Diseases Of The Reproductive System

Causes of a cyst on the ovary

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What causes the ovarian cyst? Many women in vain for years have been looking for an answer to this question. Problems associated with gynecology, always bring their possessor a lot of problems and sorrows. The situation is often complicated by the fact that it is not common to share intimate details in our society. So it turns out that quite often very young girls are left without any support, hesitate in time to see a doctor. Of course, this is fundamentally the wrong approach, which does not allow diagnosing the disease in time.

Causes of a cyst on the ovary

What is the ovarian cyst and from what does it appear? Of course, the symptomatology at the first stage may not be so pronounced and does not pose a danger. An ovarian cyst is formed, most often, as a result of a wrong attitude toward life. In view of the frequent stresses, a woman tends to lose control over herself and the events that are taking place. So, what is the ovarian cyst, how is it formed and what is harmful? Let's try to understand.

The essence of the concept

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The cyst is a neoplasm from the inside filled with a liquid. Here there are several varieties:

  • The follicular cyst is the most harmless variant, which, most often, appears and passes by itself. A cyst is formed when a mature follicle can not leave the ovary. Neoplasm creates a kind of barrier and interferes with the normal course of the ovulation process. If the situation is not solved by itself, then there is a condensation. The resulting body creates additional obstacles in the work of the ovaries.
  • Functional cyst is a case requiring careful medical examination. Science is not completely sure of what the cyst of such a plan is, for what reasons it can appear. In this case, the follicle gradually grows in size and turns into a yellow body, which often causes the patient to suffer from pain symptoms.
  • The dysentogenetic cyst occurs during puberty. Sexual maturation is characterized by a characteristic release of hormones, because of which such a growth may occur. A growing cyst sometimes does not appear for a long time and does not make itself felt.
  • The hemorrhagic cyst has its bases for formation. The reasons for the appearance of this option are quite simple. When there is a rupture of blood vessels, blood is formed in the neoplasm itself and gives it a crimson, brown color. Of course, the symptomatology here is quite pronounced: sharp pains in the lower abdomen, which can not be ignored any more, possibly raising the body temperature to high levels.
  • The cancer tumor in is sometimes the final stage of a neglected case. In this case, benign tissue degenerates into malignant tissues. Alternatively, the entire ovary is affected and urgent hospitalization is required with further intervention.

Contrary to popular belief, the ovarian cyst does not always degenerate into cancer. In some cases, it is even able to dissolve independently. Most often, for her excision resort to surgical intervention. It is unlikely to pose a threat to life, but can significantly reduce its quality. Ovarian cyst in women directly affects fertility, general well-being. A woman who grows a cyst can become irritable, quickly fatigued.

Cyst in the left ovary

Often, women of reproductive age face such a nuisance as a cyst on the left ovary. The causes of its occurrence are often hidden in the unhealthy intestine. If you suffer from constipation or just a pain in the abdomen for a long time, you need to do ultrasound examination of all the organs of the small pelvis. Do not neglect the visit to the gynecologist. Timely appeal to specialists will help in the early stages to identify the ovarian cyst, to eliminate the causes that triggered its development.

Cyst in the right ovary

If you are concerned about pain in the right side below, you need to be examined as soon as possible. Often, inflammation of the ovary is taken for appendicitis and vice versa. Symptomatics are very similar and that it hurts the patient, it can be determined only by a highly qualified specialist. He will also eliminate the causes of discomfort in time. The formation of a cyst on the ovary can be provoked by a recent operation to remove the appendix.

Reasons for

Why does a cyst appear? For the formation of any tumor, there should be good reasons. At a minimum, cysts are formed due to existing health problems, malnutrition and lifestyle in general. To get rid of them, you need, first of all, to reconsider your attitude to the surrounding world, to fill yourself with joy, fresh positive emotions. The causes of ovarian cysts may be different. Consider the most popular of them:

  • Stress. The life of a modern person rarely does without stress. People often have to hurry somewhere, hurry on their own business, run after the departing bus. All this creates a strong tension in the work of the nervous system, which in time is significantly depleted. Unexpected negative events, quarrels in the family circle, conflicts with close people, deadline at work, severe fatigue, reluctance to act, sometimes cause a lot of distress.

Sometimes it happens that the beautiful half of humanity is forced to work for wear, neglecting normal rest and sleep. Women in the modern world are more susceptible to depression and emotional stress. If you have a lot of nervous, you need to think about what your life is worth. To save health is much more important than to seek approval from others and drive yourself into an endless life of the same traumatic events.

  • Disorders of the menstrual cycle. A rare woman actually boasts a clear cycle. Many girls and women are constantly worried about any violations in the work of the reproductive system. Then the monthly ones come earlier, then later, sometimes accompanied by unpleasant pulling pains in the lower abdomen. All this can not but create additional emotional tension and significantly affects the work of the ovaries themselves.

Normally, the ovaries of a healthy woman should work, like a clock - in time to produce eggs. However, in practice, a clear flow of menstruation without any failure is a rare occurrence. It may seem strange, the causes of ovarian cysts can be due only to a banal violation of the menstrual cycle.

  • Hormonal disorders. It is known that in a healthy body everything should be normal. It is the balance that allows all organs and systems to function smoothly and without failures. In this case, the person does not bother or worry. The production of hormones depends on many factors. When the balance between certain substances is disturbed, serious complications can arise.

One of the causes of cysts on the ovary are hormonal disorders. Then the woman starts to suffer pains in the bottom of a stomach or belly, frequent migraines, a sharp depression of mood. Hormonal disorders provoke irregular menstruation, a feeling of apathy and despair.

  • Taking medication. It would seem that people take drugs in order to recover from a particular disease or to remove an acute pain symptom. Nobody will come up with the idea of ​​buying potent remedies simply and drinking them with handfuls. But it happens that a woman by ignorance or inexperience takes too many pills at the same time, which can not but affect the state of all her organs and systems.

It should always be remembered that uncontrolled use of medicines can cause significant damage to the body, make it defenseless before any infection. Understand that taking certain medications can seriously affect both general health and affect women's health.

  • Contraceptives. Control of childbirth on the one hand protects a woman from unwanted pregnancy, and on the other hand it interferes with the course of hormonal processes within her body. After all, in fact, all methods of contraception represent an interference in the nature of man. That is why a woman in the modern world suffers so often from these or other problems in gynecology.
  • Bad habits. Everyone knows how much alcohol and smoking abuse affects the body. Any narcotic substances kill a woman from within, make her weak and vulnerable to various viruses and microorganisms. Often, cysts on the ovaries and any seals are formed in those who for years can not overcome their bad habits. Excess weight. Even such an inoffensive factor as a habit of dense and abundant food can affect women's health. It would seem, how can the digestive tract and the reproductive system be linked together? The fact is that the begun process of obesity promotes occurrence of certain infringements in work of all organism. Naturally, such problems do not bypass the ovaries. They start to work, as horrible. Of course, the cyst does not arise immediately, but forms within a few years, completely unnoticed by its owner.
  • Inflammatory diseases. Problems in any organ never remain invisible to a person. Such violations affect the overall process of life, bring a lot of trouble and suffering. Any untreated inflammation in the female genital area adversely affects the ovaries. As a result, the cycle is knocked down, menstruation becomes irregular and painful.

Thus, the ovarian cyst is a serious cause for concern and timely referral to a specialist. Every woman should carefully treat her own health and prevent violations of the reproductive system.

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