Noncommunicable Diseases

Hemorrhoids: symptoms, treatment, first signs

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1 Symptoms of hemorrhoids

When the hemorrhoidal nodes of the veins of the anal opening( anus) increase, are displaced or they fall out, they diagnose hemorrhoids, symptoms, treatment should be selected strictly individually based on data on the field, the age of the patient, the course of the disease, oaccompanying ailments. As hemorrhoids manifest themselves, people are often interested, as many are afraid of confusing it with another disease. As a rule, the first signs of hemorrhoids are expressed in a relatively small itch in the region of the anus. Most men and women ignore this, writing off such uncomfortable displays for other factors. Meanwhile, signs of hemorrhoids make themselves felt more and more. In the future, the symptoms of hemorrhoids may include:

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  • more and more unpleasant sensations in the anus and rectum;
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  • impression that there is a foreign body;
  • sensation that the intestine is not completely emptied;
  • feeling of heaviness;
  • at the next stages are not uncommon itching, burning, drawing pains.

The signs of hemorrhoids are not limited to the above. If you continue to ignore such symptoms, the disease progresses. Doctors divide its course into 4 phases. The first is characterized by subtle symptoms and manifestations, the same hemorrhoidal nodes as yet of small size. During the second phase, the symptoms of hemorrhoids make themselves known more and more, and the nodes fall out. At the third stage, the prolapse of nodes is observed not only during acts of defecation, but also with small physical efforts. Symptoms of hemorrhoids of the fourth stage are the bleeding nodes that are located outside. Here already without surgical intervention can not do. After understanding what hemorrhoids are, the signs and symptoms of this serious illness, you should determine the causes of its occurrence and spread.

2 Causes of the disease

Who is at risk? As already mentioned above, there are many men and women who spend most of their time in the office. However, on the other hand, persons engaged in manual labor associated with regular lifting of weights are also often exposed to this ailment. The next group are people who suffer from constipation. During defecation they are forced to push hard, and stools stagnate for a long time in the rectum. These two attendant factors cause excessive pressure on the walls and veins of the anus.

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Picture 1

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But still, the main reason for the development of pathological processes is the doctors called increased tendency to thrombosis and variousvascular lesions. With such manifestations, there is an increased current of arterial blood in the rectum, the outflow process, on the contrary, is reduced. The veins start to fill with blood and stretch. Then the formation of a node takes place, which becomes more and more, and finally becomes inflamed.

The propensity to such a disease can be transmitted genetically, but even in this case, provoking factors are needed to make the hemorrhoids manifest themselves.

Often the signs and symptoms of hemorrhoids are confused with other, very dangerous ailments. For example, the presence of blood in the stool can testify not only to hemorrhoids, but also about malignant tumors in the intestine.

There are other factors in the development of this disease in women. These include menstruation. During the cycle in the body of women there is an increased inflow of blood to the organs of the small pelvis. This is why it is so important for the fairer sex to lead a correct lifestyle, to monitor their diet to avoid problems with digestive processes. Most women are future mothers. The process of pregnancy is fraught with many complications and stresses on the body. Many pregnant women are afraid to lead an active lifestyle. The ever-increasing uterus begins to put pressure on the vessels. In addition, blood stagnates. Immediately during labor, the load increases, all this can provoke the development of hemorrhoids.

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In the number of female causes of the development of ailment, experts also include a stress factor. The thing is that women are emotionally stressed and they are more prone to stress. Most often experiencing stress, associated, for example, with fear for their children. Constant anxiety can also contribute to the development of hemorrhoids.

4 Methods of research and treatment

Explicit signs of hemorrhoids, which a person discovers, is not a diagnosis, but an excuse to immediately contact a specialist. To begin with, the doctor-proctologist should conduct a finger examination of the lower part of the rectum. Alas, this unpleasant procedure is mandatory for all proctologic ailments. It is she who gives the doctor the opportunity to make a conclusion about the presence( absence) of pathological processes. Most modern men and women often ignore the proctologist because of false shame or inconvenience, thereby causing irreparable harm to one's own health. In addition, such regular visits can correctly diagnose signs of hemorrhoids or other diseases.


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After palpation, anoscopy is also performed - examination using a special rectal mirror. If the signs of hemorrhoids are confirmed after such studies, then for greater confidence prescribe and sigmoidoscopy. With the help of such a diagnosis, the lower section of the sigmoid and rectum is analyzed. Very often, colonoscopy is also prescribed, with the help of which a complete diagnosis of the colon is carried out. This procedure is also good in that it makes it possible to identify accompanying changes and pathologies, for example, various tumors and polyps.

Laboratory studies, among which a coprogram analyzing the stool masses and providing an opportunity to assess the general state of the intestinal microflora, are also mandatory. An analysis of feces for latent blood and a general blood test are prescribed.

Picture 2

Treatment of hemorrhoids largely depends on the overall picture of the disease and the complications that accompany it. In any case, do not focus on reviews of this or that newfangled drug during the choice of strategies to combat the disease. Conservative treatment of hemorrhoids includes drugs designed to relieve inflammation. Among them, candles and Posterizan ointment, which include hydrocortisone and suspension from the culture of special intestinal rods, can be distinguished.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids in its acute phase can be treated with suppositories Relief Advance. Their main active ingredient is benzocaine, which has a rapid analgesic effect.

Phlebotrophic drugs are also actively used, which increase the tone of the veins and normalize the process of blood circulation.

Among them are Detralex, Aescin, and others.

Against the backdrop of active drug therapy, other activities are also taking place. First of all, the patient is given an adequate diet. Thus, experts recommend increasing the use of dietary fiber, which is found in many crops, fruits and vegetables.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids include problems with defecation. She is already objectively difficult, and in some cases a person is simply afraid to go to the toilet "in large" because of fear of pain. There are also psychological problems that further complicate the course of the disease. But cleansing the bowels is a necessary procedure. Active use of strong laxatives is not recommended, as the natural microflora of the intestine can be washed away. In some cases, experts advise to switch to liquid food: rare cereals, broths, juices. In the purification of the intestines, the milk products, dried apricots and prunes help very well, while the microflora does not suffer. From the diet of patients with hemorrhoids should be excluded any alcoholic beverages, black coffee, tea, fried and pickled dishes.

Positive feedback from many patients can be heard about such a simple recipe for cleaning the intestines. A person should drink 1-2 cups of cold boiled water on an empty stomach, and after 20 minutes.take 1 tsp.olive oil. You need to sit down in 20 minutes.after taking the oil. This simple means helps to cleanse the intestines.

If the signs of hemorrhoids do not disappear after conservative medical treatment, a decision is made on the surgical intervention. Such operations are called hemorrhoidectomy. During its carrying out hemorrhoids are excised with the help of a scalpel. In recent years, laser has been used in such operations.

Another surgical method for controlling hemorrhoids is Longo's operation. Doctors impose special sutures at the site of prolapse of nodes above their base. The mucous membrane of the rectum is minimal in such operations, so the patient's rehabilitation process is much faster.

3 Types of hemorrhoids

Symptoms and treatment of hemorrhoids largely depend on its type. There are 3 types of this disease:

  1. Internal, in which the disease manifests itself in the lumen of the rectum. This form develops relatively slowly, and a vivid clinical picture is absent.
  2. External, it is often called anal. The knots are puffed outward in the anus area, they are easy to see. This form is characterized by an abundance of unpleasant sensations.
  3. Combined. It is not difficult to guess from the title itself that this species is a combination of the first two. Such a hemorrhoids is considered to be the heaviest, it develops, as a rule, because of ignoring the advice of doctors and a frivolous attitude towards one's own health.


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There are often cases when hemorrhoids lead to various complications. Among them you can call anemia, causing a general decline in strength, dizziness and fatigue. This is due to loss of blood and a decrease in the number of red blood cells in it. In some cases, particularly neglected forms lead to gangrene, such an unpleasant phenomenon can be observed with the internal form of hemorrhoids. Inflow of blood is broken or even stopped, as a consequence, the processes of tissue death, necrosis begin.

It should also be remembered that the acute form of hemorrhoids can develop against a background of chronic course of the disease. The aggravation begins in the event that the fallen node is infringed. Sometimes, the formation of a blood clot that extends the node from the inside leads to an aggravation.

5 General recommendations of

Patients suffering from this disease should especially watch the purity of the anal area. To clean it, do not advise using soap and wet wipes that contain alcohol or flavorings. Warm, clean water will do much better. Such procedures should be done 2-3 times a day, and after wiping the anal area with a natural tissue. It is not recommended to use dry toilet paper after acts of defecation, which can irritate the affected areas even more.

Do not strain during defecation, trying to force the excrement of feces. Such efforts can lead to an additional increase in blood pressure in the vessels of the rectum. To go to the toilet is necessary only in the event that there is a physiological need.

To reduce swelling and irritation, you can lean several ice cubes to the anus, pre-wrapping them in a clean, natural, unpainted fabric.

If possible, it is necessary to exercise moderate physical activity, try to walk, when sitting up, periodically get up and walk.

  • 1 Symptoms of hemorrhoids
  • 2 Causes of development of the disease
  • 3 Types of hemorrhoids
  • 4 Methods of research and treatment
  • 5 General recommendations of

Sedentary lifestyle, long vigils at the computer often provoke hemorrhoids, the symptoms of which can deliver a lot of discomfort and negatively affect the quality of a person's entire life. The statistics are inexorable: about 80% of men and women encountered this disease at least once in their life. More and more people are interested in what symptoms accompany this disease.

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