Diseases Of The Pancreas
Diseases Of The Pancreas

Mummy with pancreatitis

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Mumiye is a well-known natural remedy that has proved itself in the treatment of many diseases by folk methods. It should be considered whether the mummy is useful in pancreatitis, and what are its useful properties.


The substance can be obtained by the primary and secondary route. The primary way is called the way of formation, in which it is washed out of rocks and collected in rocky areas. The secondary mummy can be with small admixtures of bone tissue of animals, as well as with insects.

Color of the rock can be silver, copper, dark and golden. The most common substance with a dark and copper color. It is this kind of mummy that shows healing properties in pancreatic disease.

To determine the quality, it is compressed in the hand with a little effort. It should be soft, pasty, easy to shrink.

Action on the body

  • Mumiye affects the production of hormones in the glands of internal and external secretion. Therefore, it is often taken with pancreatitis to normalize the pancreas.
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  • Another action on the endocrine system is the prevention of diabetes by activating the normal release of insulin into the blood.
  • It is useful for the gastrointestinal tract, which is important in pancreatitis. The substance promotes better fecal movement through the intestines, improves its peristalsis and reduces the processes of fermentation, which cause flatulence, spasms and swelling.
  • General influence on the blood and immune system. Blood becomes more diluted in those who suffer from the formation of blood clots or high blood coagulability, high rate of erythrocyte sedimentation.

Action in pancreatitis

This natural biostimulant promotes the activation of metabolic processes in the affected tissues of the pancreas, which leads to an increase in the release of pancreatic juice. In this case, secretory deficiency is compensated to the full.

For treatment, the Central Asian mummy is more often used. It also has an anticoagulant effect. When the disease in the gland begins inflammation and tissue shrinkage, which lead to fibrosis and densities. The use of the mummy eliminates compaction, fibrosis, restores the affected areas of the tissue, which contributes to the improvement of secretory activity.

Chemical composition

  • The composition includes elements such as aluminum, cobalt, magnesium, calcium, silicon, potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc. In addition, the mummy contains organic acids, amino acids and vitamins:
  • Glutamic and aspartic;
  • Valine;
  • Threonine;
  • Arginine;
  • Methionine;
  • Phospholipids;
  • Glycerin;
  • Flavanoids;
  • Carotenoids;
  • Chlorophyll;
  • Lysine;
  • Histidine;
  • Vitamin E.

How to take

Taking mummies is not a panacea for pancreatitis, but it can complement the traditional treatment regimen that has been chosen by the gastroenterologist. You can start reception only after consulting with your doctor, so that there is no incompatibility between the components of mummies and drugs from pancreatitis.

Mumiye is released in tablets, each weighing 0.2 grams. You need to use it twice a day on a pill. The minimum duration of treatment is three weeks. The break also lasts three weeks before the start of the new course. For full-fledged therapy, you need at least two courses in a row.

Before using, it is necessary to carry out an allergy test. Half the tablets are drunk during the day and watch the body react until evening. If there is no nausea, vomiting, skin rashes or fever, allergy to mummy components is absent.

In addition, the mummy can be produced in small bags, from which solutions and lotions are prepared. Children under one year are given 0.01 g of mummy, up to five years of 0.05 g.

It should be noted that the mummy is incompatible with alcohol and the body's response to such a combination can be unpredictable, therefore, during the treatment should be abandoned drinks containing alcohol.

Additional recipes

The substance is taken not only in its pure form. It can be mixed with honey or aloe - such formulations are also known in folk medicine.

For mixing with aloe it will be necessary to juice the plants.

  • For thirty grams of juice add one gram of the drug.
  • Take a mixture one teaspoon twice a day, preferably after a meal to reduce the load on the gastric walls.

To prepare the mixture with honey, take 200 mg of mummy and 50 ml of water. After carefully mixing the mixture, add a tablespoon of honey, preferably liquid, and again thoroughly mix. Honey will supplement the composition of the substance with its vitamins and enzymes, enhancing the beneficial effects on the gland and immunity.


The substance has no contraindications, but it is not a panacea - its use can be regarded only as an additional therapy, which should be discussed with the attending physician in advance. The therapeutic effect is achieved only if the diet and recommendations of the gastroenterologist are observed.

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