
Cerebral Palsy: Is it treated or not?detailed information

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Children's cerebral palsy is not an independent ailment, but a complex of several syndromes identified by several root causes. These syndromes are united by a single common feature - the defeat of the brain, which leads to a pathological disruption of the function of motion. The peculiarity of the disease is the occurrence of primary symptoms in the first years of the child's life. At this stage of the development of the baby, the functionality for which the brain is responsible is only being formed, so if the damage is not excluded the development of cerebral palsy. If we look at the example of a teenager, then if the brain is damaged at this age, there may also be problems with musculoskeletal function. However, in medical practice this will not be qualified as cerebral palsy. Therefore, after the diagnosis is made to the child, parents are concerned with one of the main questions, is it possible to cure pathology?

Cerebral Palsy: Is it treated or not?

Cerebral Palsy: Is it treated or not?

Content of material

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  • 1 Features of the disease
    • 1.1 The formation process of cerebral palsy
  • 2 The main causes of the development of the pathology
    • 2.1 Video - Why do birth trauma occur?
  • 3 Can pathology be cured?
  • 4 The severity of the cerebral palsy
  • 5 The diagnosis of
    • 5.1 Video - Parental training to restore muscle movements

Features of the disease

Children's cerebral palsy is characterized by no signs of progression of the disease, that is, with the passage of time after brain damage, the child does not have an exacerbation of the disease. In addition, with careful care for the child and the application of the correct treatment techniques, you can partially adjust the pathology. However, if the treatment is not available, the child can still expect serious complications, aggravating the musculoskeletal function.

What is cerebral palsy?

What is the cerebral palsy

The process of forming the cerebral palsy

To unequivocally answer the question whether it is possible to completely correct the pathology, it is necessary to consider the two main reasons for the development of motor disorders:

  1. There has been a change in the nerve cells of the brain.
  2. There are primary brain pathologies.

Attention! Defects can be diagnosed the most diverse under the influence of damaging factors. With the intensive development of a certain brain structure, its increased vulnerability is noted, therefore, depending on it, there will be more problems with the upper or lower limbs. Coordination of movements can also be generally violated.

Causes of cerebral palsy

Causes of cerebral palsy

The main risk group is children, who were born prematurely, that is, up to thirty-third of the week. The emergence of pathology is determined by the unfinished structures of the brain, as well as imperfect arteries. If oxygen starvation occurs in a fully full-term baby, the risks are minimized, as the blood is distributed correctly, and the brain does not suffer. On the contrary, small children die of a part of the brain, consequently, cerebral palsy is formed.

Violations of the personal development of children with cerebral palsy of the personal development of children with cerebral palsy

Violations of the personal development of children with cerebral palsy

The main causes of the development of the pathology

There are three groups of factors that can affect the development of cerebral palsy.

Prenatal factor Factor during labor Constant factor

Oxygen starvation, triggered by placental insufficiency;
effect on the nervous system of the fetus of various infections;
effects of chromosomal mutations;
hereditary pathologies
If the fetus is subjected to temporary asphyxia;
, a child was injured during delivery( it happens if the mother had a narrow pelvis or the fetus was not positioned correctly)
The child suffered a head injury;
consequences of infections that could enter the fetus during intrauterine development or after delivery;
impact on the child's body of toxic substances

About the causes of birth injuries that lead to cerebral palsy, you can find out here.

Video - Why do birth injuries occur?

Can pathology be cured?

The prognosis benefits directly depends on timely confirmation of the diagnosis, as well as no less quickly initiated therapy. Medical practice confirms that with a systematic treatment and timely response to pathology, the state of the child has improved significantly by the age of three. Proper use of therapy can correct defects in such a way that the child can fully attend kindergarten and school.

Unfortunately, in the first days of a child's life it is almost impossible to diagnose pathology. Then, when the symptoms are insignificant, the parents do not rush to go to a specialist, making a huge mistake.

Treatment of cerebral palsy with dolphin therapy

Treatment of cerebral palsy with dolphin therapy

It is worth going to the diagnosis if:

  • the child begins to lag behind in the development of motor skills;
  • sluggish state of the baby, which is observed very often;
  • no desire to play, tearfulness;
  • podgibanie legs, when the child is supported, so that it supports standing;
  • problems with crawl reflexes;
  • during crawling on the floor the baby begins to drag the lower limbs.
Treatment of cerebral palsy

Treatment of cerebral palsy

Attention! It is very important to notice the above symptomatology in a timely manner, as this will determine the further prognosis for the child. It can not be unequivocally confirmed that pathology can be cured completely, but in part it can be corrected with the help of therapy and exercise therapy.

If the parents started treatment of the baby in three or four years, the chance of a favorable outcome remains with the condition of painstaking therapy( work on speech development, therapeutic techniques, stimulation of cognitive activity, strengthening of motor reflexes).With the efforts of the parents, the result will be noticeable even if the treatment is started with a delay.

Severity of cerebral palsy

Symptomatic manifestation will directly depend on the size of the affected area of ​​the brain. It is extremely important for parents to start correcting speech in a timely manner and use exercise therapy - this is a guarantee that the severity will be significantly reduced.

Methods of treatment of cerebral palsy

Methods of treatment of cerebral palsy

Degree Brief description

Light With a mild form of pathological lesion of a child, it can be considered quite valuable, that is, it can easily perform any homework and attend ordinary schools and gardens. In the future it will not be difficult for him to master any profession

Average In this case, the child's socialization is not ruled out, but despite this, he still needs help from outsiders

Heavy Complication in the form of a severe form of cerebral palsy is the lack of the ability to independently serviceyourself. The child is completely dependent on the parents of

This is important! The child should not be allowed to have a serious stage of the disease, which is why, in the case of early symptomatology, all efforts should be directed to block the manifestation of cerebral palsy and socialize the child.

Types of cerebral palsy

Types of cerebral palsy

How is the diagnosis of

The effectiveness of treatment is directly proportional to the time of diagnosis. Therefore, it is important to examine the baby while in the maternity ward. Increased attention to children at risk:

  1. Preterm born.
  2. Children with small weight.
  3. Children with congenital pathologies and vices.
  4. Infected from the mother during the period of intrauterine development.
  5. If during the delivery a vacuum extractor was used, forceps.
  6. Children who are on artificial respiratory ventilation.
  7. Children with a minimum score on the Apgar scale.
  8. Children who suffered jaundice.
How to treat cerebral palsy

How to treat cerebral palsy

All children at risk should be examined by the physician in detail and revealed muscle tone and reflex response. If there are suspicions of brain lesions, the child is sent for special examinations:

  • ultrasound;
  • EEG;
  • MRI.

After confirming the degree of severity of the pathology, the doctor determines the necessary prescriptions for the child, which will help restore the motor functions, as well as avoid complicating consequences.

Video - Teaching parents to restore muscle movements

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