
Bloating: Treating Metiologism at Home

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1 Dietary food for restoring health

To prevent bloating more than you do not worry, doctors recommend that patients use the well-known in medicine diet No. 4 for Pevzner. So simple, but effective diet food for every day, which is used at home, consists of 140 grams of carbohydrates, 120 grams of protein and 50 grams of fat.

Doctors recommend the patient to introduce buckwheat, rice and oat porridge, bread crumbs, vegetable decoctions of beet or carrots into the diet. Correctly selected treatment at home contains the second broth from fish and low-fat meat, steamed veal, cottage cheese, raw and baked apples.

To eliminate bloating, patients should exclude from the diet sour vegetables and fruits, bread and biscuits, onions, marinades, milk, sauces, fatty soups, seeds, garlic, cream, cabbage, sugar, alcohol, berries with peel, raisins.

The diet, which treats flatulence, can be expanded after a while. But this is possible only if the swelling dies down. To treat meteorism has passed much faster, the diet introduces fresh vegetables, berries, fruits, green peas. Vegetables can be baked or put out.

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In addition to using a diet, it is necessary to treat infectious diseases in time, and after using antibiotics it is necessary to restore the intestinal flora. Every six months, you need to undergo a digestive examination.

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2 Folk remedies

In almost all cases, flatulence can be treated with folk medicine. For example, dill is an excellent remedy. Decoction of this herb can be given even to a small child before feeding. In addition, the nursing mother can drink such a decoction in absolutely any amount. He will be with the milk to enter the baby's body. To prepare the anti-swelling agent, take 100 g of dill, pour 1 liter of purified water, boil, remove after 5 minutes from the heat, close the lid. Dirty water is insisted for half an hour, filtered and drunk every hour for half a glass. A baby should be given every hour for 2 tsp.

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Remove as quickly as possible bloating will help fennel. The fruits of this plant should be put in a pot of water. At 1 tbsp.l.fennel take 5 tbsp.l.water, boil for 10 minutes, and then insist 30 minutes. A carefully filtered broth is taken at a meteorism maximum of 8 times a day for half a cup. This broth is allowed to give an infant a child in an hour for 2 tsp.

Often repeating flatulence, the treatment of which will be successful at home, ceases to bother a person if you use such a familiar to all potatoes. It is necessary only for 10 days before eating to drink 1 glass of potato juice. Several potatoes are crushed with a grater, squeezed and poured into a glass. After drinking 1 cup of juice, you need to lie down to rest. Is best in an hour. Such treatment doctors recommend to conduct courses for 10 days. Break between them - 9 days.

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3 The most popular recipes

How to treat flatulence in the home, tell doctors who are engaged in traditional medicine. The most famous grass in this case is parsley. The roots of the plant are thoroughly crushed, poured with boiling water, infused for 10 hours, filtered. The received agent should be taken 4 times a day for 2 tablespoons.l. It is best to drink tincture before eating. You can crush a spoon of coriander seed, pour boiling water( 1 glass).The received product is insisted for 30 minutes and drink before eating ½ cup.

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Many, perhaps, know that when inflated help activated charcoal, which you can buy in any pharmacy. However, it can be prepared in ordinary home conditions. To do this, twigs of lime or black poplar must be cleaned of bark, cut and wrapped in foil. Put such bundles on the bottom of the oven, turn on the fire, hold the hour, get it out. Completely finished coal should immediately crumble under pressure. Drug powder is consumed before meals for 1 tsp.

Benefits bring barberry. It is necessary to grind the barberry root thoroughly and dry it for 5 days. In water( 2 cups), enter 1 tbsp.l.crushed root of barberry, boil, insist for 2 hours. Only after this, the broth filter and consume 100 ml before meals.

And you can 2 tbsp.l.rhubarb root, which is preliminarily ground, pour 300 ml of boiling water, insist 15 minutes, drain. It is necessary to drink 100 ml for half an hour before meals. Experts recommend that the rhubarb root be harvested in September. It should be dug, washed, cut, podvyalit in the sun. Then it is ground and again dried in a dark place. Do not forget that you need to store this product in a glass container.


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4 What to do to get rid of the disease?

In order to cope with an unpleasant condition, you can use dill and thyme. You need to take 250 ml of boiled water, 1 tsp.seeds of dill and the same amount of dried thyme. Seeds are flooded with water, covered with a lid, put on fire and allowed to boil. Infusion should be warm every hour for 30 ml.

A dandelion can also become a plant that relieves swelling. It is necessary to grind the dandelion roots thoroughly, so that 2 tbsp.l. This amount should be poured into 250 ml of purified water. The resulting mixture is insisted for 24 hours. Only after this tincture is filtered and drunk at least 5 times a day for 50 ml.

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Many patients note the benefits of herbal collection. It is necessary to take 1 tbsp.l.roots of valerian, 2 tbsp.l.fennel and the same amount of mint.

All the above herbs are mixed. Take 2 tsp.this collection, pour boiling water and insist about 20 minutes. The filtered product is used in the morning and evening for ½ cup.

The most accessible herb for treatment is chamomile. It is sold in any pharmacy. It is necessary to take 1 tbsp.l.dry flowers and a glass of hot water. Camomile pour liquid, boil for 5 minutes. Remove from heat, leave for 4 hours, filter, and then take 2 tablespoons before eating.


For prophylaxis and treatment of Digestive Gastrointestinal Diseases our readers advise Monastic tea. This unique remedy consists of 9 medicinal herbs useful for digestion, which not only supplement, but also strengthen each other's actions. Monastic tea will not only eliminate all symptoms of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive system, but will also permanently eliminate the cause of its occurrence.

Opinion of doctors. .. "

Light mint tea also helps to eliminate flatulence. You need to rinse the mint leaves under running water, put in a teapot, pour boiling water. This herb is insisted for 30 minutes. The finished drug is drunk throughout the day. To improve the taste of such a tasty and fragrant drink, you should add the juice of fresh lemon. If there is a desire, then you can replace mint with melissa.

There is also a prescription medication that helps with bloating. It includes the root of the aira, the grass of the gentian, angelica, rhubarb rhizomes, a herb of gold-bearing and St. John's wort( 50 g each).All of the above ingredients are mixed and stored in a glass container. To cook the infusion, take 2 tbsp.l.collecting, pour 2 cups of boiled water, insist. Only after this, you can take a remedy, before eating for ½ cup.

  • 1 Dietary food for restoring health
  • 2 Folk remedies
  • 3 Most popular recipes
  • 4 What to do to get rid of the disease?

In order to overcome bloating, treatment at home is quite acceptable, it is necessary to get acquainted with food that promotes gas production. It includes dairy products, carbonated drinks, whole grains, legumes, lamb, fruits, kvass, vegetables, rye bread, tea.

Before treating bloating at home, it should be understood that this problem often occurs due to the habit of eating "on the run" and taking alcohol while eating.

Tormenting flatulence?

SERGEY RYKOV: "Frequent and unpleasant gas emission due to parasites." Get rid of the proven method - write down the recipe. ..! "Read more & gt; & gt;

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