
Dangerous diagnosis, or what you need to know about adenocarcinoma of the prostate

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Contents of
  • Why does a malignant tumor appear?
  • Main symptoms of the development of the disease
  • Types of adenocarcinoma of the prostate
  • Characteristics of stages of adenocarcinoma of the prostate
  • Diagnosis of the disease
  • Basic treatment methods and their specificity
  • Prognosis for adenocarcinoma of the prostate

Among the severe malignant diseases, which are the main causes of death of men of elderly and advanced age, adenocarcinoma of the prostateoccupies one of the leading positions. Previously, mainly being a disease of people older than 80 years, today pathology increasingly manifests itself in younger men. Is it possible to prevent the development of cancer, how to recognize its manifestations in the early stages - and how effective are the methods of modern medicine in the fight against prostate adenocarcinoma?

Why does a malignant tumor appear?

The exact causes of the onset of the disease have not yet been identified. The interrelation between the development of adenocarcinoma of the prostate gland is established with the following factors:

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  • hereditary predisposition;
  • hormonal age changes;
  • imbalance of nutrients( essential nutrients) in the body;
  • chronic intoxication with cadmium;
  • presence in the body of the retrovirus XMRV

Specialists note that as a primary disease adenocarcinoma of the prostate is extremely rare. The appearance of oncological pathology in most cases is provoked by pre-cancerous conditions already available, primarily benign hyperplasia, or prostate adenoma.

The main symptoms of the development of the disease

Prostate cancer practically does not manifest itself at its initial stage and is often detected accidentally, during medical preventive examination. Specific symptomatology does not have the disease, most signs of its development are similar to those characteristic of prostate adenoma:

  • chronic urinary retention
  • sensation of unblooded bladder after urination;
  • frequent urge to urinate, especially at night;
  • feeling of heaviness in the groin;
  • spasticity or pain in the perineum of

As prostatic adenocarcinoma progresses, weakness and malaise, pain in the spine, bones and joints, possibly urinary incontinence and impaired motor functions of the limbs are added to the indicated symptoms. Such signs usually are characteristic for 3-4 stages of the disease, when other organs and systems are involved in the development of oncology. Complete recovery in the last stages of the disease is impossible, which is why prompt treatment to the doctor in case of the first suspicious symptoms is extremely important for the timely diagnosis and prompt start of treatment.

Types of adenocarcinoma of the prostate

Specialists identify several major types of malignant neoplasms of the prostate:

  • is a low-grade;
  • is highly differentiated;
  • fine-grained;
  • large-scale;
  • endometrioid;
  • papillary;
  • crib;
  • is solidly trabecular;
  • glandular-cystic;
  • mucus-forming

Differentiation of forms of adenocarcinoma of the prostate into subgroups is based on specific changes in the structure of the prostate tissue, and the degree of its damage.

Characteristics of stages of adenocarcinoma of the prostate

Depending on the degree of affection of the prostate gland and the overall effect of oncology on the body, four stages of the development of the disease are distinguished:

  • 1st: Changes in tissue structures are minimal, there is no symptomatology. Analyzes show slight deviations from normal indices. Oncology is detected only during a biopsy.
  • 2nd: Some parts of the gland and its membranes are affected. Pathology is easily detected during the study.
  • 3rd: Active growth of neoplasm is observed. In the affected area are the blisters of the prostate gland, there is a threat to neighboring organs.
  • 4-I: Affected nearby organs of the digestive and genito-urinary systems, in severe cases - the whole body. Metastases are easily detected in the lymph nodes and abdominal cavity.

Diagnosis of the disease

Adenocarcinoma of the prostate gland, due to a mild symptomatology at the onset of the development of the disease, unfortunately, is often detected only in the late stages. When the tumor reaches a significant size, a urologist or andrologist can detect it at a palpation rectal examination.

To identify the disease in an earlier period, the following methods of special diagnostics are used:

  • rectal finger examination of the prostate;
  • blood test for detecting the level of prostate-specific antigen( PSA);
  • biopsy of prostate tissue with their subsequent microscopic examination;
  • abdominal ultrasound or transrectal ultrasound;
  • uroflowmetry;
  • radioisotope study;
  • magnetic resonance imaging;
  • X-ray study

The main task of the diagnosis is to detect the tumor and determine its stage and degree of development to optimize the prescribed course of treatment.

A number of diagnostic methods associated with rectal examination may provide the patient with uncomfortable or moderately painful sensations, however, to determine the full clinical picture of the patient, the patient must undergo the entire prescribed set of diagnostic procedures.

Basic treatment methods and their specificity

Each type of tumor requires special measures and methods of therapy, so treatment can be prescribed to the patient only after passing the course of diagnostic procedures and determining the type and stage of malignant formation.

Modern medicine has the following methods to combat prostate adenocarcinoma:

  • Surgical operation. This method is considered the most effective. In the course of surgical intervention, the tumor and adjacent tissues are excised. Preservation of prostate gland function is possible when the tumor is small in size. Otherwise, the surgeon performs a radical prostatectomy, that is, complete removal of the affected gland.
  • Hormone therapy. The essence of such treatment lies in the organization of androgen blockade, which contributes to the cessation of tumor growth.
  • Radiation therapy. Has moderate effectiveness against adenocarcinoma and has a lot of side effects, so it is rarely prescribed.
  • Chemotherapy. It is based on the destruction of cancer cells or the cessation of their growth by the action of poisons and toxins contained in special medicinal preparations.
  • Other methods: cryotherapy, ultrasound ablation, etc.

Prognosis for prostatic adenocarcinoma

Prostate adenocarcinoma in the first two stages of its development is completely cured in 80-95% of cases. Treatment of the disease in the third stage is complicated by the large size of the tumor of the prostate. The fourth stage is almost incurable, and the course of therapeutic procedures is aimed at alleviating the general condition of the patient.

The earlier the medical examination was conducted and the health course was started, the more favorable are the predictions for the patient's recovery. Timely visits to a doctor in case of symptomatic symptoms and annual preventive examinations after reaching a man of 50 years of age minimize the risk of the appearance and development of the disease.
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