
Treatment of arthritis of the knee joint folk remedies: ointments, compresses, nutrition

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How to relieve pain in the knee Arthritis is chronic inflammation of connective tissues with joint articulation. The course of the disease is accompanied by discomfort and pain during movement. It occurs due to the transferred infectious diseases, any kind of trauma, and metabolic disorders.

Symptoms can be identified by the occurrence of sharp pains, which initially appear after heavy loads in the joint area with subsequent sensation on a permanent basis.

The disease can develop in any articular department, the knee joint is most often affected. If the disease respond immediately, the prognosis will be more favorable, and the treatment is less time-consuming. In addition to traditional therapy, folk remedies are used to treat arthritis of the knee in order to achieve good results, which include recipes tested by the people.

Treatment of knee arthritis with folk remedies is aimed at keeping the patient in good shape and restraining relapses.

Therapy is based on massages in combination with compresses, curative gymnastics, reconstructive diets and other

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methods. The advantage of the treatment is the absence of side effects, the simplicity in the use of folk methods and the improvement of the patient's vital qualities. It is highly recommended to pay a visit to the doctor before the beginning of treatment for the purpose of consultation.

Contents of the article

  • Folk recipes for outdoor use
    • Recipe 1. Liquid ointment
    • Recipe 2. Compress from potatoes
    • Recipe 3. Coniferous baths
    • Recipe 4. Tincture for grinding
    • Recipe 5. Tincture from the bear's eyelet( mullein)
    • Recipe 6.Chestnut tincture
  • Folk recipes for internal use
    • Recipe 1. Herbal tincture
    • Recipe 2. Tint on black elderberry
    • Recipe 3. Cowberry broth
    • Recipe 4. Lava broth
    • Recipe 5. Herbal decoction:
  • Folk recipes for wrapping
  • How to eat properly in case of a disease?
  • Exercising with
  • Video: Joint treatment with folk methods

Folk recipes for outdoor use

Recipe 1. Liquid ointment

Liquid ointment can reduce inflammation and relieve pain from arthritis of the knee joint. Prepare it as follows :

  • Egg yolk( home) - 1 piece;
  • Turpentine - 1 h / l;Apple cider vinegar - 1 tsp.

Put all the ingredients in a deep bowl and mix well. The resulting mixture lubricate the area of ​​inflammation, mainly at night.

Recipe 2. Compress from potatoes

A simple but effective method to relieve inflammation and pain during an exacerbation of arthritis - a pack of potatoes. compress

For this, you need to grate 1 raw potato on a large grater and place the gruel in a sieve, then lower it for a few seconds in boiling water. After that, without pressing to shift the potatoes into a cotton bag and apply such a compress to the painful joint for the whole night, from above with a bandage. The procedure should be performed within 8 days.

Recipe 3. Coniferous baths

Do during the period of exacerbation of arthritis. This requires :

  • Conifer needles - 0.5 kg;
  • Water - 8 liters.

The eggs are put in a bag of cotton cloth and boiled in water for 30 minutes. A bag of needles and water is placed in a hot water bath. This procedure is performed before bedtime for a whole month( 30 days).Instead of needles, fresh birch leaves can also be used.

Recipe 4. Tincture for rubbing

It is used for pain in the joints. For the preparation of , is required:

  • Black radish( juice) - 200 ml;
  • Honey - 150 g;
  • Vodka - 100 ml;
  • Table salt - 15 g.

Mix all the ingredients well in order to obtain a uniform composition and let stand for several days. Rub the joints with severe pain.

Recipe 5. Tincture from the bear's eye( mullein)

  • Mullein flowers - 50 g;
  • Vodka or alcohol - 0.5 liters.

Put everything in a container and press for 14 days, then use it to rub the joints. Tincture of bear

Recipe 6. Chestnut tincture

  • Dry chestnut flowers - 2 tbsp / liter Vodka or alcohol 0.5 l.

Insist 7 days, use for grinding.

Ointments and compresses for arthritis of the knee joint are optimally used for exacerbating inflammation and for relieving the pain symptom.

Folk recipes for internal use

Recipe 1. Herbal tincture


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  • Devyasil high( roots) - 1 part;
  • Corn stigmas - 1 part;
  • Flowers of chemist's chamomile - 1 part;
  • Seeds of seed flax _ 1 part;
  • Dioecious nettle( leaves) - 1 part;
  • Mint field( leaves) - 1 part;
  • Cowberry common( leaves) - 1 part;Birch Hanging( kidney) - 1 part.


3 items / liter.crushed mixture of herbs pour into a thermos, pour 1 liter of steep boiling water. Insist for several hours, drain. Infusion take 4 r./d day for 200 ml with the addition of a spoonful of honey. The course is from 2 to 4 weeks.

Recipe 2. Tint on black elderberry


  • Black elderberry( flowers) - 1 part;
  • Willow white( bark) - 5 parts;
  • Birch pendant( leaves) - 4 parts.


2 h / l.pre-crushed dry mixture of herbs, put in a heated container and pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist 30 minutes( under the lid), drain. Take 0.5 tbsp.4 r. / Day before eating.

Recipe 3. Broccoli cranberry

  • Cowberry leaves - 2 tsp / l;
  • Water - 200 ml.

Fresh leaves of cranberries pour water and boil over low heat for 20 minutes, drain, use throughout the day in small portions for arthritis, accompanied by the deposition of salts.

Recipe 4. Bay decoction

  • Bay leaf( crushed) - 1 tbsp / l;Boiling water - 400 mg.

Pour the bay leaf with boiling water and cook for 10 minutes, pour into the thermos and insist the night, drained in the morning. Take before meals( 15-20 min.) For 1/3 of st.3 r. / Day. Treatment continues for 14 days.

Recipe 5. Herbal decoction:

  • Medicinal soap( roots) - 1 part;
  • Field harvester( roots) - 1 piece;
  • Sweet bitter nightshade( grass) - 1 part;
  • Willow white( bark) - 1 part.

Mixture well grind, pour 1 tbsp.boiling water and boil in a water bath for 8 minutes. Then pour into a jar, wrap it well and leave to infuse for 30 minutes, strain. Drink while visiting the sauna in 3 receptions.

Inflammation of the joint Lipoarthritis or Goff's disease requires a timely and modern approach to treatment. Details of the diagnosis and symptoms can be found in the article.

How is the treatment of joint rheumatism with folk remedies you can find out here. There are also details of drug treatment.

Folk recipes for wrapping

  1. Recipe 1. Knee joint should be rubbed with honey, apply a sheet of mustard plaster moistened in warm water, cover with parchment paper and warm it, leave for 3 hours. If there is a strong burning sensation, remove earlier. Doing daily.
  2. Recipe 2 .Take a raw egg and beat well with 2 tablespoons / liter.table salt. The resulting mass is applied to a piece of bandage, re-arranged in several layers, to wrap the joint. The dressing should be lubricated from above with the mixture as it dries 3 times.

How to eat properly in case of a disease?

Patients suffering from different forms of arthritis of the knee joint are shown special diet , aimed at lowering the level of acidity. Food should be prepared by steaming or by boiling. In addition, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, which excludes the use of alcohol, coffee in unreasonable quantities and smoking. Forbidden products include:

  • Salt in high doses;
  • Broths;
  • Smoked;
  • Acute;
  • Preservatives;
  • Confectionery;
  • Pork;
  • Sausages;
  • Spinach;
  • Bean cultures.

Useful Products:

  • Groats;
  • Bread;
  • Poultry, rabbit, beef;
  • Fish;
  • Fruits;
  • Vegetables;
  • Seafood;
  • Dairy products.

Nutrition for knee arthritis should be batch, preferably 6 r./day. It is necessary to drink more liquids up to 3 liters / day( juices, decoctions, alkaline mineral waters).A plentiful drink contributes to the dissolution of uric acid, and also prevents salt deposits.

Gymnastic exercises for

Complex of exercises disease LFK helps strengthen muscles and ligaments.

Due to motor activity, the patient's condition improves. With regular sessions, there is a stimulation of the blood supply, feeding cartilage and restoring the musculoskeletal system.

At the time of exacerbation of the disease, gymnastics is performed only in a recumbent position with increased caution.

Recommended set of exercises:

  1. Lie on the stomach with .Raise and lower the legs alternately;
  2. Lay on one side .Perform bending and extension of the knees;
  3. Lie on your back , put your hands along the body. Alternately take your legs apart, breathing is arbitrary;
  4. In the position lying on the back .Pull your hands to your shoulders and rotate;
  5. Lie down on the back .Raise your arms to the sides, make turns of the trunk left / right;
  6. Lying on the back of the , the arms in the elbow joints are bent, the brushes are placed on the shoulders. Inhale - to spread your elbows to the sides, exhale - to bring back;
  7. Lie down on the back of the with arms outstretched along the trunk, pulling your toes on yourself, then back, breathing is arbitrary.

Each exercise must first be performed 3 times, gradually increasing to 7-10 times.

Lesson is best conducted under the supervision of a specialist, to achieve the greatest effect. It is forbidden in the process of performing gymnastics to make sharp and rapid movements - this can aggravate the inflammatory process.

This method, it is good to conduct in conjunction with physiotherapy and massage procedures .Contraindicated to engage in physical education, if the disease is complicated by a tumor - it can have unpredictable effects on health.

In order to prevent disease, you need to abandon the harmful habits. Correctly and in a balanced way to eat, engage in sports training and lead a healthy lifestyle in general.

Video: Treatment of joints by folk methods

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