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Hilak Forte for babies - how to give, reviews, instructions for use, price

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It can be:

  • dysbacteriosis;
  • stool disorders;
  • colic in the abdomen;
  • regurgitation;
  • bloating and much more.

All the fault is the unsatisfactory functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

One of the most popular and popular drugs for the normalization of the function of the gastrointestinal tract is Hilak Forte for babies.

This known drug is able to bring the intestinal mucosa into a normal state and balance the acid-base balance.

Hilak Forte normalizes the work:

  • of the large and small intestine;
  • of the immune system of infants.

Lactobacilli, living in the body of the baby from the very first days of his life, contribute to the destruction of the intestinal microflora, resulting in childish whims and crying.

Hilak Forte helps restore epithelial tissue and normalizes intestinal function.

Instructions for Use Hilak Forte advises giving this medication to newborns in the following situations:

  • unstable stool;261f
  • bloating of the intestines( flatulence);
  • insta story viewer
  • frequent regurgitation;
  • weakening bowel function;
  • for diarrhea;
  • for constipation and for all other disorders associated with the work of the digestive tract.

In the event that a baby is prescribed antibiotics, he is additionally prescribed Hilak Forte.

This can achieve higher positive results in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases.

Hilak Forte is not intended for mixing with milk.

Otherwise, malfunctions in the digestive system of the baby may occur.

Dosage of Hilak Forte preparation is, according to standard and individual recommendations:

  • 15-30 drops( for newborns);
  • 40-60 drops( for adults).

Mode of taking the drug Hilak Forte - three times a day, mixed with a small portion of water( but not milk!).

Let's figure out how to properly give Hilak Forte for babies:

  • dilute the required amount of medicine in a small glass of water( warm);
  • add a little bit of glucose;
  • give a child a drink.

Before starting feeding, you should make an hour-long break.

The unsurpassability of Hilak Forte is in his attitude to the group of prebiotics, which means the presence of living bacteria in the components of the preparation, which is of great benefit to the small patient's body, coping with problems in the intestine.

The drug creates certain conditions that are unsuitable for life and development of pathogenic microbes, supplies the body with useful substances and vitamins, rapid development of positive microflora occurs.

Biosynthetic lactic acid, will prune acidity in the intestine.

In case of damage to the gastric mucosa, Hilak Forte restores them and corrects the water-electrolyte balance.

The protective forces of the baby are restored, which, of course, has a positive effect on the health of the newborn.

The appointment of ANY medicines to infants is made only for the purpose of an experienced doctor and under his direct supervision, which helps to avoid the various contradictions associated with:

  • drug overdoses;
  • wrong reception;
  • by irritation of the esophagus;
  • with nausea;
  • poisoning.

Sometimes, babies may experience some side effects:

  • urticaria;
  • rash;
  • itching.

All these phenomena signal to us about the immediate discontinuation of the drug. 262ph

The timing of the drug depends entirely on the level of health of each child.

It is clear that the healthier the baby, the less time and attention it takes.

The usual course of treatment with Hilak Forte is 30 days.

Then, after a short period of time, a second course follows.

The dosage of the drug can be adjusted smoothly, starting at the lowest dose.

Positive quality of the drug - minimal or complete absence of side effects.

The release of Hilak Forte is adjusted in the form of drops, each of which contains about one hundred billion prebiotic bacteria.

Natural product - prebiotic is found in the following foods:

  • garlic;
  • peas;
  • beans;
  • fruit;
  • onion;
  • cabbage.

A small child can not eat similar foods, and he gets the necessary ingredients from foods eaten by the nursing mother.

A prebiotic is a carbohydrate derived from large or binary molecules.

Penetrating into the intestine, prebiotics hydrolyze( decompose) with a positive intestinal microflora, that is, they are an excellent food substrate.

When sunlight hits the surface of living bacteria, prebiotics die.

That is, in other words, keep the drug Hilak Forte in a cool, dark place.


Catherine F.:

I'm not completely sure of the warning in the instructions for taking Hilak Forte: "It's not compatible with milk."

And in the annotation it is indicated that the drug should be taken before or during feeding.

Two mutually exclusive statements are obtained.

And where am I going to get my breast milk, in this case?

It's not at all clear. ..

Explain who can. ..


Sweetheart Katechka!

Everything is simple!

I usually give my baby Hilak Forte fifteen minutes before breastfeeding!

Try it!

The price of drops of Hilak Forte in Moscow is 180 rubles.

But their cost, of course, is not stable.

Take care of yourself.

Stay healthy!

Hilak Forte for babies Breastfeeding not only evokes tenderness in parents, but also serves as a constant source of various problems.

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