
Surgical removal of the wrist hygroma and treatment with folk remedies

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wrist hygroma What is a wrist hygroma?

Carpal hygroma is an tumor of a benign nature, formed in the region of the wrist or wrist joint, which is a hollow capsule filled with mucus or viscous articular fluid.

Content of the article

  • Reasons for education and risk group
  • Symptoms and diagnosis of pathology
  • Treatment procedures
    • Conservative therapy
    • Surgical removal
  • Treatment with folk methods
  • How to avoid disease?
  • Video: Removal of hygroma with bursectomy

Reasons for formation and risk group

Hygroma on the wrist is the most common form of cystic education. The reasons for its appearance can be of a very diverse nature, the main ones are:

  • injury, received earlier , especially if it could not be cured to the end;
  • physical monotonous loads ( small work done by hands);
  • genetic factor .

Also, education on the wrist can provoke dislocation, fractures, severe bruises as a result of falling on the arm and stretching the ligaments.

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Pathology sometimes develops for no reason, and, moreover, it can affect not only the joints of adults, but also children.

The risk group includes athletes who are constantly involved in the hands - golfers, badminton, table tennis. This includes professional musicians - cellists, violinists, pianists and many others.etc. The wrist cyst is a disease of embroiderers, typists, seamstresses, etc.

Swelling of the finger Do you feel the hygroma of your finger? This is not a problem if you get acquainted with the methods of prevention and treatment from our article.

Symptoms of osteomyelitis you can find here. Also in the article on the treatment, diagnosis and prevention of the disease.

Symptoms and Diagnosis of Pathology

Cystic formation is in an immobile state, because its base is attached to tissues or nearby bones of the wrist. It can also occur in chronic form with the emergence of strong and prolonged pain with exacerbations.

At the initial stage of development, the pathology formed in the wrist area can not cause anxiety, increasing gradually its size.

In the process of growth, begin to manifest:

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  • inflammation - redness of the skin on the wrist;
  • roughness;
  • thickening of the skin;
  • with the movement of the hand feeling of drawing pain;
  • the surface of formation becomes smooth and elastic-soft;
  • on the wrist shows a tubercle of a round shape up to 5 cm in diameter.

In the process of diagnosing, with palpation, the doctor can sometimes find high-mobility rice bodies with pronounced fluctuations. When you press your fingers on the tumor, it will not cause pain. Usually the body temperature does not go beyond the norm.

The diagnosis is made by the doctor after the examination and on the basis of the patient's complaints. If there are some doubts,

  • is performed by the ultrasound of the wrist and surrounding tissues;
  • X-ray;
  • Puncture with tissue collection for histological examination.

Externally hygroma is very similar to atheroma and lipoma, in spite of this it should be distinguished.

Treatment procedures

Conservative therapy

In the process of treatment, wrist hygromas use glucocorticoid hormones for blockade of the cyst. gigrom-brush This technique is effective when the wrist tumor does not go beyond 1 cm. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia.

The formation is pierced with a needle, the contents are removed from it using a syringe, after which a hormonal preparation is administered. The wrist is covered with a compressive taut bandage in the complex with Ortez and left for 1 month.

The walls of the cavity coalesce among themselves, as a result of which the formation completely disappears.

You can not remove Ortez after the procedure, the unhealed walls of the formation are weak, and it can recur, which occurs when the joint is poorly immobilized: during the movements, the synovial fluid increases and can again enter the cavity of the hygroma.

The second method of conservative treatment of hygromas on the wrist is crushing. is also performed under local anesthesia. The wrist cyst is crushed with a flat object, the contents are poured from the capsule into the nearby tissues and eventually dissolves.

If treatment without a wrist hygroma operation does not bring due relief, then an operation is prescribed.

Surgical removal of

The following operations are used to remove hygroma:

  1. Bursectomy( surgical operation). In the course of the operation, the synovial surgical removal of a tumor cavity is completely excised, after which the seams are adjusted. It is administered under regional or local anesthesia. Sometimes general anesthesia is used if the tumor has reached an impressive size. To ensure rest wrist for a while, it is impregnated with gypsum. Sutures are removed after a week. After such treatment, relapses do not occur.
  2. Laser evaporation. The tumor is heated with a laser until it is completely destroyed. The method is minimally invasive and practically bloodless, has a lot of advantages: absence of complications, fast healing, not traumatic, does not leave scars.
It is forbidden to take any measures on your own to remove the wrist hygroma, as there is a possibility of an infectious process with damage to a number of lying neurovascular endings.

Treatment with folk methods

Even if education does not cause pain and discomfort, it is still necessary to get rid of it. The tumor on the wrist looks quite unsightly and mostly worries the female half. Folk healers say that the disease can be cured with herbal decoctions, lotions and compresses.

For the treatment of wrist hygroma folk remedies, you can use such recipes:

  1. Cabbage Compression - Cabbage leaf slightly knead, grease with honey, attach to the wrist and secure with a tight bandage. To go with such a compress at least 8 hours / day, changing the leaf 2 hours / times;
  2. Propolis ointment - put in a container for roasting 30 grams of propolis, add butter( 100 g), cover with a lid and put in the oven for 3 hours. After that, take it out, drain, cool and place in the refrigerator. The resulting ointment should be lubricated with a tumor of 2-3 r./day;
  3. Lilac broth - 0,5 lilac, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and boil 7 minutes. Remove from heat and leave for 30 minutes, drain. In a warm broth, moisten with a tissue napkin and apply to a hygromic, wrist rewind on top with a film and woolen cloth. Leave the compress for 3-4 hours / 2 r. / Day. The course is 2 weeks.

It is good to steam hands, which must be done daily.

Treatment of hand hygroma without surgery by folk methods often yields results that are not worse than surgical intervention.

How to avoid disease?

Prevention of the wrist hygroma is the exclusion of his traumatism in the process of work and in his spare time.

Video: Removal of hygroma with bursectomy

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