Diseases Of The Pancreas
Diseases Of The Pancreas

Oats with pancreatitis

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Pancreatitis is an inflammatory process in the tissues of the pancreas. The disease can be acute or a chronic variant is possible. The disease is very insidious and unpleasant, because the acute phase or periods of exacerbation can bring to the person severe discomfort, and sometimes acute pain.

Sometimes the disease can end lethal. The reason for this is that the gland secrets so many of its enzymes that they begin to digest their own tissues. This leads to a hormonal and enzymatic deficiency, which allows infectious agents to penetrate easily into the affected tissues and carry with blood flow throughout the body, causing an infectious-toxic shock.

Exacerbations of the chronic process can occur due to the influence of various factors, which are most often referred to:

  • Dysfunction in the diet prescribed by the doctor for pathology;
  • Exposure to frequent stressful situations;
  • Wrong therapy or untimely and irregular intake of drugs;
  • The presence of various concomitant diseases, such as diabetes mellitus.
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To avoid and not provoke a recurrence of chronic pancreatitis with self-digestion of tissues, it is necessary to adhere strictly to dietary recommendations. After all, it is the wrong diet, which includes a large number of fats and carbohydrates, can cause an exacerbation of the disease with all subsequent complications.

Food should not irritate the digestive system, and its temperature should be gentle. The most popular product in the diet of such patients is oatmeal. You can also eat those foods that have been cooked, steamed or baked. It is forbidden to eat fatty and fried, smoked and spiced. It is recommended to limit sweets.


Recently, doctors often use oats for pancreatitis. The unique properties of this product were discovered by the ancient Greeks, who used it very often.

Modern medicine also uses oats as one of the means for treating pancreatitis. It is processed and made from it flakes, cereals and flour, which dieticians and gastroenterologists recommend to their patients for nutrition.

Acute phase

The acute phase means that one of the few approved products is oats. Oatmeal helps to restore the pancreas and satisfy hunger. The main properties of oats are:

  • High content of vegetable protein with a wide variety of amino acids. This allows the product to be quickly absorbed;
  • The presence of vegetable fats, which are also easily digestible;
  • Oats themselves help the body to block those enzymes that digest pancreatic tissue;
  • The oats contain a large amount of antioxidants, which allows a few to reduce inflammation.

How to cook porridge knows almost anyone, because this is a very simple process. At the beginning of the treatment of pancreatitis, the patient should eat mashed oats, sugar is prohibited. Prepare this porridge exclusively on the water. Broth of oats with pancreatitis( this is the decoction that remains after cooking porridge) can also be used by patients. It produces jelly or soup.

When the condition and test results begin to improve, you can add a little butter to the food. The diet should contain jelly, soufflé from oat flakes, puddings, steamed. Do not use oatmeal cookies.

It is necessary to use cautious use of undivided cereals, since such food can cause diarrhea and even intestinal colic. The rehabilitation period allows you to add milk to the porridge in an equal proportion with water. Also, the oats can be cooked as a mashed potatoes or soup.

The period of remission

The period between exacerbations is called the stage of remission of the disease. But this does not mean that it is necessary to stop the treatment of pathology. Rather, on the contrary, a person should direct all his efforts to prevent a recurrence of a relapse. At the same time, the diet allows some liberties.

You can cook crumbly porridge, which does not need to be wiped. Also from oats it is possible to prepare little bits or cutlets, which are best made with steam. The period of remission allows the use of sweet, so there is already allowed oatmeal cookies. But one should not eat it much, it is not recommended to drink very sweet tea or coffee.

Broth and tincture

Broth and tincture of oats are used very widely. They contain:

  • Up to 10% fat;
  • Up to 60% of starch;
  • Essential amino acids - tryptophan, methionine, choline, lysine, lecithin;
  • Vitamin A, B, C, P;
  • Various microelements and essential oils.

Decoction and tincture of oats are allowed to take from the moment the intensity of clinical manifestations decreases. Amino acids help to improve digestion, in which the pancreas takes minimal participation in the intake of these medicines. Vegetable components are very easy to digest and do not harm the body. Antioxidants can reduce the phenomenon of inflammation, which in fact is one of the treatment procedures. Also, the broth reduces the aggressive effect of enzymes on the gland.

Preparation of

Externally, oat broth is very similar to jelly, and it is very easy to cook. Pancreatitis responds well to such a drug, which allows to normalize the work of the affected organ.

It is necessary to take one glass of oats in grains and pour warm water so that the water completely covers the oats. After that, the broth should be infused until the grains start to take root. The glass should be stored in a warm and dark place. Then the grains are washed, dried and ground until a mushy consistency is obtained.

For one glass of water you need to take one tablespoon of the resulting gruel for cooking jelly. The mixture should be boiled for about two minutes and let it brew for 60 minutes. The resulting broth is prepared each time a new one, because if it will stand for a long time, it will lose its healing properties. You need to eat before eating a whole glass.

Tincture is also prepared simply - half a kilogram of raw oats is poured with boiling water, after which it is infused for half an hour. The drug is taken 100 ml three times a day before meals.

It should be borne in mind that pancreatitis is treated very long, and the therapy itself implies the prevention of exacerbations of the disease. It includes not only the use of tincture or decoction of oats, but also the observance of dietary recommendations, and sometimes requires the intake of tableted enzyme preparations. Completely pathology can not be cured, but it is quite possible to get a very long period of remission.

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