Other Diseases

What is a vagus nerve: symptoms and treatment of its damages

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nervus vagus The wandering nerve( Latin nervus vagus, nervus vagus, vagus nerve) is the tenth of twelve pairs of cranial nerves descending into the thoracic, cervical and abdominal parts of the spine.

They answer the innervation of various organs and systems. The name of the nerve was due to the fact that it is the signal from the brain that is transmitted to almost all the most important organs.


  • Anatomy and functions of the vagus nerve
  • Causes of abnormality in the vagus
  • Characteristic clinical picture
  • Diagnosis
  • Complex of measures
  • Folk remedies
    • Therapeutic baths
    • Nerve strengthening agents
  • How to prevent vagal dysfunction

Anatomy and functions of the vagus nerve

Main functionsvagus nerve are:

  • innervation of the mucosa of the lower part of the pharynx and larynx, the area of ​​the skin behind the ear, part of the tympanic membrane,external auditory canal, dura mater of the cranial fossa;
  • innervation of the muscles of the lungs, intestines, esophagus, stomach, heart;
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  • effect on the secretion of the pancreas and stomach;
  • motor innervation of the muscles of the soft palate, muscles of the esophagus, larynx, pharynx.

Thus, the vagal nerve is responsible for regulation:

  • respiration:
  • cough;
  • heartbeat;
  • swallowing;
  • of the stomach;
  • vomiting.

As a result of disturbances in the vagus nerve, cardiac arrest and, consequently, death can occur.

All about the vagus nerve: where is it, its anatomy, functions, possible disorders and therapies:

branches of the vagus nerve

Anatomy and functions of the branches of the vagus nerve

Causes of Vagal Dysfunction

Vagus nerve abnormalities can occur for a variety of reasons. The most common:

  • diabetes mellitus: as a result of the intake of insulin in the blood in insufficient quantity, there is damage to the walls of the vessels, which causes circulatory disorders, stagnant processes are intensified;
  • chronic diseases: tuberculosis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, as a result of the release of toxins by pathogenic microorganisms into the blood, blood poisoning and the appearance of inflammatory processes in organs and systems, including the nerve, occur;
  • injury( especially the consequences of accidents);
  • HIV;Vascular aneurysm
  • alcoholism and, as a consequence, alcoholic neuralgia, which most often affects the vagus nerve;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • meningitis;
  • of the brain tumor;
  • aneurysm;
  • poisoning with heavy metals;
  • post-stroke hematomas, post-traumatic.

Characteristic clinical picture

If the vagus nerve is damaged, the symptoms of the disorder will depend on the localization of the lesion, its depth and degree:

  • changes the voice of : so if there is a hoarse voice in the voice, it's worth thinking about, because this may be a symptom of a vagus dysfunction whose inflammation can lead to difficulty in pronunciation and even a noticeable change in voice;
  • the swallowing function of in case of nerve impairment will also be disturbed, a person feels difficulty swallowing not only during meals, but also swallowing fluid and even saliva, then the situation can be complicated by attacks of vomiting and suffocation;
  • problems from the digestive system : the failure of the gastrointestinal tract manifests itself in digestive disorders, constipation, etc.; ripple in the head
  • complications in the work of the heart : prick up if there are symptoms such as dizziness, pain in the chest, difficulty breathing, arrhythmia, then the symptomatology can be complicated by urinary incontinence and deafness;
  • from the nervous system : pulsating intense headache , discomfort, pain and noise in the ear area;lethargy of the body;irritability;short temper at small things;apathy.

Diagnosis of

If you have any of the above symptoms, you should seek medical help without delay.

First of all, the doctor will pay attention to the sound of the voice at the reception. If it is lowered, it is possible that the ligaments do not have the ability to close close enough. Also, clarity, sound and timbre can become symptoms that indicate the presence of problems with the vagus nerve.

It is important to note that the patient will not be able to purposely clear his throat if the problem occurs.

Then follows the examination of the soft palate. A sagging soft sky can speak about the problem. Also, when pronouncing vowel sounds, the tongue will face the side of the lesion.

If the nerve is affected, weakening of various vagal reflexes will be observed, for example, the pharyngeal and palatine will not be fully manifested. The doctor can give a glass of water to assess the possibility of swallowing: if it is difficult, pathology is present.

After the examination, a number of studies are performed:

  • laryngoscopy: the study determines the state of the vocal cords;
  • MRI;
  • radiography of the skull, thorax.
Vagus functions

Vagal functions

Complex of measures

The following diseases are the most vivid manifestations of problems in the operation of the vagus nerve:

  • Meniere's disease : as a result, there are problems with the peripheral part of the central nervous system and brain, the patient thus experiences dizziness, hearing loss;
  • Migraine : episodic bouts of severe headache;
  • Raynaud's disease : the character of the patient is characterized by a high temper, the upper, lower limbs and some areas of the face turn pale, while becoming cold, all this occurs as a result of a disorder of the nervous system as a whole.
It is important to know that nerve fibers are very hard to treat, so if you have slightest nervous system disorders or if you have symptoms of the vagus nerve problems, you should immediately contact a specialist in a medical facility.

Treatment of disorders in the vagus nerve and associated diseases is most often medically performed and usually consists of the administration of such medicines:

  • hormonal: Hydrocortisone, Prednisolone;Neuromidine
  • antihistamines;
  • complex of vitamins: special attention to group B;
  • anticholinesterase drugs that help suppress the activity of an enzyme, the effect of which is the impulse of excitation falling into the nervous system, is widely used in medical practice, Prozerin, Neuromidine.

To improve the effect, medication should be supplemented with physiotherapy. Well-proven treatment with diadynamic currents. The currents directed to the site of pain localization relieve pain syndromes, muscle inflammations, are used in the therapy of migraine, stimulate the muscles.

In cases where the patient's condition causes fear among doctors, plasmapheresis or electrostimulation may be relevant. Thus, at the cellular level, blood purification is carried out by means of special apparatuses.

Folk remedies

At home, you can also perform a complex of therapeutic activities.

Therapeutic baths

A mixture of herbs is prepared for taking a bath: pine buds, yarrow, oregano, root of ayr. Each herb needs 5 large spoons.

All this is poured with 10 liters of steep boiling water and stands about 6 hours. After that, the infusion is poured into the bath, the water temperature in the Healing baths is not higher than 33 degrees Celsius. Now you can take a bath, lie in which you need 15 minutes. To get maximum effect, the body should be completely relaxed.

Another option will help in the treatment of the entire nervous system in general and the vagus nerve in particular. To do this, you need to take half a glass of sage grass and the same amount of valerian root.

Raw materials are poured with 8 liters of boiling water and stand for 3-4 hours. After this, the infusion is poured into a bath of comfortable temperature water. The procedure takes 15-20 minutes. The most effective remedy for migraines.

Nerve strengthening agents

To strengthen and restore nerves will help specially prepared balm from tinctures of thyme, yarrow, hop cones, peppermint, motherwort, leaves of blackberry. Vagus

All components are taken in 100 milliliters. After that, 150 milliliters of rhizome crushed rhubarb are added. Ingredients are mixed and taken inside by one large spoon every morning for three months.

Honey is used for various disorders of the nervous system. Actually, its use in the treatment of vagus. To do this, mix in equal proportions honey and beet juice. After this, you can use two large spoons of the product after eating.

The vagal nerve is very important for the entire CNS and the human body as a whole, given its functions. Accordingly, ignoring the diagnosis and treatment of diseases associated with nerve pathologies can lead to severe consequences, up to a lethal outcome.

You can not completely trust and folk remedies. They may be additional, but in no case basic.

How to prevent violation of Vagus

In order to protect the vagus nerve from diseases it is necessary: ​​

  • to consume as much as possible fruits and vegetables;
  • to reduce the consumption of fatty, salty, smoked, spicy food;
  • to engage in sports( light);
  • take a contrast shower in the mornings and evenings;
  • monitor your nervous system;
  • at the slightest manifestation of the symptoms of the disease seek the help of a qualified specialist.
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