Diseases Of The Reproductive System

Treatment of prostatitis by Neumyvakin

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Few people know that conventional hydrogen peroxide is able to positively influence well-being and treat certain diseases. The founder of such therapy was Professor Neumyvakin Ivan Pavlovich. He suggested using the technique in combination with medicines in the treatment of the cardiovascular system, as well as for the prevention of atherosclerosis, heart attack, prostatitis. The effectiveness of the drug the professor argued from his own experience, as a result of his method was recognized throughout the world.

The merit of the author of the method

Methods of traditional medicine to this day are used in the treatment of various ailments. The times when sorcerers and healers were brutally persecuted and accused of witchcraft, long ago passed. Modern medicine has recognized the effectiveness of using many herbal and natural products.

Quite often after an unsuccessful conservative treatment, people seek salvage in alternative medicine, and find it. Honored Doctor Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin devoted his work to the study of many drugs, for which he was awarded a number of awards and titles. The account of his inventions goes to dozens. The main principle of the doctor's work was to combine the experience of traditional healing with traditional medicine on the basis of physical and spiritual balance. The scientific work on how to treat prostatitis with hydrogen peroxide deserves special attention.

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How Hydrogen peroxide works on the human body

Treatment of prostatitis with hydrogen peroxide has spread due to the research works of the professor. They have been shown that this chemical compound participates in many processes of the vital activity of the human body. Being an excellent antioxidant, hydrogen peroxide is capable of destroying many types of infection and toxic compounds. It takes an active part in fat and carbohydrate metabolism, promotes absorption of vitamins and the formation of mineral salts.

Treatment with hydrogen peroxide has a positive effect on blood circulation, improves its composition, coagulability and enriches with the necessary amount of oxygen. In addition, this drug successfully fights free radicals, corrects the hormonal dysfunction of the adrenal and thyroid gland, regulates the acidity of the gastrointestinal tract.

Hydrogen peroxide does not cause an allergic reaction and has no contraindications. With prolonged therapy does not tend to accumulate in the body. Not for nothing is the treatment of prostatitis by Neumyvakin is considered a highly effective method. Proper use of this drug leads to the restoration of damaged tissue and the rejuvenation of the entire body.

The essence of the

method The use of hydrogen peroxide in the treatment of prostatitis is based on regular internal administration of the drug. In addition, the substance can be injected with an enema. In connection with the fact that prostatitis is often diagnosed with an infectious lesion of the prostate gland, the use of a powerful antioxidant in this case will be quite appropriate.

The course of treatment should be built according to a certain scheme, which must be strictly adhered to:

  • Initiate taking the drug with 1 drop, diluted with 50 ml of water, with a regularity 3 times a day.
  • From the second day the dose of the substance is increased to two drops for the same amount of water.
  • In this scheme, the dosage should be increased until 10 drops are reached, which must also be taken three times a day. Thus, the total daily rate of peroxide, which enters the body, will be 30 drops.
  • After ten days of taking a 3-day break, after which the treatment should be continued for another ten days. Dosage should be maximum( 10 drops per 50 ml of water).

Professor Neumyvakin explains such a gradual increase in dosage in the treatment of prostatitis in that the body must adapt to the maximum concentration of the drug. If to force events, and start therapy with a large dose, it can lead to unpleasant sensations, and the process will have to be interrupted.

Hydrogen peroxide treatment by Neumyvakin is recommended to be performed on an empty stomach before meals or two hours after a meal. For men this method has no contraindications. Women are not recommended to take the drug during pregnancy and lactation.

Some caution when using the

method The intake of hydrogen peroxide has virtually no contraindications. For the treatment of prostatitis in the first place, it is important to observe the exact dosage of the drug. A side effect when using hydrogen peroxide can be caused by an individual intolerance to the drug. It can be expressed by the appearance of drowsiness, skin rashes, upset stomach. Such phenomena are observed in 2% of patients.

Professor Neumyvakin also warns about the impossibility of carrying out such therapy to people who have undergone an operation connected with respiratory organs. The drug may cause tissue incompatibility, which will lead to burns.

At the very beginning of treatment, many patients experience a slight burning sensation in the stomach. Such a symptom is not harmful, as it is caused by the natural process of getting used to the new substance.

In the case when the treatment is performed against the background of the drug method, it is necessary to exclude the simultaneous intake of hydrogen peroxide and drugs. The interval between receptions should be at least 30 minutes.

Effect on the prostate

The mechanism of the effect of hydrogen peroxide on the prostate gland is that when the agent enters the process, the chemical compound decomposes into oxygen and water. In turn, oxygen activates the immune system and triggers metabolic processes. Blood begins to more effectively supply organs with useful substances that fight disease from within.

The chronic nature of the disease always needs to stimulate intercellular metabolism. In addition, the cause of stagnant phenomena can be excessive slagging of the body. Therefore, in order for the prostate to return to its normal state, it is necessary to start the metabolic processes throughout the body. In this case, do not expect a quick result. The body should be cleansed of all viral phenomena, and get a good vitamin boost.

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