Thyroid Disease

Cough with thyroid disease

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Everyone knows the cough and knows it as a symptom of a cold. However, not only the cold can cause this manifestation. The frequent cause of cough is the pathology of the thyroid gland. In this case, he has a reflex character. Why does a cough develop with thyroid disease and how to treat it?

Cough with thyroid disease

Why does the symptom arise?

Due to the fact that the thyroid gland is increasing, difficulties arise with the swallowing process. Such a violation is associated with the fact that the respiratory tract is under strong pressure, their receptors are irritated and a cough occurs.

After all, in front of the human body are almost all the organs, there is not enough free space there. Therefore, when the gland begins to increase in size, this negatively affects the activity of all internal systems.

Cough in the thyroid gland can go into a chronic form, because the usual remedies that are used to eliminate this manifestation, in this case will not help. Often, patients do not even realize that cough and thyroid disease are related to each other. As a result, the pathological process is developing more and more.

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Symptoms of

In the case of thyroid pathologies, the manifestation of a cough can not be the only one, along with other symptoms. At the first stage of the enlargement of the gland, the patient does not yet experience any manifestations, but over time, he has coughing and sore throat during eating. Patients characterize the difficulty of swallowing as a lump in the throat, which will burn to cause attacks of suffocation.

In some cases, it becomes apparent how the lower part of the throat increases, propelling forward and leading to deformation of the cervical region. Based on the size of the goiter and how actively it grows, the character of the cough may change.

Cough with thyroid disease

Often, in addition to coughing, the patient is also concerned about symptoms such as soreness in the heart, persistent irritability, depression, hysteria, nervousness. Also, the patient may notice that he is too tired, he often has headaches. It even happens that a person can not endure any physical exertion, because he immediately loses his strength.

Methods of cough management

It is necessary to understand that cough and perspiration does not arise simply because of pathological processes. In diseases of the thyroid gland, it manifests itself because the body contains an insufficient amount of iodine, which is needed for the normal production of hormones. Therefore, this symptom must necessarily be treated, in no case should not allow the development of a chronic form.

Therapy of this pathological process is carried out using various methods. Basically, basic and auxiliary funds are assigned. The former include medicines that help reduce the thyroid itself. Writes them out and determines the duration of treatment only an endocrinologist.

If the reception of medications does not affect pathology in any way, the specialist decides to conduct an operative intervention. After surgery on the thyroid gland, the cough can completely stop.

Auxiliaries are necessary in order to reduce the sensitivity of receptors to the growth of the thyroid gland. In this case, drugs that produce a calming effect are used.

Cough with thyroid disease

Usually, such drugs include codeine, which is a good assistant in the elimination of dry cough. Drugs can be in the form of tablets or syrup. Most of all doctors prefer the syrup because it has also an enveloping property.

Folk remedies

Used in the treatment of cough with thyroid pathologies or hypothyroidism and recipes of traditional medicine. They are passed on to people from generation to generation and are renowned for their medicinal properties. Folk medicines can act as decoctions, infusions, compresses.

An excellent therapeutic agent is the decay of the Ledum.

  • It is prepared from a tablespoon of this herb and a glass of boiled water.
  • This mixture should be infused for 20 minutes, after which it must be filtered.
  • You need to drink a drink 2 tablespoons three times a day.
  • This medicine has a soothing and expectorant effect on the throat.

Cough with thyroid disease

An excellent remedy for coughing and perspiration in the throat is considered to be a plant like mother-and-stepmother, or rather a broth prepared on its basis.

  • To do this, pour a glass of hot water a tablespoon of dry leaves of grass, insist half an hour and strain.
  • You can take a drink on a tablespoon 6 times a day.

Good decoction has a decoction of figs and milk, it helps with squeezing the airways.

  • For its preparation it is required to pour a glass of milk in a bowl, put 3 fruits there, put on fire and bring to a boil.
  • Once the broth has cooled, you can drink. But it is best to use it at night.
  • This drink helps when coughing caused by any diseases, both pathologies of the thyroid gland, and a common cold.

The next popular recipe is the onion compress.

  • For cooking, the peeled onion should be rubbed with a grater.
  • In the received weight to add animal fat and to put on a neck, having tied on the top a scarf or other warm fabric.
  • It takes at least 2 hours to walk with this compress.

Recipes of alternative medicine are widely used by people to treat pathologies. But remember that they are not able to eliminate the cause of the cough, they can only relieve it. In any case, before using any folk remedy, it is best to consult your doctor. After all, natural components can also have contraindications.

How to prevent the development of diseases?

The best preventive measure that will prevent the development of thyroid pathologies or at least to identify them at an early stage is a regular trip to the endocrinologist. It is enough to visit it once a year.

It is also necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, to eat properly and fully. To avoid iodine deficiency, the body should take drugs and products that include this element.

Cough in diseases of the thyroid gland needs to be treated on time so that it does not go into chronic form. Otherwise, the symptoms will accompany the patient all his life.

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