
Characteristic signs of stroke in women - than the symptoms of a female stroke differ from the male, photo

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pain in stroke Stroke is a disease with a "woman's face."This is the "glory" of stroke: among adults this is the most common disease of the brain.

AND than a person older, the higher the risk of .Depressing figures: annually stroke affects from 0.1 to 0.4% of the population.

The fluctuations in the tenth of a percent is dependence on the country of residence.

There are more prosperous countries, with the same 0.1 percent. And there are some that exceed the average 0.4%.It will be more understandable if we give a different figure: a stroke, as the cause of death, stands on the third place.

He undoubted leader in the disability of .On the stroke, it is said that he sneaks up with a quiet sap, and the blow inflicts instantly. And it is not always possible to endure such a blow and recover after it.

Contents of

  • About symptoms and signs of the disease in general
    • Atypical features of the attack in women
    • Why women in the risk group and they are more likely to diagnose the disease
  • insta story viewer
  • The distinctive features of the female and male attacks of the
  • disease How to identify the first signs of
  • First aid for the first signs of the disease
  • procedures
  • Video: The first signs of a stroke

About the symptoms and signs of the disease in general

Each of us should learn not just to look at their relatives, friends, colleagues and acquaintances. It's time to be able to see that a person is not at ease. Do not dismiss, bumping into something strange in the behavior, and prick up your ears.

Especially if a person has crossed the age equator.

Almost always the stroke "nobly hints" about its appearance by confusing the mind of the chosen victim. Sometimes forever visible to the naked eye: once a loss of consciousness, after a while - the second. And there is no apparent reason.

Visible, maybe not. But the start of cerebral blood flow disruption is given by .And if a person is hypertensive, an inveterate smoker, a diabetic, is obese, has a problem with the cardiovascular system, this is an excuse to react sharply to the loss of consciousness. Even short-term.

It will be unfair to call, mindful of the stroke, to be more attentive only to women.

Men also suffer, and die, from this disease. But statistics, which is known to keep a strict record, gives such a picture : the signs of a stroke in young women are more often observed.

Atypical features of an attack in women

Insidiousness of stroke is also in the fact that the symptoms of stroke in women often, at first glance, are not related to the violation of blood supply:

  • loss of consciousness;
  • disorientation;
  • nausea;
  • hiccups;
  • weakness without a cause;
  • dry mouth;
  • headache;
  • shortness of breath and palpitations;
  • shortness of breath;
  • chest pain.

Why women at risk and diagnosed more often with

Today, more and more doctors are inclined to believe that it is the in women that the risk range is greater than the .For example, in pregnant women.

Those who smoke after 30 years may be likely to have a stroke. There is also a risk of reception of contraceptives. All of the above for 22% smoking kills increases the risk of stroke in women.

Separately, it should be said that women are characterized by mood swings, they are less stress-resistant, but more unbalanced .A rare woman is able to step over the problem. On the contrary, it is obsessed with it. All this plays into the hands of the disease.

Distinctive features of female and male seizures of the disease

The stroke really has a female "face".Before the disease conquers a woman, she still makes a warning "shot in the air": a woman begins to experience such symptoms stroke:

  • severe headache;
  • numbness of the face;
  • weakness of facial muscles;
  • numbness on one side of the body of the arm and leg;
  • impossibility to gesticulate;
  • speech disturbance right up to inability to speak;
  • lack of understanding of speech;
  • visual impairment, especially one eye;
  • double vision;
  • impaired coordination, right up to the fall.

Becomes obvious depression. A much redder face, faster breathing. The pulse is low. Absence of pupils' reaction to light.

male stroke Despite the fact that stroke often affects women, men are also at risk. How not to miss symptoms of stroke in men?

To whom ultrasound dopplerography of cerebral vessels is assigned and how the results are deciphered.

How to identify the first signs of

Recognize the first signs of a stroke in a woman can and should be done immediately, as a suspicion arose. The test is simple. It can even hold a teenager. Here are several control positions:

  1. Ask the sick person to smile. An alarm can be immediately beat if the smile comes out twisted. It no longer obeys one side of the body. Because the corner of the lips only goes down. It can not rise already.
  2. Ask to be called , saying full name, patronymic and surname. If the patient says stammering, slowly, not clearly, like a drunk, then need help quickly. And it's urgent.
  3. To suggest simultaneously raising your hands .Stroke will not let it happen. At least one man will not raise both hands to the same height. And that hand, which will be lower, signals that the part of the body belonging to it is struck.
  4. Ask the patient to stick the tongue. If it is curve, asymmetrical, moreover, it sinks to one side, then procrastination is very dangerous: medical aid is urgently needed.

In the photo, the typical first signs of a stroke in women

In the meantime, you need to help yourself.

First aid for the first signs of the disease

In women with hemorrhagic or ischemic stroke, it is important for women to act wisely and without panic.

The first can be provided even by the , who has always had a relationship with medicine as a patient. Nevertheless, in this situation it is necessary to become a doctor before the arrival of specialists.

And now, what to do:

  • to lay the patient;
  • turn head to one side;
  • release( unbutton) the breath-disturbing clothing;
  • on the patient's head - a towel soaked in cold water, even better an ice pack, frozen meat or vegetables frozen in the freezer;
  • and most importantly - in no case do not pull, do not shift the patient to another place.

Treatment procedures

Stroke treatment: very difficult, but there is always a chance.

The chance appears even when before the arrival of the ambulance the patient was seen on time, laid, remained as motionless as possible and with a cold compress on his head.

And if the "attack" of a stroke and before placement in the intensive care unit has passed no more than 6 hours, the chance to get out is increasing.

Then in the intensive care unit a patient with ischemic stroke will receive drugs, dissolving thrombus. If the hemorrhagic stroke is a superficial hemorrhage, you will probably need an emergency surgical intervention of to remove the hematoma.

headache The selected treatment measures should maximize the recovery of those brain functions that have been lost since the impact.

After such emergency measures, treatment will begin. It will not be short-lived. So, in fact, the disease was very dangerous.

Therefore, the patient will start taking different groups of drugs for correction of blood circulation in the vessels of the brain, the first among which will be cinnarizine and fesam. Drugs and injections will be many.

But no less important is the other doctor's prescription - therapeutic gymnastics .Begin it with very dosed movements, passive in paralyzed hands and feet. But even such movements are extremely important, so that the lower and upper limbs are restored. In addition, physical exercises will help to avoid inflammatory diseases in the joints.

As for speech, and in case of stroke its violation occurs in the majority of such cases, special logopedic lessons are needed. And they can be led by one of the members of the family.

Stroke is very common in women of mature and advanced age. Symptoms of stroke in young women require increased attention.

It should be remembered that the disease is always easier to prevent than treat, so it is especially important to conduct timely prevention.

Video: The first signs of a stroke

How to recognize the disease in time and provide first aid. Every 1.5 minutes in Russia, someone has a stroke.

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