
Gastritis with low acidity: symptoms and medication

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1 What happens with gastric acid with low acidity?

Severe disease is a gastritis with a low acidity: treatment is aimed at stopping and further preventing atrophic changes. Properly selected medications normalize the secretory functions of the gastric glands. In addition to the stomach, it is necessary to restore the activity of other organs involved in digestion. Gastritis, taking place against a background of low acidity, is called hypoacid. With such a disease, the mucous membranes of the stomach become inflamed, the secretory and motor functions of the organ decrease. It is important to diagnose the pathologies associated with the stomach in time, because it takes part in digestion processes.

Do you have gastritis?

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Stomach supports the work of different organs and systems, it is impossible to live without it. Because of the low level of hydrochloric acid, the protective functions of the digestive organ are violated, as a result of which it becomes vulnerable and prone to various kinds of infections. In case of a malfunction in the stomach, digestion, metabolism, mucosal atrophy, metaplasia and dysplasia of epithelial tissues develop. Such disorders lead to gastric ulcer, especially in severe cases, develops cancer. A common ailment is gastritis with low acidity: symptoms, treatment in each case are individual. Hypoacid gastritis is rare, but entails many complications.

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2 Mechanisms of the development of the disease

There are endogenous and exogenous development factors. Exogenous can be associated with Helicobacter pylori infection that enters the body. Such factors include inaccuracies in the diet, bad habits( smoking, alcohol abuse, overeating), taking medications that damage the epithelium. Endogenous factors include genetic predisposition, diseases associated with the pancreas. The cause of gastritis with low acidity can be duodenogastric reflux. Endogenous factors include pathology of the endocrine system, diseases associated with metabolic disorders.

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Gastric mucosa atrophy if the body is progressing helicobacter pylori infection. When gastritis on the mucous membrane, antibodies that lead to autoimmune disorders are affected. With the development of the disease observed structural changes in the stomach, which affect the production of hydrochloric acid. With gastritis, microorganisms damage the fundus of the stomach, in which there is a large number of lining cells responsible for the production of hydrochloric acid. In the course of destructive processes, atrophy of epithelial tissues occurs. To produce hydrochloric acid, the cells use gastrin, the affected cells can not function normally, and then they atrophy. Normally, the gastric mucosa should regenerate. With gastritis, this process is replaced by others, during which new cells are born that are not able to produce enzymes and hydrochloric acid.

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3 Clinical picture of the disease

In gastritis with a decreased acidity, the functionality of the stomach is disrupted, which causes diarrheal disorders. A person complains of heaviness in the epigastric region, he may have a rotten smell from his mouth. Most people have a belch with a lot of air. Appetite is reduced, it is possible to completely give up food. Signs of gastritis can not be overlooked: a person periodically vomits, his saliva is abundantly salted, bitterness in his mouth is present. Pain in the abdomen may be absent, and if they appear, they do not have an interrelation with muscle spasms.

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Unpleasant sensations are associated with stretching the walls of the stomach. A person may have dull pains, usually they become worse after eating. The intensity of pain depends on the quality of food eaten. To avoid an unpleasant symptom, you need to eat right, do not overeat. It is worth noting the use of spicy, pickled, salted, spicy dishes. Stomach badly perceive muffins, sweets, fast food. If you do not follow the rules of nutrition, the pain will occur more often. With gastritis with low acidity, diskinetic disorders appear( diarrhea is replaced by constipation).The disease is accompanied by increased gas production.

With atrophy of the gastric mucosa, vitamins and nutrients are poorly absorbed into the walls of the digestive organ. Because of this problem there is polyhypovitaminosis, protein deficiency. Folate deficiency leads to folic deficiency anemia. If the metabolism is disturbed, the patient can gain or lose weight. With gastritis, the pressure decreases. A person often becomes tired, becomes depressed, his skin becomes dry, blood vessels can bleed. If untimely to treat the disease, the stomach glands will stop producing hydrochloric acid. Diarrhea is associated with impaired pancreatic function. When gastritis with a low acidity in the intestine observed fermentation, decay.


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Ventricular bleeding is one of the complications of gastritis. When polyps in the stomach need to start treatment in time, in 25% of cases they become malignant. Among the complications: intestinal dysbiosis, disruption of the digestive system, development of pancreatitis and cholecystitis. If the absorption of nutrients is impaired, anemia develops. Some patients develop a food allergy. If gastritis is not treated, mental disorders may occur.

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4 Therapeutic measures

Treatment should be comprehensive. Medicines are selected individually, the doctor takes into account the clinical picture of the disease, the degree of secretory insufficiency. Are taken into account the stage of the disease, the presence of concomitant ailments. Preliminary it is necessary to carry out differential diagnostics. Treatment is aimed at weakening the symptoms and translating the disease into a state of remission. It is necessary to reduce the severity of inflammation in the stomach, slow the atrophic reaction. The doctor prescribes medicines to restore the motility of the stomach.

In gastritis with low acidity, especially in the acute stage, you need to eat right. The doctor prescribes a diet. In the early days with exacerbation, one should adhere to bed rest. The composition of the diet depends on the functional capacity of the stomach. When prescribing a diet, hypersensitivity to certain foods should be considered. During the diet, the body should get as many nutrients as possible. Therapeutic and preventive nutrition reduces the burden on the stomach glands.

With the easing of symptoms, you can switch to a less sparing diet. The diet should be observed for several years, only this way it will be possible to completely restore the stomach. To eliminate the symptoms of the disease, the doctor prescribes antibacterial agents, proton pump inhibitors, drugs to prevent atrophic processes. Correctly selected therapy will ensure the prevention of cancer. Antihelikobakterne treatment is directed to the regeneration of gastric mucosa. Substitution therapy includes funds with natural gastric juice. The doctor prescribes the preparation of acidin pepsin, drugs for the production of stomach acid.

You can drink mineral water, decoctions on the basis of rose hips, collections with mint and chamomile. Treatment of gastritis with low acidity is performed with the use of gastroprotectors, enveloping, astringent drugs. If necessary, an agent with bismuth and aluminum is prescribed. Depending on the type and nature of gastritis, physiotherapy, paraffin application, galvanization can be prescribed. If a pernicious or malignant process develops, the prognosis is disappointing, in other cases the disease is treatable.

Contents of
  • 1 What happens with gastric acid with low acidity?
  • 2 Mechanisms of the development of the disease
  • 3 Clinical picture of the disease
  • 4 Therapeutic measures

Symptoms of gastritis with decreased acidity are due to impaired gastric function. With gastritis, the glands of the digestive tract do not produce the right amount of hydrochloric acid( a decrease in gastric acidity is observed in the autoimmune type of the disease).Chronic gastritis with low acidity is accompanied by dyspeptic and dystrophic disorders. For diagnostics of the disease, it is used FGDS, intraventricular ph-metry.

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