the temperature 39

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How to bring down the temperature 39 Rare disease is treated without fever.

Very often in these conditions a person renders first aid to his friends and relatives.

We offer you for consideration the following article, in which we answer the question: "How quickly and effectively to bring down the temperature of 39 degrees?".

As is known, high body temperature is a kind of protective mechanism of the human body.

With its help, our body is struggling with various inflammations and infections.

Normally, heating a human body to 38.5 degrees is easy enough and does not represent any real danger.

With increasing temperature:

  • biochemical processes are accelerated;
  • produces antibodies to harmful organisms;
  • kills various microbes and viruses.

However, when the temperature rises to a level of 39 degrees, effective measures must be taken to eliminate the severe consequences of this anomaly.

The main thing to remember is that the temperature of 38 degrees is not a reason for desperation, and it's better not to reduce it without much need.

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If the same temperature is equal to or exceeds the limit of 39 degrees, start active operations.

Let's look at the most effective ways to combat high body temperature:

  • compliance with bed rest. Any kind of load forces the body to work through force, which adversely affects human health;153a
  • more often use liquid, but drink it slowly and in small portions. Preference is given to non-carbonated mineral water, fruit drinks, juices, compotes;
  • body temperature increase promotes the evaporation of moisture with respiration and from the body surface, which leads to dehydration of the body. The use of a large amount of liquid helps to remove harmful substances from the body;
  • providing the necessary heat exchange of the organism with the environment. Avoid overheating, do not wrap in clothes and blankets to avoid heat stroke. The room temperature should remain within 20 degrees. In summer, you can use air conditioning or a fan;
  • moist wraps help reduce body temperature due to high percentage of heat transfer of the skin. Dip a cotton cloth or towel into cold water, put it on a heated area of ​​the body, hold it in place until the fabric warms up. After this, the procedure can be repeated. The greatest effect is having wraps with a mixture of water and yarrow infusion;
  • acetic wipes are carried out every two to three hours. Table vinegar( 9%) stir with water in a proportion of 1: 5.Use the vinegar solution to wipe the stomach, back, legs and hands;
  • prepare a compress with a decoction of peppermint. Soak cotton cloth in the decoction, attach arterial clusters to the yestas - on the temples, the side surface of the neck, elbows, armpits, wrists, popliteal pits, inguinal region. The change of the compress is carried out in ten minutes;
  • reception of antipyretic drug."Temperature" drugs - analgin( acetylsalicylic acid), ibuprofen, paracetamol, analgin. Preference should be given to powders and instant tablets;
  • has a good antipyretic property possessing various suspensions. Dissolved substance is quickly absorbed into the blood and begins its therapeutic effect, than reduces its negative effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach;
  • sometimes, rectal suppositories are an indispensable means for removing heat. Especially, this is clearly visible when it is impossible to take tablets because of vomiting. It is enough to use a couple of these candles to bring the high temperature to a normal state.

If none of these remedies helped to relieve heat, then the body suffered much more than it seems.

In this case, you need to call an ambulance immediately.

Take care of yourself.

Stay healthy!

Video: What temperature should be brought down

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