Symptoms And Syndromes
Symptoms And Syndromes

Hemiataxia - which causes unilateral disruption of coordination of movements

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hemiataxy In our time, millions of people suffer from diseases that, by right, are called diseases of the 21st century. Among them, diabetes, AIDS and similar diseases.

But there are diseases that are not so global in nature, but carry no less serious harm to health. One of them is hemiataxy, caused by a functional disruption in the CNS.

What is it?

Hemiataxia is a disorder associated with the coordination of human movement. The lesion occurs only in one half of the body. For example, the left side of the trunk functions normally, but at the same time, the second half does not work at all or weakly operates. Or only one arm or leg works. The condition of the person at that moment leaves much to be desired, because in some areas of life, he becomes completely helpless.

The difficulty of this violation lies in the fact that such people lose focus on one thing, the movements are inaccurate, awkward, there is no strength in the hands or feet.

Varieties and classification of violations

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In medical practice, four types of hemiataxia are distinguished, each of them has its own flow pattern and distinguishing features: impaired coordination of movements

  1. Cerebellum .The name itself indicates the defeat of either the cerebellum or its connections. This kind of violation is easy to identify, it is enough just to ask a person to walk on a drawn straight line. Problems with the cerebellum will not allow it to go smoothly, it will be shaken from side to side, the legs will become stitched and involuntarily step forward and then backwards. Unfortunately, this kind of defeat can not be cured. A feature of cerebellar hemiataxia is that it is constantly progressing. The development of the disease can only be slowed down and a little improve the health with the help of medications.
  2. Vestibular .Vestibular apparatus or brain stem is damaged( Meniere's disease, stroke, multiple sclerosis, etc.).It is accompanied by nausea, dizziness, vomiting, especially if you make sudden movements of the head, body, neck.
  3. Frontal .It is hard for a person to take the first step. He seemed to be glued to the floor and he could not decide to step on the next half a meter of land.
  4. Sensitive .Affected neurons are responsible for obtaining information about the environment( for example, what kind of surface underfoot, in what position is the person).Particularly strongly in the ability to navigate is affected by darkness. A person is immediately lost and unable to keep balance.

Also, hemiataxy can be caused by osteochondrosis, head and spinal cord tumors, impaired cerebellum or cerebral cortex, head injuries and their consequences.

What kind of disorders can be combined?

Hemiataxia often develops in combination with paralysis, in particular the oculomotor nerve, hearing impairment, epilepsy, and a lack of blood circulation in the brain.

This syndrome is often combined with numbness, paresthesias and other sensitivity disorders.

ataxia In order not to aggravate the situation, it is important to observe simple precautions, to avoid accidents involving falls( this may include some sports: boxing, karate, ski and mountain sports), and monitor the condition of your cardiovascular system.

In case of detection of the first signs of the disease, the most wise and correct decision will be a referral to a neurologist.

Comprehensive diagnosis, timely delivery of tests, as well as ultrasound, computed tomography. If necessary, treatment will be prescribed, if necessary, and surgical intervention that will help cope with disorders in coordination of movements that are caused by this or that disease of the central nervous system,

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