
Diet, nutrition with pancreatic pancreatitis: a menu for a week

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1 Diet №5

There are several types of diets( or tables), the menu of which is calculated for various diseases of organs of metabolism, gastrointestinal tract, etc.

Picture 1

We recommend to read

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The task of diet number 5 is the development of a menu, the dishes of which will contain sparing ingredients for the liver, gall bladderand pancreas.

Diet No. 5 is prescribed for the following diseases:

  • pancreatitis of the pancreas;
  • cholecystitis;
  • of gallbladder disease;
  • hepatitis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver, etc.

The menu of diet number 5 can include the following dishes and products:

  • drinks: weak tea with lemon and milk, diluted non-acidic juices without sweeteners, compotes of fresh berries and dried fruits, broth of wild rose, mousse with a minimum amount of sugar;
  • soups: mashed vegetable soups-mashed potatoes, soups on vegetable and fruit broths;
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  • porridge: mashed porridge from buckwheat, oatmeal, oatmeal, mango on water or diluted milk, casseroles with cottage cheese, muesli without sweet additives;
  • meat and fish: low-fat, steamed meat and fish, seafood( with significant restrictions);
  • bread: crackers, biscuits in the form of biscuits and lean crackers, rye bread with bran;
  • dairy products: low-fat milk, cheese, cottage cheese, yoghurt without sweet fruit fillers;
  • vegetables and fruits: fresh and steamed broccoli, starchy vegetables, cucumbers, sea kale, Bulgarian pepper, leafy greens, dried fruits, apples, pomegranates, a small number of watermelons and bananas;
  • eggs: in the form of an omelet;
  • sweet: jelly, pastille, marmalade, jam based on non-acid fruits and berries with a minimum amount of sugar.
  • IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Gastritis? Ulcer? To have a stomach ulcer not turned into cancer, drink a glass. ..
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2 Nutrition for acute pancreatitis

The diet for acute pancreatitis should contain the most sparing dishes. In the first days after an attack it is forbidden to take any food. This is due not only to the onset of the disease, but also to the beginning of treatment.

With the aim of reducing the secretion of the gland and finding it at rest in the first few days, only Borjomi mineral water is allowed to be consumed. Water can be drunk in small quantities( not more than half a glass at a time) in small sips, before consumption from the water must be completely released into the gas.

  • Gastroenterologist. VAZHENOV: "I beg you, if you began to worry about abdominal pain, heartburn, nausea, do not do gas in any way. .."
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On the fourth day, you can start eating. The patient should consume dishes, the total calorie content of which should not exceed 2700 kilocalories per day. You can cook for a couple.

In the early days it is better not to add salt to the dishes, as this leads to increased secretion of pancreatic secretion. The temperature of the dishes should not exceed 60 degrees, but not be cold. It is best to eat foods in liquid and semi-liquid form.

A week after the onset of an exacerbation, you can include in the menu mashed soups, unsweetened kissel, mashed porridge, cutlets from beef, steamed, slightly brewed tea. With time, low-fat dairy products and apples can be introduced into the diet.

Picture 2

With acute inflammation of the pancreas, pork, stews and fried foods and canned foods, fatty dairy products, pies and cakes, as well as white bread are completely excluded from the menu.

Sample menu for a day with acute pancreatitis:

  1. Steam porridge from a rolled oats on water, mashed, without milk, sugar and salt. Weak tea or broth of rose hips.
  2. As a snack: fresh cheesy cheese with low-fat milk.
  3. Vegetable soup without roast and meat, boiled meat, wiped baked apples.
  4. Cutlets from steamed fish, puree of boiled carrots without sugar and honey, weak tea.
  5. You can drink a glass of low-fat kefir or mineral water without gas before going to bed.


Korotov SV: "I can recommend only one remedy for the rapid treatment of Ulcer and Gastritis, which is now recommended by the Ministry of Health. .." Read testimonials & gt; & gt;

In acute pancreatitis, you should regularly eat meat, unsweetened compotes of berries and mashed cereals. One month after exacerbation with inflammation of the pancreas, you can start using jam, non-acid fruit and berry juices.

3 Recipes of dishes with chronic form of

disease Chronic pancreatitis is the result of frequent attacks of acute disease or its inadequate treatment. Often pancreatitis in this case is complicated by other diseases: liver cirrhosis, cholecystitis, hepatitis, gastritis, atherosclerosis, alcoholism, etc.

The diet for chronic pancreatitis differs from nutrition in acute pancreatitis. The menu should contain as many calories as a person is physically active. Overeating, like lack of nutrients, is quite dangerous in pancreatitis.

Picture 3

The daily menu should contain cereals and lean meat, as it is very important for a patient with pancreatitis to consume animal and vegetable protein. In this case, meat is not recommended to roast, bake in the oven and stew. You can cook only for a couple.

Milk in chronic pancreatitis is not recommended because of its poor assimilation. Low-fat milk can be used to make mashed cereals and soups. As additives to milk soups, you can use cooked carrots, potatoes and vermicelli.

The sample menu should contain a small amount of fat. It is not recommended to exclude them completely from the diet. Vegetable fats are olive and other vegetable oils( as dressings for dishes) and animal fats - butter. Any other animal fats are strictly prohibited.

4 Menu for the week

With pancreatitis, it is important not only therapeutic nutrition, but also a variety in the diet.

Food for pancreatic pancreatitis must include meat, fish, soups, cereals, dairy products, vegetables, berries and fruits.

Picture 4

All foods and dishes must be fresh. The exception is valid only for bread and dry biscuits. It is best to use it a few days after preparation or purchase.

Every day in the menu for a week must be present soups on vegetable or meat( fish, chicken) broth. It is allowed to add cereals and finely chopped meat to soups. Painful pancreatitis will be useful for the use of soups puree based on broccoli, potatoes or carrots with a slight addition of lightly and unsalted cheese.

Meat can be eaten cooked and steamed. Beef, rabbit, lean turkey and chicken can be cooked in the form of stew, chopped cutlets, homemade sausages without seasonings. White varieties of sea and river fish can be used to make soups, cutlets and casseroles.

Eggs are not recommended for people suffering from pancreatitis. An exception can be an omelet made from whipped proteins for breakfast. Supplement to the omelet is tea with lemon or milk, diluted juice or broth of wild rose.

Dinner with pancreatitis should be easy( boiled fish or chicken with vegetables).Before going to bed, you can drink tea, low-fat warm milk or kefir.

  • 1 Diet №5
  • 2 Nutrition for acute pancreatitis
  • 3 Recipes for dishes with chronic form of the disease
  • 4 Menu for the week

An important component in the treatment of any disease is proper nutrition. Including a diet for pancreatic pancreatitis, an approximate menu can be determined for a day, a week and a month.

The diet is the most important component of the treatment of pancreatitis pancreatitis. When developing menus for pancreatitis, it must be borne in mind that fats must be completely eliminated, and carbohydrates reduced to a minimum. At a pancreatitis it is better to not use sugar which almost on 100% consists of pure carbohydrates. This is due to the fact that the excretion of digestive juice is disturbed in the lumen of the duodenum, responsible for the digestion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. They do not disintegrate to the level of amino acids and vitamins and are not absorbed by the intestinal mucosa.

Do you have pancreatitis?

Natalia Ronina: "How did I manage to beat pancreatitis at home for 1 week, paying 30 minutes a day? !" Read more & gt; & gt;

The amount of sweet must be limited because of the decrease in insulin secretion. This substance is responsible for the breakdown of carbohydrates, which in large quantities are present in desserts, buns and sugar. With pancreatitis, the liver's ability to work is significantly altered, so it is necessary to exclude alcohol, especially in the acute course of the disease.

The diet for pancreatic pancreatitis should include a large amount of protein and digestible vitamins as preparations, fresh vegetables, berries and fruits.

The pancreatitis menu includes recipes for therapeutic nutrition. The menu should be arranged so that the dishes do not cause heartburn, contain no toxic substances, contain a minimum amount of sugar, fat and salt. Dishes with pancreatitis must comply with the following rules:

  • products must be ground;
  • ingredients of the dish are better to boil, fried under prohibition;
  • is the best meat - low-fat and steamed.
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