
Massage with arthrosis of the knee and other joints: techniques and video

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massage of the knee joint Few know, but most of the diseases that are associated with the functioning of the musculoskeletal system are quite dangerous, since they can be accompanied by various related diseases that negatively affect the general condition of the body.

The common disease of arthrosis of the knee joint is not an exception, the treatment of which is based on general therapy and application of special massage techniques.

  • Contents of the article
    • Summary of arthrosis of the knee
    • Objectives of massage for arthrosis
    • Methods and techniques
    • How massage procedures are performed
    • Nuances and tips
    • Massage for arthrosis of other joints

    Briefly about knee arthrosis

    Arthrosis of the knee is a pathology that causes external and internal deformationcartilage of the joint. Such a disease is characterized by an increase in the pain threshold and the chronic character of the course. Arthrosis can lead to a complete loss of sensitivity and deprivation of the ability to move the limb.

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    There are several reasons for the development of pathology, and the most common ones are overweight and sedentary lifestyle.

    It is important to know: as practice shows, arthrosis of the knee joint develops more often in women than in men. This regularity is connected with generic activity.

    Objectives of massage for arthrosis

    Massage for arthrosis of the knee joint is carried out for such purposes:

    • reduction of pain threshold;
    • reduction of inflammatory processes;
    • resumption of sensitivity;
    • improvement in muscle tone and removal of strain from the knees, which can occur with chronic arthrosis;
    • recovery of normal amplitude during motion;
    • is also one of the main goals of massage is to improve blood circulation;
    • general improvement and strengthening of the body in the treatment of this disease, as the reception of various painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs that can adversely affect the general health condition is often prescribed;
    • prevention, as well as reduction of dystrophic and diffuse changes.

    arthrosis of the knees

    Techniques and techniques

    There are several popular popular techniques and techniques of therapeutic massage that are used to treat arthrosis:

    1. Back massage .This technique is used if the pain threshold is increased, as well as simple massaging can improve blood circulation, thereby reducing swelling in the affected area. Massaging runs from the sacral region to the beginning of the shoulder blades and back, and during the procedure itself, only smooth and soft movements are performed.
    2. Massage of a healthy limb .Like the hands, the legs are the twin limbs, and so the impact on one of them will affect the second one. Well, due to the fact that with arthrosis of the knee joint on the injured leg, the pain threshold is raised and massages can not be performed, then a healthy leg is massaged. The procedure begins with the knee, gradually moving to the back of the thigh. Also it should be remembered that if the patient does not experience discomfort on an unhealthy leg, then the massage therapist can hold a similar massage there.
    It is important to know: in general, massage with the development of knee arthrosis is carried out exclusively on the appropriate reflex zones.

    How are massage procedures performed

    For arthrosis, the procedure of therapeutic and health massage of the knees in several stages:

    1. Preparing for the procedure. The patient comes to the physiotherapy room and lies down on the couch( if, he will be given an massage with arthrosis back massage) or sits on a chair( if he is massaged with a leg).The masseur rubs the massaged area and proceeds to the procedure.
    2. Beginning of the procedure. Depending on which area is massaged and which one should get the desired effect, the massage therapist uses the following techniques: rubbing strokes - used to improve blood circulation in muscles;pressing and kneading movements - have a toning effect on the muscles;tapping movements and vibrations - have a toning effect on deep muscle mass.

    Before the beginning of the procedure, the skin is warmed up by vigorous movements, but in no case should you touch the lymph nodes.

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    It should also be remembered that if during the massage the patient feels uncomfortable and unpleasant sensation, then the procedure should be suspended and additional tests should be performed that will show whether it is possible to carry out this or that therapeutic procedure.

    Massage of Tien Anmo with arthrosis of the knee joint - video technique:

    Nuances and tips

    As a rule, one massage lasts no more than 20 minutes, and the general course of therapeutic massage is from 20 to 25 sessions( depending on the degree of the disease).If the disease has become chronic and the knee joint becomes inflamed from time to time, a so-called gentle massage is performed, which consists of 5 sessions and is done only after removal of the primary inflammation.

    massaging of knee joints During an acute inflammatory period, massage is prescribed as a complex procedure, together with mineral or mud baths. In addition, massage is always combined with therapeutic gymnastics, which consists of elementary physical exercises and stretching.

    During the whole treatment process, spinal congestion( lifting of heaviness, intensive physical exercises and the like) is forbidden since this can negatively affect the general condition of the patient and reduce the result from the massage.

    In my spare time it is recommended to give the body a rest and do short curative gymnastics, as well as a self-massage, which a masseur can teach the patient. It consists of the usual strokes and rubbing, which improve blood circulation and bring the muscles into the necessary tone.

    Massage for arthrosis of other joints

    Massage is effective for arthrosis of other joints:

    1. Shoulder joint massage for arthrosis is carried out in the sitting position( with the forearm should be slightly padded so that the masseur was more comfortable).If, the patient has excessive unpleasant sensations in this area, to facilitate the procedure, the masseur can fully bring his hand back until the moment the brush touches the waist.
    2. Osteoarthritis of the hip joint ( coxarthrosis) is characterized by inflammatory processes and excess pain threshold. In order to remove these symptoms, various methods of treatment are used, including massage, which is carried out as follows: the patient lies on his back and the massage therapist relaxes the stroking movements of the muscle, and then proceeds to the main part of the massage, which consists of vibrating and rubbing motions. Massage for shin arthrosis
    3. Massage for arthrosis of the shin has a number of features. It is spent on an empty stomach and only after the end of the session you can eat a piece of chocolate, and after a few hours to have a full dinner. The massage is done under warm water( 36 degrees Celsius).The hands of the masseur must also be slightly warmer than room temperature( about 18 degrees Celsius).This is necessary to enhance metabolic processes and improve blood circulation. Massage is performed slowly, without unnecessary movements and vibrations, as the damaged area is massaged and one incorrect movement can cause severe pain and subsequent discomfort.

    During the massaging of the shin, all movements should be not only very neat, but also directed to the popliteal fossa, thereby activating the metabolic processes. The session ends with soothing and stroking movements.

    It is also recommended after the end of the procedure to do a therapeutic gymnastics, as this will help to consolidate the effect. Gymnastics consists of elementary physical exercises and little stretching.

    So, massage with arthrosis is a necessary measure of treatment, which is aimed at reducing the pain threshold and removing the tumor. Also, massage improves blood circulation and leads to muscle tone, which has a beneficial effect on the overall recovery time.

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