
Vomiting in a child without fever and diarrhea - what to do, causes

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1 Regurgitation and vomiting

Vomiting in children is the release of a large amount of undigested or partially digested food. However, there is no difference whether there is a temperature or not. Together with this, the baby can be very worried about poor health, malaise, he loses his appetite and eventually does not want to eat. In addition, in the stomach area there are quite strong painful sensations.

If we talk about regurgitation, it is different in that the masses have a much smaller volume and are repeated only after feeding and only in the baby. If the child regurgitates, regardless of feeding, it is worth going to a pediatrician who observes a crumb. In the future, you need to conduct a thorough examination of the baby, so that you can make an accurate diagnosis in the presence of any deviations from the norm. Picture 1

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2 The main causes of

Today, experts note several reasonsthe occurrence of vomiting without the temperature, which occur most often. The following can be attributed to them:

  • in a child, vomiting occurs due to diseases of the digestive system;
  • possible food poisoning;
  • the reason is of a functional nature;
  • baby suffers from problems and abnormalities in the central nervous system;
  • reaction of the body to taking medications or poisoning the non-food type.
    Picture 2
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3 Digestive system problems

Why does vomiting occur in a child without fever and diarrhea? The most common and most common cause is a disruption in the functioning of the digestive system. Specialists say that this symptom, as a rule, occurs only at the first stages of the development of a disease in a child. In this case, the body temperature does not rise, but it can become very pale skin, the child becomes noticeable cold sweat. Similar symptoms can occur with such diseases of the digestive system as:

  • duodenitis;
  • pilorospasm;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • gastritis.

Gradually, a child may begin to show bloating, which several times will increase after feeding. Begin problems with sleep, it will become very restless and intermittent, especially in infants. In this case, immediately you need to see a doctor to conduct a survey and establish the cause, because in case of disease, it will progress and later to treat the problem will be several times more difficult. Picture 3

Picture 4

4 Food poisoning

If there is vomiting and diarrhea in a child, but the temperature also rises, then it can indicate the presence of food poisoning. A problem of this nature, as a rule, arises from the use of a stale or poor-quality product and in most cases is observed in children older than the breast.

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Sometimes such symptoms indicate the presence of an allergic reaction in a child. Thus, the body simply removes the product, which is an allergen and can not be digested by the digestive system. Picture 5

5 Cause of functional type

Nausea and vomiting in a child without a rise in body temperature can occur due to the functional reaction of the body to a certain product that is in the diet. Similar signs are frequent when parents introduce the first lure to the baby. To explain such a phenomenon can be very simple: in young children, the digestive system is still very weak and does not have enough enzymes to digest certain components of the food that parents offer it to him. Treatment in this situation is as follows: you need to exclude a product that is not digested, and the child will immediately become better. Without cause( allergen), crumbs will no longer be bothered by nausea and vomiting.

In some cases, the child may experience mild vomiting without fever( in babies - regurgitation) due to the fact that the baby is slightly behind in weight. This may indicate that there are certain diseases that can often occur just in infancy. To such problems with health it is quite possible to attribute pylorospasm( on the border of the duodenum and stomach from time to time there are spasms that prevent the intestines from fully emptying) and pyloric stenosis( this disease is the hypothyrosis of the pyloric muscles).In this case, you should immediately diagnose and begin treatment, because in the neglected form the problem will be much harder and longer to treat. Picture 6


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6 Diseases of the nervous system

Sometimes such an unpleasant symptom as vomiting without a rise in temperature can be caused by problems with the central nervous system. In such a situation, vomiting is strong enough, constantly worried about nausea. Pathology is accompanied by some other symptoms that will help to suspect the presence of abnormalities. Such signs include aggression in a child without any reason, he is also very nervous and worried without a reason, irritable.

Symptoms of this type, as a rule, are manifested in children who have experienced quite a lot of stress. It can also disturb children of small age, but they are also hyperactive. In the presence of such deviations, it is necessary to consult a specialist. It is advisable to visit a neurologist or a psychiatrist. In the event that the diagnosis is confirmed, the most effective treatment will be prescribed, which is selected individually. To small children doctors prescribe special sparing sedatives. After the treatment with such medicines is over, the child completely disappears completely, the general condition and well-being will return to normal.


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It is very important to pay attention in time to nervousness and irritability of the child, because in the future the situation can only worsen even more, and then the treatment will be longer and less sparing. Picture 7

7 Response of the body to

medications. If the baby's vomiting begins to appear after taking certain medications, then most likely it is a sign that the body does not tolerate the drug or its individual component. On such a symptom it is very important to pay attention in time and stop treatment with such means. Then you need to seek advice from a pediatrician or another doctor who has prescribed a remedy.

In most cases, after vomiting, diarrhea is also observed if the medicine is not suitable for the child. As a rule, to solve the problem, it is enough to stop taking the medication. No more treatment, except for the elimination of the problem, is assigned. In turn, the doctor must choose an alternative medicine that does not cause such symptoms, but at the same time it must solve the problem that is present in the child. Picture 8

8 Cough caused vomiting of

If a child begins vomiting after a very strong cough in the form of an attack with convulsions, then this may indicate the presence of such a disease as whooping cough. As the numerous practice shows, in this case the body temperature at the kid does not rise. The very same disease begins to manifest only after the end of the incubation period, a few days after the crumb will have ARVI or a common cold. Picture 9

9 Other causes of

If the child coughs, the cause of vomiting can be a runny nose. Sometimes you can find situations when the body does everything possible to get rid of the snot, and sometimes the accumulated mucus tries to withdraw not through the nasal cavity, but through the mouth. In addition, the cause of vomiting without temperature may well be an allergic reaction to a certain climatic factor, household chemicals or its component, to some kind of plant or to pollen. Picture 10

10 Treatment methods

If there is vomiting and diarrhea in a child without a temperature, then a lot of attention should be paid to the baby. It is not a secret for anyone that such symptoms can very quickly lead to dehydration of the body, at the same time the child loses a huge amount of vitamins and nutrients, which then must be restored by taking a vitamin and mineral complex. Make sure that the child drank a lot. It is advisable at the same time to completely abandon carbonated drinks, tea and juices - give the patient only clean fresh water.

Ideally, a baby can be helped to get rid of both vomiting and diarrhea without temperature, table mineral water, but necessarily non-carbonated. You can give a small amount of not very sweet home compote, which is made from dried fruits. If the child drinks, you can not add sugar at all.

When you try to protect the child from dehydration, it is best to choose only sparing drinks that will not irritably affect the mucous membrane of the stomach and provoke more and more bouts of nausea and vomiting. At the same time, monitor the temperature of the liquid. It should be at room temperature, so as not to cause discomfort in the child. Figure 11

If you do not have the opportunity to immediately visit a specialist, you need to carefully monitor that the child does not get worse. In order to avoid dehydration and serious complications as a result of vomiting without temperature, you need to know some rules and provide first aid.

If the parents of the baby are sure that the attack of vomiting was provoked by poisoning, then you need to rinse the stomach as soon as possible.

For this, the child should drink as much liquid as possible. You can not in any case cause a deliberately gag reflex, because it can damage the mucosa of the esophagus.

If the parents do not have a clue why the child is vomiting without temperature, then it is not necessary to induce vomiting reflex with the help of liquid, because this can only exacerbate the situation and worsen the patient's well-being.

In a situation where vomiting began in an infant, it is strong and does not stop, this confirms that it is really vomiting, and not regurgitation, you must immediately stop breastfeeding and call a specialist at home.

Take this issue very seriously, because vomiting without temperature can be the first signal to the fact that something is wrong with the baby's body. Even if everything is good, the diagnosis and examination will never be superfluous.

  • 1 Regurgitation and vomiting
  • 1 Main causes
  • 3 Digestive system problems
  • 4 Food poisoning
  • 5 Cause of functional type
  • 6 Nervous system diseases
  • 7 Body reaction to medications
  • 8 Cough caused vomiting
  • 9 Other causes
  • 10 Treatment methods

Vomiting in a child without fever can be caused by a variety of causes. There are a lot of them, and in this matter it is worth investigating. In addition, it is important to know what to do in the event that vomiting in a child without temperature and without diarrhea. If the cause is determined in time and diagnosed, you can get rid of a large number of unpleasant and very serious consequences. The health of the child should be treated especially closely and carefully monitor his state of health, because children can not say anything about any symptoms, especially if vomiting occurs in the baby.

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When a child has vomiting without fever, such a symptom remains a mystery to parents. Of course, this can not always speak of a serious problem or disease. But at the same time, vomiting without temperature can be the first symptom of the disease or any kind of abnormalities that occur in the body's work in the child.

The specialist will give advice to parents and calm them, because some, especially young mothers, can mix up the usual regurgitation of a baby with regular and dangerous vomiting. Refer to a specialist preferably immediately after the appearance of vomiting, especially if the case has repeated more than a few times, and the child does not begin to feel better at the same time.

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