
What is the spinal hemangioma and what are its causes and treatment?

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hemangioma of the spine Spine tumors are usually infrequent, but over the past few years, their growth has increased significantly.

The causes of the disease are different: various injuries and diseases of the spine, malnutrition, bad habits, hormonal changes in the body. Often, the ailment develops at the age after 40 years.

Spine tumors are divided into several types: primary and secondary, and can also be malignant and benign.

The primary tumor is located directly in the vertebra, and the secondary tumor is the result of neoplasms in other organs.

Malignant tumors are characterized by rapid development and the presence of metastases, present a huge danger to human health.

Benign are less dangerous, but require timely treatment, since some of them, after a period of time, have the ability to grow into malignant ones.

Benign tumors of the spine include: chondroma, osteoma, hemangioma and some others. About the hemangioma of the spine in more detail, we now try to tell.

What is hemangioma?

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  • Reasons for tumor formation
  • Signs and symptoms of the disease
  • Dimensions of the tumor and their health hazard
  • Treatment of the disease
    • Folk remedies
  • What is the risk of the patient?
  • Prognosis for the patient
  • Rehabilitation after surgical removal of the tumor
  • How to prevent the growth of the tumor?
  • What is hemangioma?

    Spinal hemangioma - a benign tumor in the cells of the organ, is formed in the body of the vertebra, is considered one of the safest of all vascular formations.

    Usually located in one place, less often in several, differs by slow growth, does not metastasize.

    However, over time, if the formation reaches considerable sizes, it breaks the integrity of the vertebral body, which leads to severe pain, and in some cases, to a fracture of the spine. swelling of the vertebrae

    In addition, the tumor squeezes the roots of the spinal cord, which can also be the cause of severe consequences.

    The disease is diagnosed in both men and women of the opposite sex, but women are more likely to have an ailment. Occasionally, the tumor can be found in adolescence.

    The most common lesion affects the lumbar and thoracic spine, less likely to occur in the cervical spine.

    Very often, the hemangioma itself does not manifest itself, the symptoms appear at a late stage.

    With age, the tumor has the ability to expand and disrupt the work of the organ and surrounding tissues.

    Treatment of this disease is quite difficult, however, the forecasts are quite favorable.

    Reasons for tumor formation

    The reasons for the formation of the tumor are not completely established.

    Still, it is assumed that various injuries and spinal injuries, as well as regular excessive physical exertion, lead to tumor development.

    To predetermining factors include:

    • heredity;
    • poor ecology;
    • bad habits;
    • as well as hormonal changes in the body, this largely explains the fact that women are prone to the disease more often.

    In rare cases, hemangioma can develop during pregnancy, because the woman's spine is significantly increased load.

    Vascular tissue cells can also change under the influence of oncogenic viruses, ultraviolet radiation, which leads to the development of the tumor.

    Signs and symptoms of the disease

    hemangioma of the cervical spine

    On the photo hemangioma of the cervical spine on MRI

    In most cases, the symptoms of the disease are almost not manifested, and the disease does not require treatment. But if the hemangioma begins to expand, then there are gradually increasing symptoms, which depend on the localization and course of the disease.

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    In many ways, the symptoms of hemangioma are similar to those of the intervertebral hernia.

    In connection with the compression of the nerve roots, as the height of the vertebra decreases, there is pain in the area of ​​the tumor, it can be of different intensity.

    There is also numbness of the extremities, disruption of the intestine and bladder, especially in the case of the hemangioma of the lumbar spine. There are neurological disorders, headaches, etc.

    With large hemangiomas, the pains become severe, and sometimes there is a risk of fracture of the spine, especially with physical exertion. This, in turn, can lead to complete paralysis and disability.

    Tumor dimensions and their health hazard

    The size of the tumor is determined by X-ray examination or MRI.

    It is considered that the hemangioma of the body of the vertebra should not exceed 1 cm in this case it practically does not disturb the patient and does not require treatment, only a doctor's appointment is recommended.

    If the dimensions exceed 1 cm, treatment should be started. Large tumors are extremely rare, and are dangerous to health.

    The most dangerous size of hemangioma is considered to be from 5 cm and those that exceed half the volume of the vertebral body, they can provoke a compression fracture.

    Treatment of

    Disease Conservative treatment of the spinal hemangioma involves several basic methods. Their main goal is to improve the patient's quality of life, restore the function of the affected organ, eliminate the symptoms of the disease and the resulting tumor. Radiation therapy

    The most effective and often used method is radiation therapy , under its influence, tumor cells die, which leads to the complete disappearance of the tumor. Moreover, a popular method of the above therapy is puncture vertebroplasty.

    During the puncture of the vertebra, a special inert substance is injected into the tumor cavity, which destroys the hemangioma and helps restore the organ.

    In some cases, the methods of alcoholization and embolization are used in the treatment, both of which are aimed at eliminating the neoplasm. However, there are some complications, so this technique has not found wide application.

    An additional pain relieving pain reliever is painkillers and injections. In the case of large tumor sizes, a surgical procedure is performed to completely remove the tumor.

    Folk remedies

    Hemangioma of the spine is treated with folk remedies.

    For this use tinctures of medicinal herbs: peony, viburnum, thistle, St. John's Wort and some others.

    With their help, you can reduce the size of the tumor, and alleviate the condition of the patient.

    It should be remembered that massages, any physiotherapy and manual therapy, warming compresses are strictly prohibited.

    What does the patient risk?

    compression fracture If the disease is not treated for a long time, then serious complications are possible.

    In connection with the growth of the tumor, as it was said, there can be a fracture of the spine and the consequences resulting from this.

    In addition, the disease can disrupt the work of the nervous, vascular and digestive system, the function of pelvic organs. There may be a pinched nerve, which often causes paralysis of the extremities.

    There is also the possibility of tumor growth to other nearby organs. Therefore, treatment of the disease is mandatory.

    Prognosis for the patient

    Forecasts for hemangiomas are more likely.

    As in most cases the disease is successfully treated, especially with a timely diagnosis.

    With regard to surgical intervention, with a successful operation and the right rehabilitation period, the chance of a full recovery is very high.

    Rehabilitation after surgical removal of the tumor

    For the fastest recovery and pain relief after surgery, the patient needs to undergo rehabilitation.

    The rehabilitation period includes a system of special physical exercises, which are aimed at restoring the functions of the organ. In this period, heavy physical work, massage and manual therapy are contraindicated.

    How to prevent the growth of a neoplasm?

    Preventive measures of the disease include regular examinations, in women control of the level of estrogens in the menopause.

    You should also avoid spinal injuries and hard work, monitor food, lead a healthy lifestyle. Particular attention should be paid to physical activity, this will help with swimming, morning jogging, etc. healthy lifestyle

    And we must not forget that the psychological factor is also important, the less stress will be in your life, the less will the spine suffer.

    Thanks to timely diagnostics, adequate and competent methods of treatment, it is possible to prevent the development of the disease, to reduce the likelihood of complications, which will enable patients to live a full life.

    Therefore, if you feel any discomfort in the spine, you should always contact an experienced specialist.

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