Diseases Of The Reproductive System

Pain in the ovary during ovulation

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The appearance of pain of different etiologies can alert everyone. Many women experience pain during the menstrual cycle. Complaints of pain in the ovaries during ovulation are especially common. These symptoms can be called normal only in the absence of obvious discomfort. Why does it often occur during ovulation?

Pain in the ovary during ovulation

In many cases, the cause of this state of health is the physiological characteristics of the body. Because the pain is weak and short, it is often not appreciated.

The occurrence of pain in the ovaries with ovulation for several months, vaginal discharge with a gradual increase in symptoms, can signal the presence of gynecological pathology.

Types of

Ovulation occurs early, late, and also timely. For early ovulation is characterized by an early release of the egg - up to the middle of the monthly cycle. Often such a process is the result of measures for losing weight or nervous tension. The number of possible causes also includes:

  • Physical loads;
  • Diseases;
  • Hormonal failures;
  • Intensive sexual intercourse.
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Hormonal disorders can provoke late ovulation. If such fears arise, it is important to undergo an ultrasound examination. An unstable cycle leads to difficulties with calculating the timing of ovulation, because the hormonal system of a woman is malfunctioning.

Calculations of

The egg lives in the body of a woman for one day. Spermatozoa can persist for 2-3 days. For this reason, spouses planning pregnancy need to have spermatozoa opal into the reproductive system of a woman 2-3 days before the ovulation process or not later than a day after it.

Pain in the ovary during ovulation

To calculate the day of ovulation, you need to count the number of days of one cycle( from the beginning of the monthly one cycle to the beginning of the month's other one).Then divide the resulting gap in half with a possible adjustment in two days before or after. The days obtained correspond to the date of ovulation. Thus, ovulation occurs on the 14th or 15th day with a 28-day menstrual period. With a 35-day period, ovulation, respectively, can occur on the 17-18 day.

Body signals

During ovulation, there are such signs:

  • The quality and amount of cervical mucus. Before the onset of ovulation, enhanced secretions change in color, acquiring a shade similar to egg white;
  • For several days, excitability and sexual desire increase;
  • The basal temperature index rises. At this level, it holds for 2 more days;
  • The severity of the mammary glands appears due to a change in the hormonal state;
  • The uterus becomes softer, opens more.

Diagnosis of auspicious time for conception can be carried out using a special test.

Symptoms of

Ovulation may also cause symptoms:

  • Ovaries are ill in a cyclic sequence. With a menstrual period of 28 days, there is pain in the middle of the cycle about the 13th day when ovulation occurs;
  • When ovulating, the right ovary or the left one hurts. It depends on the place of maturation and release of the egg;
  • Spotting.

Pain is acute, dull or aching. It can last a few seconds or hours. Also, pain symptoms often appear after ovulation, right before the onset of menstruation. If the process proceeds normally, then the yellow body forms on the place of the released egg. For its formation, the body produces progesterone. A small amount of the hormone does not allow the yellow body to form. This process stimulates a partial detachment of the uterine lining, provoking the appearance of pain.

Pain in the ovary during ovulation

To be ill in the ovary can begin a few hours before the ovulation process. Sometimes the emergence of such feelings can deprive a woman of working capacity.

Causes of pain

In addition to the detachment of the endometrium, the causes of painful sensations in ovulation include:

  • Vascular ruptures that are at the base of the follicle that released the egg;
  • Abbreviations of the uterus. The liquid from the ruptured follicle can fall on the epithelium of the uterine cavity, irritating it;Excessive stretching of the follicle walls at the time of egg ripening.

The appearance of pathological processes during ovulation can also occur due to diseases. For example:

  • Ectopic pregnancy;
  • ; Oncological diseases;
  • Cystitis;
  • Varicose enlargement in the pelvic area;
  • Salpingitis. Inflammation of the fallopian tubes due to infection;
  • Endometriosis. The disease is also accompanied by pain during menstrual excretion and sexual intercourse;
  • Ovarian cyst. A large amount of fluid in the follicle worries a woman for several days.

Pain in the ovary during ovulation

Pain in the lower abdomen to the right can signal appendicitis. Symptoms are supplemented by fever. In the presence of bloody discharge it is necessary to check for the presence of a cyst in the cervical canal and endometritis.

Pain can also be felt in the side or lower back.

Danger or not

Manifestation of pain in the ovulation period is physiological. Such symptoms do not threaten health, and therefore do not require special treatment. However, if the ovaries are sore for the first time during ovulation, it is necessary to find out the cause of its occurrence. The specialist will determine whether the source of pain is ovulation. During the survey it will be possible to exclude the possibility of a woman's reproductive system disease.

If the source of pain is ovulation, the doctor may prescribe pain medications. Sometimes hormonal contraceptives are prescribed, in order to suppress the process of ovulation. Thus, the source of the pain is neutralized.

The expressed displays can be reduced by means of a relaxation, creation of a quiet environment, plentiful drink. If the pain comes exactly from the process of ovulation, it is possible to use a warmer warmer in the lower abdomen. Such a method can be harmful in the presence of other diseases.

Attacking signs

A woman should especially pay attention to the manifestation of such symptoms if the ovary hurts when ovulating:

  • Very severe pain. Rupture of the follicle can occur with great force, significantly damaging the ovary. Such a process can lead to bleeding instead of slightly ejecting blood cells. A woman's pressure goes down, headaches appear, and her head turns. In such a state, a woman needs the help of a doctor, with possible surgical intervention;
  • Aching character of pain along with bleeding. Similar signs may indicate a violation of the uterus. For example, ectopic pregnancy. Requires immediate medical attention;
  • Continuous. Perhaps, it is a sign of violations of sexual function. Often accompanied by secretions, frequent urge to urinate and pain. An accurate diagnosis can be made only under the supervision of a specialist;
  • Frequent periodic pain in the lower abdomen on the right. The cause may be inflammation of appendicitis.

When a doctor is needed

If ovarian pains during ovulation, then it is necessary to plan a trip to the doctor. However, an immediate request to a specialist is required if, in the middle of the menstrual cycle, the pain does not stop within 2 days and is supplemented by other symptoms:

  • Intense pain provokes unconsciousness;
  • Elevated body temperature;
  • Dizziness;
  • Nausea, vomiting;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Shortness of breath, headache;
  • Painful urination.

Pain in the ovary during ovulation

To determine the etiology of pain, it is recommended to keep a diary with notes about the cyclicity of the occurrence of pain and its features. Any pathology is manifested by a number of symptoms. Timely diagnosis plays a significant role in recovery.

With the diagnostic purpose, the specialist will assign a series of examinations, including:

  • Carrying out an anamnesis;
  • Survey of the gynecologist;
  • Venous blood test;
  • ultrasound;
  • Diagnostic laparoscopy.

If a pathological disease is detected, the doctor will prescribe a special treatment.

Absence of ovulation

A woman may not undergo the ovulation process for the following reasons:

  • Pregnancy;
  • Hormonal disorders;
  • Climax;
  • Consequences of taking medications.

Anovulation can be even in healthy women. In this case, the maturation of the egg does not occur in every cycle of menstruation. Repeating the process more than 3 times a year is the reason to visit a doctor. Probably, the body starts gynecological or endocrine pathological processes.

For the onset of pregnancy, doctors perform artificial stimulation of the female reproductive organs with hormonal medications. The event is carried out exclusively under the strict supervision of the doctor and constant monitoring with the help of tests. When the first signs of ovulation appear, a woman undergoes a special test, similar to a pregnancy test. There are reusable digital tests. They are especially relevant for the suspicion of anovulation. With their help, the exact date of the process in each cycle is established.

It is advised to undergo a full medical examination every year, especially after 30.Visit a gynecologist should be done 2 times a year.

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