Mental And Psychological Disorders

Emotional lability - a violation of the nervous system with sudden mood swings

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Emotional lability What is emotional lability? This term in psychology refers to the instability of a person's mood, to a sharp change in him without significant and visible reasons.

The appearance of emotion is associated with the work of the brain. In fact, the "birth" of emotion is preceded by a certain "desired" motivation. Prior to achieving this motivation, until the desired result is achieved, the emotion will be considered negative. Once the result is achieved - the emotion is positive.

In a state of emotional lability, these states go from one to the other chaotically, a negative emotion can occur when the desired is achieved, the reaction is lightning fast and, in most cases, inadequate.

One of the main features of this pathological condition is a rapid inadequate response to what is happening. So with success, a person can burst into sobs, and in case of an accident, laugh to tears. Therefore, psychologists refer this state to pathology.

Experts associate the lability of the psyche with the weakening of the nervous system, in particular with the weakening of the control work of the brain. Lability can occur both in the adult state and appear in children.

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Affective lability is a kind of emotional sub-species. It implies an outburst of affect( anger, crying, desperation, roar, resentment).The outbreak is sharp and significantly different from the normal "average" reaction of a person to what is happening.

The reason for the affect may be the most insignificant situation. Perhaps the emergence of a whole range of emotions in one developed situation in a short time. The person as if "throws" from one state to another, from laughter to hysterics, and back.

Reasons for the emotional lability of

There are many precursors to the emergence of emotional lability, but there are several main reasons:

  • chronic long-lasting emotional disorders and nervous system stress;Stress
  • stresses ;
  • attention deficit from the native people and others, or vice versa, an overabundance of attention and lack of psychological boundaries;
  • trauma( psychological) , transferred in a child's condition and unremembered, or received already in adulthood;
  • hormonal imbalance : a vivid example of lability, which is periodic in nature, can be called PMS in women, here all the symptoms are "on face", but if the hormonal changes are permanent, then emotional lability is chronic.

Emotional weakness and instability may be one of the symptoms of illness:

  • severe brain diseases : malignant tumors, atherosclerosis, trauma;
  • anorexia is a scourge of modern times, a person suffers from a complete lack of appetite, and also a background manifestation of emotional lability;
  • dementia - dementia, lability is the main symptom;
  • diabetes insipidus , a disease "gaining momentum", is characterized by a lack of the hormone vasopressin, there is a violation of water metabolism in the body, a person constantly feels thirsty, becomes irritable;
  • postpartum depression - emotional lability in this particular case is associated with the restructuring of hormones in the body after childbirth.

Most often, such deviations in behavior with time pass, but if they are chronic, then there is a need to consult a therapist.

Schizophrenia also causes disturbances in thinking processes, in emotional reactions, in perception of the surrounding world and itself. Emotional lability becomes a harbinger, a signal to action and an appeal to a specialist. It is schizophrenia according to statistics included in the rating of the world's leading diseases that lead to disability.

More recently, this kind of human behavior was considered his "blissful state."The man admitted to being crazy. But the lability of the nervous system is a disease that has its own symptoms, causes, and a certain method of treatment.

In addition, a nerve disorder of this kind can be a symptom of severe diseases and disorders in the brain. The diagnosis can be made only during the examination of a number of doctors: therapist, psychotherapist, neurologist.

As it is expressed in the life of

There are a number of bright signs on which it is possible to recognize the emergence and "origin" of emotional lability:

  1. The first sign is inability to cope with the difficulties of , even the most insignificant ones. A person in advance, not even Failure in emotions, trying to do something, falls into melancholy, despondency.
  2. Outbreaks of affects - explosions of hysterics, ora, crying, laughter, anger, resentment. .. all in hypertrophied form and suddenly.
  3. The man between the affects flashes is sluggish, apathetic .
  4. The whiny state of comes in most cases after "emotional explosions".
  5. "Kind heartedness" - a person reacts very sharply to any situation, especially for a situation for some reason it is negative for him.
  6. An acute reaction to criticism of , especially if the criticism is negative. A person suffering from pathology, can not be loyal, calm and adequately perceive information about himself.
  7. Behavior assessment, behavior assessment, skill assessment, life assessment of both personal and public is the cause of aggression or tantrums of .
  8. There is no constructive thinking, logically constructed actions of .All life is built on a chaotic reaction to what is happening: flash of affect, periods of melancholy and despondency.
  9. May accompany internal disease .

Based on the above symptoms, you can imagine yourself what the labile person looks like. Type with a clear quick and bright-expressed facial expressions, constant sharp movements in space, quickly reacting to any external signals( sharp sound, cotton, ray of light).

Causes and symptoms of children's emotional instability

The peculiarity of children's lability is a complex diagnosis. Mental frustration is simply confused with poor upbringing: banal capriciousness and spoiled.

There are a number of reasons that accompany the emergence and clear formation of emotional lability in children:

  • parenting: too strict or, conversely, lack of attention from close people, or spoiled;
  • development of the disease, in this case, emotional instability in behavior is only a sign.

Overly strict education leads to the state of the child, in which he is in constant tension, is emotionally dependent on the world around him and reacts very sharply to any changes.

Hysterical child Lack of attention generates hysterical children. Labile child, demanding attention to himself, resorts only to methods that are understandable to him - tears and hysterics. Not achieving their goals or seeking, tears for the baby are the only way to communicate with adults and peers.

Spoof spawns a person who is "just hard to please."A person who brings this trait into his adult life will never be satisfied with his life, he will always and always be few. It will seem to him that they deprive him of something, something they do not. And this is a constant stress, leading to emotional lability.

It is extremely difficult to diagnose children suffering from this pathology: exhausted parents who most often resort to strict educational measures, and children often simply do not understand what is happening.

At home, sitting on the couch and discussing a child with grandparents or neighbors, a diagnosis can not be made. Therefore, you need to contact a specialist. In this case, a qualified treatment by a neurologist, a psychotherapist, and support of parents is required.

Diagnosis and therapy

Only the specialist can diagnose lability. Initially, even with the first signs appearing, relatives and close people should turn to the therapist. On the basis of the examination, the person is then referred to a psychotherapist and a neurologist.

It can not be said that the diagnosis of emotional lability is done by a single doctor. This is the totality of the work of doctors.

But apart from external examinations, the patient must pass a number of tests without fail. To exclude or confirm the presence of other serious diseases, in which such a mental state is only a symptom. In case pathology is only a symptom of a more serious disease, the main treatment is directed to this very disease. With the recovery disappears and lability.

Treatment or correction of the lability of the nervous system should only take place under the supervision of a specialist. If necessary, be sure to send the patient to the clinic. Methods of treatment and correction are effective and can lead a person to a normal state, but the course for each patient is selected individually, the symptomatology and the root cause of the appearance of pathology are necessarily taken into account.

The treatment of emotional lability in adults and children is somewhat different:

  1. The treatment of of an adult human begins with a comprehensive examination and identification of the underlying cause of the onset of emotional psychotherapy instability. Based on the results obtained, drug treatment and a course of therapy are selected from the therapist. Most often, the correction is directed at the root cause. As an additional therapy prescribed a course of vitamins and antidepressants, which stabilize the psyche.
  2. Regarding the of children, neither correction nor treatment can be within the framework of any standards. Only individual treatment. And what is important, the condition of the child is constantly analyzed, doctors and parents "keep a hand on the pulse."Medicinal therapy is based solely on the plant base: sedatives, depressants on herbs, teas. Support from parents is important. They must teach the child, show him how to live and cope with attacks of affect and lability. They must teach their child not to be scared of themselves in a state of mental imbalance, but to accept themselves and help themselves in times of outbreaks. This is hard work, both for children and for parents, but it will help the child to live in the surrounding world.

Emotional lability is a disease, not a person's "whimsy" or his character traits. Condoning will lead to sad consequences, to diseases and the inability to exist.

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