
Green vomiting in adults and children: causes and treatment

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2 Typical causes of

In most cases, bile is present in the vomit. Repeated vomiting increases the amount of bile by coloring it in green:

  1. This can occur with food poisoning if a person ate green foods, cucumbers or spinach.
  2. Dyskinesia of the biliary tract is characterized by a difficult flow of bile into the gallbladder and its ducts. The violation of the function of the gallbladder is expressed in too frequent or slow reduction of it. Symptoms of the disease: pain in the right hypochondrium, biliary colic, nausea and vomiting, the taste of bitterness in the mouth.
  3. Yellow vomiting indicates problems with the liver. Liver diseases are accompanied by heartburn, nausea, an unpleasant odor from the mouth. There is pain in the liver, general weakness, icterus of the skin.
  4. Gastroenteritis - inflammation of the gastric mucosa, not being a separate disease, develops due to some pathology. In cases of viral gastroenteritis, abdominal cramps, elevated body temperature, vomiting and diarrhea are present. Gastroenteritis also develops in cases of bacterial diseases, such as dysentery and salmonellosis.
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  5. Bile reflux is a syndrome caused by the ingress of bile from the duodenum into the stomach. The sphincter muscles, skipping food in one direction, are weakened and bile can be discharged into the stomach. The causes of reflux may be a congenital anatomical defect, a trauma or a tumor that compresses the duodenum. The sphincter muscles can be injured during surgery or when abusing spasmolytic and muscle relaxants. Bile reflux is aggravated with regular overeating, consumption of fatty, fried foods, smoked and salty foods. The syndrome is accompanied by drawing pains in the abdomen, belching, nausea and vomiting of bile.
  6. Green vomiting may be present with intestinal obstruction. Pathology is characterized by a violation of the evacuation process of contents in the digestive tract, which occurs due to a mechanical obstruction or disruption of the motor functions of the intestine. Obstruction occurs with benign and malignant tumors in the intestine. A tumor can squeeze the intestine from the outside. Predisposing factors are adhesive processes in the abdominal cavity, the formation of hernias and polyps in the abdominal wall. Obstruction arises even with a moving cecum, congenital dolichosigma and additional pockets and folds of the peritoneum. To the pathological condition can result in high-calorie food or abundant food after prolonged starvation.
  7. Green color of vomit accompanies cholera, all types of typhus, salmonella, fungal poisoning.
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Picture 2

Vomiting treatment depends on the causes that caused this phenomenon. The doctor establishes the diagnosis on the basis of laboratory tests. If necessary, the treatment is carried out in a hospital.

For the treatment of biliary dyskinesia, anti-inflammatory therapy, purification of the liver and bile ducts from toxins, normalize the production of bile. The existing stones are dissolved with the help of special preparations.

Intestinal obstruction in the absence of peritonitis is eliminated by enema cleansing of the intestine. Conduct restoration of water-salt balance, anesthesia, removal of intoxication. In complicated cases, obstruction is surgically removed.

With gastroenteritis, dehydration is restored with physiological solutions, glucose injected intravenously. Appointment of astringent and enveloping drugs for the restoration of the mucous layer of the stomach. With a modified composition of the intestinal microflora, Linex or Bifidumbacterin are prescribed. Intramuscular vitamin therapy is recommended. The complex can use medicinal herbs. In all cases, vomiting should be followed by dietary nutrition at the time of treatment. It is necessary to abandon fatty foods, carbonated drinks, spicy foods.


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1 Classification of the phenomenon

Vomiting is a symptom, it is central, toxic, psychogenic and visceral. The symptoms are divided as follows:

  1. The green color of the vomit, along with bitterness in the mouth, indicates the presence of bile in the vomit. Vomiting with bile occurs with reflux gastritis, low stenosis of the duodenum, duodenesis. Vomiting with bile accompanies cholecystitis, pancreatitis, acute appendicitis.
  2. Vomiting with an admixture of blood is a manifestation of ulcerative bleeding, varicose veins in the esophagus, liver cirrhosis, erosive gastritis, hemorrhagic pancreatitis, oncology, polyposis.
  3. Vomiting, which is of cerebral origin, is present with hypertensive crisis, brain tumors, head injuries, encephalitis.
  4. Toxic vomiting is caused by food and alcohol poisoning, drug overdose, allergic reactions to food or medicine.

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3 Manifestations in children

Vomiting in a child accompanied by high body temperature and loose stools requires immediate medical attention. If the emetic masses are yellow or green, this may be a sign of poisoning, an acute course of an infectious disease. The cause of vomiting in infants can be infectious, cerebral disease, problems with metabolism. The first few weeks of vomiting in infants occurs after feeding due to pyloric stenosis, when a strong antiperistaltic stomach belches food.

Often, teething in children is accompanied by fever and vomiting. Vomiting and diarrhea in infants can be caused by the introduction of a new product during complementary feeding. At an older age, this can provoke a foreign body that has got into the stomach. If vomiting does not bring relief and continues, while breathing is difficult, then an immediate fluoroscopy should be performed.


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The child can vomit with gatroenteritis, in children the pathology proceeds in acute form. Most often, children under the age of 3 are exposed to viral infections.

Vomiting can cause an acetonemic crisis that develops because of insufficient liver enzymes. This condition is characterized by the formation of excessive amounts of acetone and ketone bodies in the blood of the child. The acenomic crisis occurs suddenly, the child rises in temperature and vomiting begins. At first, undigested food spews, then a green mass with bile, and at the end vomit with white mucus. There is a characteristic odor of acetone from the mouth. The acetone crisis can be preceded by nutrition with a lot of fried and fatty foods, parasitic infestation, infectious diseases.

The main symptoms of the pathology may manifest as general weakness, lack of appetite, the child may complain of pain in the peri-pooch zone. Children with this diagnosis have pale skin with an unhealthy blush, they are very mobile and irritable. In the urine of a sick child, ketone bodies are detected, ultrasound shows increased liver and pancreas size. The disease is dangerous for the life of the child and requires medical care. Before the arrival of doctors, you can drastically give your child a drink of Borjomi mineral water or Regidron's solution. To ease the severe condition, infusion therapy with rheosorbylacts, glucose, ascorbic acid and Ringer's solution is used. A special diet is prescribed for a sick child.

  • 1 Classification of the phenomenon
  • 2 Common causes
  • 3 Manifestations in children

Green vomiting is possible with various pathologies, to find out the reasons, you should immediately call your doctor. Vomiting is a response to the stimulation of a specific center of the medulla oblongata, which occurs either reflexively or because of the penetration of the poison into the body. As a rule, vomiting is preceded by nausea, rapid breathing, excessive production of saliva.

During vomiting, the diaphragm is lowered and the lower abdomen relaxes, while the upper part of the stomach is contracted in the opposite direction. The resulting pressure closes the vocal cavity, and the contents of the stomach erupt outward.

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