Lose Weight

The operation for rapid weight loss of a strong half of humanity

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Contents of
What is the operation for fat removal
  • Types of fat removal
  • Which body areas need surgical influence
  • Contraindications to surgical intervention
  • Liposuction for men is a quick way to bring your appearance in order. Abuse of alcoholic beverages, fatty foods and lack of physical training leads to rapid weight gain. Not every man can afford regular classes at the fitness center and proper nutrition. To observe the right way of life you need to have a lot of free time, not all people can boast of having it. In this situation, the only quick method to remove excess body fat is liposuction.

    Surpluses of fatty deposits are removed by liposuction

    What is the operation for fat removal

    Liposuction is a surgical intervention in the body. A man who decided to carry out an operative intervention in the body should well imagine what a liposuction is.

    Surgical intervention in the body, whose purpose is to improve the relief of the body of a man, by vacuum suction of the lipid layer is called liposuction.

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    Men are forced to resort to liposuction to remove fat excess in the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, sides and chin. The operation helps to get the desired body quickly and efficiently.

    Types of fat removal

    Liposuction is performed in several ways. The general meaning of the operation is preserved, only technology changes. There are three technologies for performing a surgical procedure:

    1. Vacuum surgery. Vacuum liposuction was used in surgery one of the first. To carry out surgery in the body of a man, the patient is injected into a complete anesthesia. The operation is carried out under the strict supervision of an anesthesiologist. On the body, men make a small incision in the area of ​​deposition of excess fatty tissue. A surgical vacuum base is inserted into the hole. The doctor destroys the subcutaneous fatty tissue, by circular movements of the cannula. Destroyed pieces of fatty tissue are immediately absorbed into the apparatus and removed from the body. Surgery is very traumatic for the patient, but it helps to get rid of a large amount of fat;
    2. Preparing for an operation Tumescent operation. This surgical intervention is carried out using a medical vacuum. The patient is injected into a deep anesthetic. Before the beginning of an operation, an anesthetic solution and a vasoconstrictive drug are injected under the skin of the man. The mixture from these preparations is called "Klein solution".When the solution is injected into the problem area of ​​the body, the vessels that feed the fatty tissue contract, the fat cells of the adipose tissue swell. Excess fatty tissue is easily separated from cutaneous fat. The surgeon makes a puncture of the fat localization zone in two or three places. In the puncture, an apparatus with an electric nozzle is introduced. The nozzle tip carries current micropulse. Under the influence of current cells of adipose tissue are destroyed, and fat melts. This surgery has the least trauma to a man. Punctures quickly heal. In the postoperative period, a man can lose several unwanted pounds;
    3. Operation by electronic lipomodeling. Operative intervention is carried out by the influence of an electric current on the area of ​​localization of excess fat. The current splits the adipose tissue into separate constituents to the state of a homogeneous liquid. The liquid is removed from the patient's body through microscopic cannulas, which are introduced into the body of a man through millimeter-shaped openings. The electric current has a positive effect on the skin of the patient, it avoids further surgery to remove sagging skin. The skin is toned with electric current and pulled up. The skin produces its own collagen. Collagen helps the skin quickly restore its original size, making it more elastic.

    Which areas of the body need the surgical influence of

    In modern men, there are two problem areas of the body that are not easily influenced by dietary nutrition and physical exertion:

    • The first difficult area is the chin. When excessive overeating in men begins to grow fat tissue of the chin zone of the face. Compliance with the diet provokes a significant sagging of the skin of the chin. If the weight of the patient is much higher than the norm, stretch marks may appear on the skin. A quick effect with obesity of the chin zone is given by an operation - electronic modeling. Chin tissue under the influence of current is quickly restored, returns to its original dimensions. Other types of liposuction are unacceptable, as there is a possibility of an operation to remove excess skin;
    • Abdominal area of ​​the body. Many modern men suffer from beer dependency. Beer drinks lead to a rapid proliferation of abdominal tissues. In the abdominal region of the male a large number of mast cells are located. When ingested beer, the metabolism is disrupted, water stagnation occurs in the body. Mast cells absorb excess fluid. Since there is a lot of excess water, the cells quickly increase in size. When examining the abdominal area of ​​men using the method of palpation, the stomach is firm and taut. This phenomenon is called "beer belly".Beer belly causes the development of many pathological diseases in men. In order to avoid the occurrence of side effects, the man is prescribed liposuction of the abdominal area. For operative intervention on the abdomen, a tumescent method of exposure is used. This method allows you to achieve an instant effect and help further weight loss men.

    From the beer belly you can get rid of liposuction

    Preparation for surgical intervention

    For a liposuction, a man needs to see a doctor and undergo a comprehensive examination. Collecting anamnesis of the patient will reveal whether it is possible to carry out the operation or not. A man needs to undergo the following types of examination:

    1. Visit the therapist for general examination;
    2. Hand over a detailed blood test;
    3. Complete the hardware study;
    4. Consultation with a cardiologist;
    5. To pass magnetic resonance examination of internal organs;
    6. Get the surgeon's conclusion.

    Contraindications to surgical intervention

    Liposuction, as all types of operations, has a number of contraindications:

    • It is forbidden to perform a surgical operation in men with a history of chronic liver and kidney disease;
    • Chronic lung pathologies and open forms of tuberculosis;
    • Patients with diabetes can not resort to liposuction, due to the high probability of poor healing of the operated site;
    • Hypertonic and ischemic heart disease is dangerous because of the possible occurrence of side effects of anesthesia;
    • Individual patient's allergic reaction to anesthesia.

    Before a man decides to liposuction, he needs to consult his doctor. The patient should make sure that diet and exercise do not have a visible effect. A man needs to compare all the positive and negative points and only after the conclusions drawn make a procedure for liposuction.

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