
Which doctor treats diabetes?

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Diabetes mellitus is a disorder characterized by a metabolic disorder. Necessarily there are failures in the pancreas, why the whole body suffers as a result. At a diabetes mellitus the level of sugar in a blood sharply increases. Which doctor treats diabetes? This question is asked a lot of people who want to get rid of the disease. This disease is rather unpleasant, giving a bunch of limitations and suffering. Often, people with diabetes suffer from old age. They are the ones most in need of timely support and approval. Most people between the ages of 65 and 75 simply do not know which doctor is treating diabetes. In the clinic they are lost, they begin to write down to different narrow specialists, not knowing what kind of doctor to apply in this case.

Symptoms of

It is very important to be able to recognize the signs of a developing disease. Otherwise, the patient will not be able to start treatment in time. Only the attending physician will be able to correctly diagnose and prevent possible complications. It is worth paying attention to the following manifestations. They always testify to some latent ill-being within the body.

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  • Permanent thirst. Diabetics often feel very thirsty. At first, this manifestation is not perceived as something supernatural. For a while people do not even suspect that they have a serious illness, because most of us try not to allow negative thoughts to avoid additional experiences. A person literally can not get drunk. During the night, he can devastate two liters of clean water, and wake up by the morning with the feeling that he is threatened with drying out from lack of liquid. Permanent thirst is an alarming symptom, which must be paid attention. Otherwise, the illness itself can be aggravated to such an extent that it will be too late to contact a specialist.
  • Increased appetite. Diabetes is a rather insidious disease. It is often disguised as harmless manifestations of life. Uncontrolled appetite is a sign on which it is necessary to pay attention in time. Gradually, the appetite increases by several percent compared to the usual amount of food taken per day. Diabetics have a special love for sweets and flour, but it is the increased sugar content that can be dangerous in this case. The quantity of the eaten chocolates and rolls becomes truly huge. The problem is further aggravated by the fact that a person often does not notice how fast his eating habits change.
  • Weight change. In connection with the change in diet and consumption of a large amount of flour and sweet weight begins to increase. In some individuals obesity is manifested in the second and third stages. Since a person often ceases to control his own appetite, he does not notice a change in weight. It's just that suddenly it turns out that the old clothes are not suitable and you have to update the wardrobe. Others suffer from sudden weight loss, which is caused by a violation of the production of certain hormones.
  • Frequent SARS.If you suffer from frequent exacerbations of a chronic cold, it's worth thinking about. Pay attention to your condition. Various SARS, which are repeated systematically and with a certain time interval, indicate a clear problem of internal organs. A man should not so often catch a cold. Otherwise, this indicates that his immunity is lowered, some unfavorable changes occur in the body itself. In the case of a weakened defense system, a person will constantly suffer from various manifestations of ill health.
  • Decreased level of libido. Although this disease mainly affects the elderly, there are cases when the disease affects the young body. Of course, this is not without justification, but due to some powerful factors. In the case of diabetes in young and middle-aged people, the libido gradually decreases. Man in a certain sense begins to fade from within. He does not want physical closeness. In most cases, it ceases to interest, often torments weakness.

Treatment of diabetes mellitus

The doctor endocrinologist is treating a serious illness like diabetes. This specialist controls the level of sugar in the blood, monitors the state of hormones. Let's consider its activity in more detail. As a rule, if a person, in the presence of the above symptoms, turns to the therapist , he will also put the diabetes in question and send it to the tests, or to the endocrinologist.

Diagnosis of the disease

Before taking any serious measures in the treatment of this disease, the endocrinologist should diagnose it. For this purpose, a thorough examination is conducted, analyzes are submitted. Sometimes a person may not even be aware of the development of such a dangerous disease. Not everyone has a habit of following their physical condition, paying due attention to health in general.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment of diabetes mellitus is mainly hormonal. Depending on the type and stage of the development of the disease, those or other drugs are used, and additional procedures are prescribed. Supportive therapy plays an important role after the main course of treatment. If this is not done, the result will be short-lived and a relapse will occur. The doctor should pay special attention to the prevention of concomitant diseases, since endocrine disorders adversely affect the activity of the whole organism.

Control of nutrition

First of all it is necessary to exclude from the diet sweet and try to eat less than flour. If you are seriously concerned about your health, you will have to sacrifice something in order to achieve a satisfactory result. Unfortunately, few people understand that health needs to be dealt with and nothing goes by itself. Check yourself, do not you abuse sweets, cakes and chocolates? Control over nutrition contributes to the speedy recovery, recovery of the body's internal forces. If you follow a diet prescribed by a doctor, you will soon be able to feel the improvement in your physical condition.

Thus, the treatment of diabetes is a doctor - an endocrinologist. In case of the emergence of dysfunctional signals from the body, it is necessary to apply to this specialist. Timely diagnosis allows you to avoid all kinds of complications.

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