
The main symptoms and treatment of knee tendonitis

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tendonitis of the knee Tendonitis of the knee joint - is an inflammation that appears at the junction of bone and tendon .

The disease can occur in the joint, regardless of sex and age, but often people who are older than 40 years old;athletes;children and adolescents.

There are such types of violations:

  • acute;
  • is chronic.

As a result of the impairment, the strength of the patellar ligament decreases, and as a result, its rupture may occur.

Article Contents

  • reasons
  • inflammation symptoms and signs of illness
  • Degrees of
  • diagnostic methods How to treat tendinitis of the knee surgery
    • Medicines
    • Physiotherapy
    • Traditional medicine
  • Prevention


inflammatory disease Causes:

  • long a significant load on the joint;
  • trauma and numerous micro-injuries;
  • infection;
  • rheumatoid disorders;
  • allergies to drugs;
  • features of the structure;
  • wearing unsuitable shoes;
  • incorrect posture;
  • arthrosis;
  • knee joint instability;
  • insta story viewer
  • weakened immunity;
  • age changes in tendons;
  • muscle imbalance;
  • parasites in the body.

Depending on the cause of the disorder, there are two types of disorder:

  • is non-infectious;
  • is infectious.

Finding out the cause of the deviation is the main reason for the appointment of treatment.

Provoking causes:

  • long reception of glucocorticoids;
  • arthritis;
  • kidney failure;
  • diabetes.

Symptoms and signs of the disease

Tendonitis of the knee joint has the characteristic symptoms: tendonitis on the knee

  • sudden pain in the affected part;
  • pain "on the weather";
  • abnormalities in the joint;
  • increased sensitivity during palpation;
  • redness and swelling in the area of ​​impairment;
  • creaking when moving the joint.

Typical signs are easily determined by examination and by probing the place of attachment of the ligaments to the joint.

Degrees of development of

There are 4 stages of development of pathology:

  • pains are observed after severe stress;
  • paroxysmal pain occurs after exercise or work;
  • pain can be observed in a calm state;
  • in the development of the disease, there is a risk of rupture of the ligament.

For the purpose of treatment, a diagnosis is required, based on the cause of the occurrence and the stage of the disorder.

Diagnostic methods

For diagnosis, the following are performed:

  • laboratory tests;
  • X-ray;
  • computer and magnetic tomography;
  • ultrasound.

The correct examination allows you to determine the stage of the disorder, the place of inflammation.

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Why does a finger snap or what can cause stenosing ligament in children. These and many other questions will be answered by our material.

How to treat tendonitis of the knee joint

The disease is treated with the help of such methods:

  • by medicines;
  • physiotherapy;
  • promptly;
  • in popular ways;
  • therapeutic exercises.

Violations of 1 to 3 stages are treated conservatively. To begin with, remove the load from the joint or even immobilize. To reduce the load on the knee using crutches or a stick, and to immobilize impose gypsum or wear a langette.

A combination of physiotherapy and medications is used.


If the development of the disorder is unfavorable, surgery is performed.

To relieve the load from the ligaments of the joint apply: teipirovanie; orthosis.

Orthoses are an effective remedy for knee injuries and are suitable for preventing damage to tendons during training, gardening.

At the last stage of the disorder with tendon hysterectomy, an operation is required to excise the affected tissue, which can be:

  • arthroscopic;
  • is open.
mgr of knee joint

In the photo of mrt with tendonitis of the knee joint

In the presence of a build-up that causes ligation of the ligament, its removal is performed arthroscopically.

If the cyst is cysts or other changes, then they are excised only through an open operation. Intervention is also performed with stenosing tendinitis.

If the disease is combined with suppuration, then perform an urgent dissection with pumping pus. The recovery period reaches three months.

For chronic lesions, massage is recommended.


medicines prescribe anti-inflammatory and non-steroidal asteroid drugs ( naproxen and ibuprofen).Means reduce pain and inflammation, but do not lead to cure. They can be prescribed by injection and through ointments - externally.

If these drugs are of low effectiveness, corticosteroids are injected into the site of inflammation. With severe inflammation in the case of an infectious cause of the disorder, antibiotics may be prescribed.


Physiotherapeutic methods of treatment are used:

  • Ionophoresis;
  • Magnetotherapy;
  • Electrophoresis.

Helps LFK stretch and strengthen muscles, which also restores the tendons after treatment.

Traditional medicine

Treating knee tendonitis in folk ways is to relieve pain and inflammation in two ways - inside and out.

For consumption inside use:

  • twice a day tea from 1 tsp.the composition of identical parts of the cut root of sassalarium and ginger;
  • 0.5 g of curcumin per day as a seasoning for food.

For external use:

  • immobilization of the joint with a tire or a bandage;
  • grinding with ice for 15 minutes;
  • ointment with arnika to neutralize inflammation and edema for lubrication three times a day.
In the initial stages and chronic lesions, such treatment will improve the condition, but before it starts, consult a doctor.

Prophylaxis of

To prevent tendonitis, it is necessary: ​​

  • before sports to warm up muscles;timely diagnosis
  • does not perform long, monotonous exercises;
  • when lifting a heavy leg bend;
  • move smoothly;Load
  • incrementally;
  • constantly change the load;
  • in time to rest.

Like any lesion, tendonitis is more easily prevented than cured. In medicine, today there are enough ways to cure a violation that lead to recovery when all the prescriptions of a specialist are fulfilled.

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