
The causes of the appearance of white stool in adults and children

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Normally, the feces of a healthy person are formed and have a brown color that gives them the bile pigment bilirubin. Discoloration of feces indicates a malfunction in the functioning of the digestive system, which requires careful examination and, if necessary, treatment.

Contents of

  • 1 Reasons for the appearance of white stool in adults
    • 1.1 What disease is white feces?
  • 2 White-yellow feces
  • 3 White mucus in the feces
  • 4 Causes of white feces in the child
    • 4.1 What symptoms should I worry about?

The causes of the appearance of white feces in adults

With the full functioning of the digestive system from the gall bladder to the duodenum comes bile, which is involved in the process of digestion of food and the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates to conditions easily assimilated by the body.

Very light color of stool or completely white stool indicates that bile has not entered the duodenum, or the content of substances necessary for digestion is not enough.

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The causes of the appearance of white stool in adults

The main causes of feces discoloration are the following conditions:

  1. The presence of stones and sand in the ducts of the gallbladder, as a result of which bile does not enter the duodenum or its amount is insufficient;
  2. Diseases of the liver or gallbladder that interfere with the production of bile;
  3. Patient use of any medications that affect the concentration of bilirubin in bile or reduce its production;
  4. Infringement of intestinal microflora, as a result of which bilirubin does not have time to affect the fecal masses and give them a brown color.

What is the disease of white feces?

The above factors are almost always one of the signs of liver or gallbladder disease, which is why white feces are prominent. These pathologies include:

  • Malignant neoplasms in the gallbladder, which prevent the normal separation of bile and provoke its stasis;
  • Acute inflammatory process in the gallbladder;
  • Hepatitis of all forms;
  • Cholangitis;
  • Presence of stones in the ducts of the gallbladder;
  • Congenital or acquired bend of the gallbladder.

White-yellow feces

White yellow feces, photo Clarification of stool in humans is not always associated with diseases of the digestive system, this may be due to inaccuracies in nutrition and the abuse of high-fat foods.

In case the change in the color of stool does not give a person unpleasant sensations and pains, then you should reconsider your diet. Observance of the diet for several days improves the color and consistency of stool.

If the white-yellow stool continues to go on - you need to seek advice from a specialist.

White-yellow feces may appear on the background of taking medications( antibiotics, antimycotic agents, birth control pills), which doctors inform patients before treatment.

White mucus in the feces of

Epithelium lining the intestinal wall is constantly produced by mucus, which helps the calves move smoothly to the exit and protects the intestinal mucosa from the irritating action of the digestive enzymes.

In the stool of a healthy person, there is an insignificant amount of mucus, which is almost invisible. An increase in the amount of white mucus in the stool can be a symptom of inaccuracies in the diet. This leads to the prevalence in the diet of bananas, sour-milk products, watermelons, melons.

Hyperproduction of mucus by the walls of the intestine arises against the balance of useful and pathological microorganisms, which is caused by the following diseases:

  • Food poisoning;
  • Individual lactose intolerance;
  • Celiac disease;
  • Polyposis of the intestine;
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome;
  • Colitis;
  • Proctitis or paraproctitis;
  • Food allergy;
  • Malignant or benign neoplasm in the intestine;
  • Diverticulitis.

One of the reasons for the appearance of white mucus in stool is the genetic disease of cystic fibrosis. With this pathology, the person from the first days of life produces an increased amount of mucus( not only in the airways, but also in the intestine).

Liquid white stool

Liquid white stools or a too pale shade of feces is observed when eating a large amount of cottage cheese, fatty cream, sour cream, whole milk. To normalize stool, the patient is recommended to revise his diet and limit fat intake.

Causes of white feces in a child

The causes of white feces in a child

White feces in a young child indicate an improper digestion of food, unbalanced diet or the presence of digestive tract diseases in the body. Common causes of white feces in young children are:

  1. Viral hepatitis;
  2. Predominance in the diet of dairy products( applies to children after 1 year, who already eat from the general table);
  3. Discovery of the gallbladder.
White feces in a child, photo

White feces in the child, photo

White lumps in the feces of the baby are due to the immature digestive system of the baby. In the absence of clinical symptoms of the disease( anxiety, crying, bloating, high fever, profuse regurgitation and vomiting), there is no cause for concern. As soon as the child grows up and its digestive system gets stronger, the chair will be adjusted.

Appearance of a loose stool with white grains( lumps) and an impurity of foam is found most often in children who are on artificial feeding with milk mixtures and testifies to lactase deficiency. In this case, the mother of the child turns to the pediatrician. The doctor will help you choose a special adapted formula, which does not include lactose.

What symptoms should I worry about?

The cause for concern is the appearance on the background of discoloration of the feces of the following clinical symptoms:

  • Vomiting, nausea;
  • Staining of urine in dark brown color;Unpleasant odor from the mouth;
  • Abdominal pain, spasms;
  • body temperature over 38 degrees;
  • Increasing weakness;
  • Pain in the anus;
  • False urge to stool, chronic constipation;
  • Pain during bowel movement and an admixture of scarlet blood in feces.

To which doctor should I apply?

If white feces appear, consult a gastroenterologist.

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