
Hysteria in children, women and men: the symptoms of what to do in case of a fit of hysteria

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Hysterical women To understand why hysteria develops in the first place, both in men and women, one can only penetrate into the physiological aspects of the problematics.

Someone who believes that a man can not be a uterus, is greatly mistaken - she is! True, the full body of the male mate - a small cavity in the prostate, opening into the lumen of the urethra, can not be named - for adoption and bearing of the fetus, it is not intended. Nevertheless, the fact is irrefutable.

Actually, what is the difference between male and female genital organs? The fact that in the process of intrauterine sexual differentiation from the same rudiments either cavernous bodies of the penis or labia are formed, the other part becomes either prostate or uterus.

Both these organs are not only muscular, but also glandular. So - hormonal-active, largely determine the overall hormonal background, which creates not only the image, but the whole philosophy of our life in general.

Since the need for food production has long since disappeared, and it is not very desirable to reproduce, most of the human energy has now gone to the psychoemotional sphere - the "production and redistribution" of the energy of emotions( for now - through "disassembly" of domestic, industrial and national).

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A man who used to bring a doe killed on the hunt on his shoulders, now and strives to slip out of this house, spending most of his time in the wilds of the Internet, at a stadium or in a pub, portraying himself as a football fan.

And the woman who ceases to be a reaper and washerwoman refines herself in trying to somehow keep this "slippery, cowardly and lazy male" by herself.

Why is this to her, clean and full? The modern woman - like her primordial forerunner - not only is still full of Modern woman is hysterical fire of primitive unspent sexual power, but also equally embraced by the flame of unbridled desire-desires.

Only this power is still astral-emotional - to do anything in this world of matter without the participation of a man, it is still powerless. But since a man voluntarily put into practice the numerous desires of a woman is not in a hurry, she is from it just very skillfully "mines".

Not by washing( whining), or by rolling( including by rolling on the floor in hysterical fits on the brink of confusion).

And the uterus is "to blame" for this, lost the meaning of life and strayed from the rhythm in the world, which is alien to its nature.

The uterus pulsates with a certain( variable) frequency, in the passionate desire of pregnancy maternity, striving to draw to itself the "little beating" of the male prostate in one rhythm with it and to extract the coveted seed from it. But, not having received the desired, in her righteous anger she distorts the life of a woman so much that she changes her psyche beyond recognition.

Hence the popular name of hysteria in women: rabies of the uterus.


  • But how then to explain the hysteria of a man?
  • "Yeah, that's the neurosis!"
  • What's going on inside the hysterics?
  • Soon, soon will the grave board hide my chest?
  • The input is open, and not only for women
  • Is the hysteria true or imitative?
  • Sedation and "lying", or about the treatment of seizures
    • What to do in case of massive hysteria?
  • How to prevent the development of hysteria

But how then to explain the hysteria of a man?

The same mechanism: the brain and psyche of it, the statute of "raspletat" ingenious "lace" of female passions or to fight in their tent, they let the male "uterus" - prostate.

She protects her owner from female "terror" by "antiterror", powerfully activating the production of "hormones of anger, fear and despair."Outwardly, the process manifests itself as a fit of male rage on the verge of rabies.

Powerless rage, for, what can a modest size of a man's mate against all the might of a massive female? And therefore a man almost always concedes. Or escapes( including dying).

"Yes, that's such a neurosis!"

Contrary to popular belief that hysterical neurosis is simply a form of female bitchiness, a categorical conclusion of medical science should be cited: hysteria is one of the varieties of neurosis, for it has no organic substrate( if it is not, it is not hysteria).It has long been noted: this pathology burdens the natures with excessively impressionable, refined-"airy", "fluttering in the clouds" of dreaminess - and absolutely cut off from sinful earthly life with all its filth and mold.

These "muslin ladies" brought up with plentiful tears and sighs by novels and movies are simply unable to bear the touch of a rough, materially tangibly dense life, the slightest whiff of it simply brings them down - there is absolutely no need to speak about direct coercion and violence.

For it is, for the most part, a person raised under the gaze of a whole series of generations of similarly educated women - mothers and grandmothers - ready to flee for a thermometer or enema at the slightest change in the facial features of the "princess".

nervous breakdown Accustomed to their own, "congenital" weaknesses, "painfulness" and helplessness, living with an eye: on whom to lean( or rather, on whom to hang), people of this kind of warehouse never live their own lives - their head is full of alien, operetta ideas abouthow should ideally be.

And these representations are so strong and resourceful-tenacious that the hysterics becomes a real despot, imposing them on all their surroundings - who dares to offend the fragile "porcelain doll", it's better to give in. The person, growing up, gets used to believe that in another way it simply can not be.

And here this fragile butterfly( and a tenacious leech in one person) brings to life, where it is necessary to somehow act and say something. How to be, if you do not keep your feet?

Yes, just to fall into the arms of the first suitable compassionate representative of the opposite sex - spinning, they say, head!
She really spun, and there is from.

After all these naive dreamers never have any own idea about concrete worldly affairs - the "driving belts" of life, they are worried and frightened even by the prospect of having them. Their credo is "yes, but. ..".And this is said in a weak voice, in which tears are shaking, "but" categorically excludes for them the possibility of doing something on their own.

Having fallen into someone else's heart-warmed embraces, hysterical persons remain so for them in their whole life - they are "too weak" to walk with their feet.

Comfortably settled in a quiet, "windless" place, a fragile butterfly can bring offspring - and after that to her, do not say a word: I'm for you, not feeling sorry for myself, but you. ..!Or something like that. But this comfort is purely external, for in the head of such a cut of personality is a real soda.

What's happening inside the hysterics?

To say that those who suffer from hysteria are absolutely happy and serene, it is impossible at any time. For this constant finding in extremely panic and fears exhausting them personally and all around the intense expectation of some troubles, tragedies and cataclysms of any scale. The psyche of the sufferer( or sufferer) is full of fears and all sorts of obsessive thoughts that can not be avoided anywhere.

The essence of this personality warehouse is eternal panic at the thought of not even about the day of tomorrow - about the day that has already come and is current, in which something can happen. And if( all of a sudden!) Nothing happens - the worse, the drama is better than the vague uncertainty. Under the "drama" can be understood anything - from the missing hairpins to the allegedly allegedly invasion of the Martians.

An attempt to work or serve for those suffering from hysteria ends sadly: an eternal stay "on the sick leave" makes the employee unsuitable for the company and leads to dismissal. Which further strengthens the belief in its utterly exceptional morbidity and absolute helplessness.

Diseases - generally a separate "playing field" for hysterics. The strained expectation of troubles can not but lead to any changes in health, and here it is!- An illness broke out. A thorough analysis and comparison with "what's in the medical reference book" leads instantly to a conclusion about a severe or generally incurable disease.

And if in the family there is really sick or most recently someone has died. .. The only possible conclusion is for the hysterical: of course, I will be next( next).

Diseases. An indispensable and most difficult "brick in the wall" that fences the hysterical personality from the world.

And here about the extreme manifestations of hysteria should be said specifically.

Soon, soon will the grave board hide my breast?

A woman who always wants to be unique and unique, but has a terrible inner insecurity in this world of rough matter, tries to attract the attention of a male proxy with the help of hysterical behavior in the form of theatricality and strangeness, too loud laughter, ridiculous haircuts and hair color,about himself different fables and other ostentatious tricks.

But when these techniques do not work, the last trump card in the form of a hysterical fit starts to play.

Istrian seizure in a child All her kind of woman yells: here I am, and I desperately need help! !!She yells in the literal sense of the word, piercingly loud.

Screams so that the face turns purple and the veins on the head inflate, and the mouth musses, the body makes the wildest and most unbridled movements that are beyond the will of the mistress of the house: it falls to the floor, rolls on it, arching, banging with the feet and hands, scratching the faceand pulls out her hair.

For the mind of the mistress of the body is darkened - it is not here now, but in the twilight zone, and only the pain or a bucket of ice water that has covered the body can recover it from there.

Hysteria in women is most often accompanied by an imitation of CNS disorders, the symptoms of which are manifested:

  • by neurogenic blindness, deafness, vomiting, suffocation( imitating an asthmatic attack);
  • pains in the heart( like angina pectoris);
  • with pseudo-parallels and pseudo-cuts.
All exactly "pseudo", for with the end of the seizure the functions of the body are completely restored. But the memories of the recent events with the body and consciousness are not preserved.

Hysterical seizures can suffer not only lonely, sexually unrequited women, but also quite legitimate husband's wife.

Physiological( caused by an excess of estrogens in the blood) cause for a seizure may be:

  • prolonged sexual abstinence;
  • a certain phase of the menstrual cycle;
  • pregnancy;
  • menopause;
  • chronic alcoholic or narcotic intoxication;
  • overexertion of the brain and body that is idle from idleness;
  • "smacked" the excess coffee or the consequences of a very specific cranial injury;
  • stresses both in the family and in the service.

The problems are not yesterday's, but accumulated over the years. And finally, they found a way out in such desperately uncontrolled, often - public behavior, which brings enormous relief.

Relief that will soon require recurrence. So, the continuation "in the next series" is coming. Either depression or even a suicidal attempt to realize that it is committed( for not all religions and cultures allow such "unbridled" behavior).And the movements of a body that is uncontrolled by the mind can lead to its death, just as in a seizure epileptic.

This is the answer to the question: what is dangerous for hysteria specifically for the body( for the manipulation of the consciousness of family members in this case is obvious and does not need comments).

In addition, there is a direct threat to the psyche of a patient with hysteria - he is increasingly immersed in the marsh of self-pity and the search for new diseases and symptoms, condemning himself to ever more desperate loneliness among the condemned and related to him with irritation and anger who loved him earlierof people.

The entrance is open, and not only for women

To hysterics, as a method of almost instantaneous disposal of accumulated mental ballast unconsciously resort not only to Men women, but also men and children.

But if the hysterics of the child has one meaning: notice me, finally, me - and love the way it is, - then it is different for men and leave me alone!

Both categories can react to mental pressure by sleep and appetite disorders, headaches and loss of strength.

A very small child often wakes up at night with hysterics, with tears falls to the floor, knocking with his feet and hands, banging his head against the floor.

But in men, hysteria also has the following symptoms:

  • sexual weakness or impotence;
  • pseudo-cardiac and pseudo-gastric pain;
  • causeless suffocation and suppression;
  • blushing( redness) of the face with sweat on the skin;
  • trembling in the hands, tics and other neurotic manifestations of stress.

Eloquently speaking: you "got me"!"Pseudo" means that all the changes taking place in the body pass without a trace, together with the disappearance of the grounds for psychological stress. Is the true or imitative hysteria?

Hysteroepilepsy Iteroepilepsy, or the debut of epileptic illness with hysterical fits, is referred to as imitative hysteria in a different way, and often in children with epilepsy is qualified as a neurosis of childhood, making it difficult to diagnose and delaying treatment of the true cause of hysterical reactions.

There are frequent hysterical manifestations with imitation of seizures and in true true epilepsy occurring in adults.

What is the difference between a fit of hysterical and epileptic?


  • absence in a hysterical fit typical for an epileptic clearly marked clonic and tonic stage;
  • emphatically expressed unconscious posing with pretentious movements and facial expressions( with a special agitation in crowded places) and maintaining the reaction of pain and pupil during hysteria;
  • often remains after a hysterical fit neurological "trail" in the form of spastic and flaccid paralysis, paresis, contractures, aphonia, manifestations of astasia-abasia, as well as anuria( or polyuria), belching, hiccoughs, tachycardia, which is uncharacteristic of epileptic seizures;
  • completion of an epileptic fit with sleep or body-motor excitement, oligophasia( absent in a fit of hysteria).

However, "to unravel the tangled scythe" from a combination of epileptic and hysterical symptoms is extremely difficult. And then instrumental diagnostics in the form of EEG comes to the aid, allowing to detect both the unusual hysteria change in electrical activity, and the epileptogenic foci themselves.

Sedation and "lying", or the treatment of seizures

Treatment of hysteria and hysterical neurosis should be comprehensive and include the use of psychotropic drugs, psychotherapy, restorative drugs, methods of physical therapy;useful courses are spa treatment.

In the development of neurotic statuses, especially accompanied by affective( including depressive) disorders not controlled by outpatient treatment, "lying" is shown - hospitalization in the psychiatric hospital for "quiet neurotics".Seduxen

The arsenal of drug therapy for hysteria includes the use of tranquilizers, the best effect of which is the dosed, per hour use per os:

  • Diazepam-Seduxen, Oxazepam-Tazepam, Chlordiazepoxide-Elenium from 10 to 30 mg / day;
  • Phenazepam from 1 to 3 mg / day;
  • Meprothan - Meprobamate from 200 to 800 mg / day.

What to do with massive hysteria?

With persistent obsessions, massive hysterical disorders, intramuscular is justified, and in case of inpatient care - intravenous drip of tranquilizers( diazepam, Chlordiazepoxide) or connection to the therapy of small doses of neuroleptics:

  • Eta perazin from 4 to 12 mg / day;
  • Chlorprothiksen from 15 to 50 mg / day;
  • Thioridazine - Melleril 10 to 50 mg / day;
  • Neuleptil - Preperiizin from 10 to 20 mg / day.

Or the use of drugs with a prolonged period of action - Fluorphenazine-decanoate( Modityena-depot) from 12.5 to 25 mg 1 time / 2 weeks.

Chlorprotixen Patients with predominant manifestations of asthenia are effectively treated with a combination of tranquilizer-Piracetam( Nootropil) or a tranquilizer-Aminalon.

The severity of affective( depressive) disorders requires a combination of tranquilizer-antidepressant( Amitriptyline with Chlordiazepoxide and the like).

Cases with persistent sleep disorders are stopped by nitrazepam( Eunotin, Radedorm) from 5 to 15 mg, by phenazepam from 0.5 to 1.5 mg, by Teralen from 5 to 10 mg, by Chlorprotixen by 15 mg.

What to do if a child has 2-3 years of hysteria - advice of a psychologist:

Doctor Komarovsky has his own view on children's hysteria:

How to prevent the development of hysteria

First of all, it is necessary to shift the vital accents from the painfully inflated excess of the patient's ego to others notless important aspects of existence. It is necessary that the child being brought up is as open to the world as possible and found its rightful place in it, rather than languishing in unsettled solitude in an unattainable height for its ability to jump to the "pedestal".How to raise a child

Any suggestion of exclusivity, morbidity, helplessness should be excluded from verbal treatment and the customs and traditions of the family. It should be taken into account that the process is not fast, often requiring re-education of several generations of the parents themselves.

When preparing a child for independent life, it is necessary to solve the problem of rational professional orientation with the possibility of excluding occupational hazards in the form of additional personality neuroticization in the workplace.

It is necessary to do everything so that the person could believe that she is capable of living without the care of parents and patrons.

And for this it needs to be as unobtrusive as possible early, but it is imperative to make several first independent steps. For any road begins with getting up on your own feet. And, as Tsiolkovsky once said aptly, "you can not always live in a cradle".

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