Diseases Of The Reproductive System

Why do mammary glands swell and hurt?

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Swelling of the mammary glands occurs under the influence of hormones produced in the human body. This phenomenon can be caused by various causes, which in general are divided into:

  • physiological;
  • pathological.

Physiological causes of swelling of the mammary glands

There are several reasons for swelling of the mammary glands. These are:

  • monthly;
  • pregnancy;
  • menopause.

Before monthly

Swelling of the mammary glands

First of all, the mammary glands swell before menstruation. This is explained by the fact that every time a new egg starts to mature in the female body, a signal is sent to the brain: a woman prepares for fertilization, and if so, then to subsequent pregnancy and breast-feeding. The organism takes this signal and begins to work: it releases the corresponding hormones. Now the hormonal background is divided into "before ovulation" and "after ovulation."

In the "before" mode, three hormones - estriol, estradiol and estrone - work on the milk ducts, stimulating their proliferation.

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In the "after" mode, the hormone progesterone ( it is also called the pregnancy hormone) is responsible for the production of glandular cells in the mammary gland. These cells, in turn, produce a certain amount of secretion, which leads to an increase in mammary glands in size. The pain in this case is natural, but if the chest hurts too much and this pain is commemorated every premenstrual period, it is worth consulting your gynecologist.

If the menstrual period has already ended and the mammary glands do not return to their original state, or if the breast hurts and swells not before the menstrual period but at the "unseasonable" time - this is an alarming signal and an obvious reason to see a doctor immediately, as these symptoms may indicatethe development of any pathological process in the body. Particular concern for a woman should cause uneven swelling, when feeling the chest can detect nodules or seals.

Note: In addition to regular visits to a gynecologist, each woman should independently monitor the condition of the mammary glands and feel them for seals. How to do it correctly, the doctor will show and tell. Such independent palpations will help to detect any deviations in time and take appropriate measures.

In pregnancy,

If the monthly does not occur, and the symptoms occur, and not just persist, but go on increasing - this swelling of the mammary glands during pregnancy. In this case, the doctor still needs to appear - at least in order to confirm the fact of pregnancy, he was convinced of its normal course. Progesterone works tirelessly, forming in the female breast glandular cells, which begin to secrete a secret and prepare for lactation. The breast increases in size throughout the entire pregnancy, becomes more and more swollen and painful. During this period it is necessary to wear the appropriate underwear : bras should reliably support the chest, but do not squeeze it, and the size of the bra should change as the breast increases.

When lactating

And apotheosis is actually the beginning of lactation. When a woman begins to produce milk after childbirth, swelling of the mammary glands during pregnancy seems to most simply a childish babble: when lactating, the glands can increase significantly in volume, which often causes severe pain. The breast becomes very tight to the touch and hot. To remove the symptoms accompanying the rapid onset of lactation, it helps to correctly express and adjust the feeding regimen of the newborn. Otherwise, mastitis may occur. Signs of pathological processes that occurred during lactation can be:

  • the appearance of painful seals, palpating after pumping in the emptied breast;
  • redness of the breast, especially if the individual chest area is red;
  • fever and soreness in one place - this may indicate the presence of a lesion in the mammary gland.

With the climax


At last, at a climacterium mammary glands too can swell, but the reason here a little bit other. Fatty and fibrous tissue, as the female hormonal background fades, gradually pushes out the glandular tissue from the breast.

Breast swelling can also be caused by the following completely natural causes:

  • excess fluid intake;
  • excessive use of coffee and beverages containing caffeine( in particular, Coca-Cola);
  • too tight underwear, which squeezes the chest and causes swelling;
  • high salt content in the diet( normally should not exceed 5 g).

Other causes of breast swelling that are not associated with menses and pregnancy may include:

  • taking certain medications( in particular, antidepressants);
  • contraception with hormones.

Pathological causes of swelling of the mammary glands

The main causes of non-physiological breast augmentation:

  • mastopathy;
  • breast cancer.

Mastopathy can occur not only during menopause, hormonal imbalances can appear in women and at a much earlier age, starting at age 18.Symptoms of the disease( other than swelling):

  • severe pain;
  • discharge from the nipples.

With breast cancer, there is more evidence of compaction in the mammary gland and its deformation than swelling. A characteristic feature is a retracted nipple. At the initial stages, soreness is absent.

Mastopathy is in most cases bilateral, the cancer usually affects one of the mammary glands.

Treatment of

If a woman can not understand why her breasts have increased, you need to see a doctor. Treatment is prescribed only by a doctor and only after a comprehensive examination and detection of pathology. In premenstrual syndrome, the physician can also prescribe the necessary drugs for symptomatic treatment.

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